Okay i got this idea when i was writing my vocab words down so it's going to be about my vocab words just in a Niggy way p.s i LOVE niggy!

Nudge's p.o.v

Hmmm i'm home alone... what a surprise(note the sarcasm). Its really not because ever since Fang came back and Iggy and Ella got together after Iggy got his eyesight back I've been home alone... A LOT. Yeah i'm not a big fan of Iggy and Ella's relationship, i mean come on at least i have wings! But no i will always be just a little sister to Iggy no matter how hard i try or what type of clothes i wear. Ugh whatever i'm just going to do my vocab and get it over with. I use to like school but now since we've been in it for a whole year and 7th grade has VERY hard words to comprehend(yeah it took me forever to learn and spell that word!) I now HATE school!

"Anybody hommmmeeee" and that would be Iggy but of course i didn't answer i just waited for him to come in the living room and see me on the ground with index cards and paper all around me. "NUDGE!" he always gets excited when he sees me but of coures he doesn't like me the way i like him* sigh*

"Hey Iggy" i think he heard the depression in my voice but chose to ignore it

"Whatcha doinnnnn?"


"Need help" his eyes lit up with hope as he sat down beside me

"Ummm don't you have a date with Ella tonight?" was he really blowing off Ella for me, were my dreams coming true? or was this some joke life keeps playing with me?

"oh... yeah" his voice died down but his eyes sparkled like they always did when he got an idea "I ccould just cancel" and his hand reached for his phone already dialing her number.

"No no no no you go ahead have fun, i'll just go over to Lucy's and play with her and Angel when i get done" CANCEL CANCEL CANCEL!

"Hey Ell's listen Nudge needs help with her homework so i'll have to miss out on dinner tonight" he winked at me and of course made my heart skip a beat.

"I'm sorry babe*YUCK* but she really needs help and these words look really hard*lie he hasn't even looked at them* so just go over to Jj's ok?... I'm sorry babe but you know how hard 7th grade is... Love you bye" and he hung up "okay now lets start with the vocab huh?"

"Iggy you are sooo weird"

"I know i know but you have to love me, now whats the first word?"

"Corroborate" i replied as writing the word down on my index card "It's a verb so it goes on a yellow card" me and my OCD... yeah thats what living in subways stations can do to you.

"Corrobro what?"

"Corroborate, it means to confirm or to back up with evidence" he looked at me as if i was speaking Alien language... oh boy this is going to be hard "Okay so it's like... Okay what if you told Gazzy that you could blow up a bird house better than him and he wanted proof", "You would have to show him and if you did blow up the bird house better than him-

"Which i would" he interrupted

"Yes you would. Anyway you corroborated it or back up your words with evidence"

"Okay i get it next word"

"Ummm- A-uh..." i always loved this word it, was Amorous and it means feeling love, especially in sexual tense, i never did this before but i had a lot of imformation on the word itself. "It's Amorous" I said writing the word down on a purple index card "It's a Adjective so it goes on the purple index card"(An: I really color code my figures of speech hehe)

"Let's save that definition for last" ummm he already knew the definition so why was he making me save it...

"Okay?" it was more of an question than an answer

"You'll understand when we get to it" was all he said in return

"Okay then." "Next is Decorous"

"Decore what?" oh boy here we go again..

Lol okay i really like this fiction and i think i got Iggy's reading and comprehending level right and i always thought of Nudge being really smart for her age considering she can hack into the governmental system. soo tell me what you think and Iggy is devloping feelings for nudge if you haven't notice*hint* hint* The word amorous*hint* *hint