i just noticed that i first published this story a year and a week ago :O timne flies when you write a good story. i feel so sad that it's ending...BUT at least thatll mean another story to write :) idk when ill start Rules Of Attraction but itll show up at some point. thanks SO MUCH to everyone who reviewed last chapter and everyone who reviewed over the year and a week this story lasted. its impossible to look through 600+ reviews and inlcude all of your names but just know that i thank you so so much. youre all the reason why i never stopped writing


September 24

It's only been the first week of college and Annabeth already has a ton of homework. Even if it's only a Friday, her professors weren't hesitant to assign a fifteen-page essay, a six-page packet of calculus, a five-page history report, and a lab report. While her other classmates simply complain about the workload and procrastinate, she's already halfway done.

Thank the gods my parents are both professors, she thinks to herself.

Just as she finishes the last problem in the calculus packet, her cell phone rings. She picks it up while finishing the problem.


"Hi, this is Erica from the Psychiatric Center. Matthew and Bobby were just asking if you'll visit them before dinner."

Glancing at her alarm clock, she checked the time. 3:24 PM. She can visit her brothers for a couple of hours, return back to her dorm and still finish most of her homework.

'Tell them I'll be there soon."

While Erica was leading Annabeth to Matthew and bobby's room, she told Annabeth about their behavior.

"Both of them are polite when necessary, but they're still a bit too rambunctious," she informed her. "They're still having trouble concentrating in class, especially in math. So, I hired a tutor for them."

They walk in front of room 249 and Erica knocks on the door.

"Come in!" someone yells.

Erica opens the door and Annabeth follows her inside. Bobby and Mathew are sitting in front of a guy whose back was to Annabeth. But she already knows who it is.

"Annabeth!" Bobby exclaims, dropping his pencil and running towards her. Matthew copies him and starts running. Annabeth stretches out her arms and embraces her brothers while watching the guy stand up and turn around. She caught her breath when she saw the wavy black hair, tan skin, and eyes the color of the sparkling Atlantic Ocean.

"Percy," she says softly, mostly saying it to herself, as if she's still trying to convince herself that he's really right in front of her. He gives her a smile, a small and nervous one, but a smile nevertheless. It was hard for her not to hear the loud, thumping beat of her racing heart.

"Annabeth," he says to her, studying her with his eyes, wondering what else to say.

"We'll leave you two alone," Matthew speaks up, already walking towards the door and Bobby follows him. Once they're out the door, both of their cheeks are flushing bright pink. Annabeth clears her throat and tries to stop her blushing.

It's almost been a year since I last saw her and she hasn't changed a bit, Percy thinks to himself. Yes, he's seen several tan, curly-haired blondes back in Los Angeles, but none of them had her beautiful grey eyes, the same honey colored hair, her smart brain, her infectious laugh. No one in the world could ever be like her and there will never be anyone as special as her.

She walks up to him, close enough that he can smell her lemon shampoo and a subtle smell of perfume. He resists the urge to hold her, to kiss her. If she still loves me, she'll kiss me first, he thinks. She leans in closer, her mouth just inches away from his…

She pulls back at the last second and the next thing he knows, her fist greets his face. Caught by surprise, the impact sends him staggering backwards. It didn't hurt much, but he still caresses his cheek.

"Ow! What in Hades was that for?" he exclaims.

"Sorry," she answers, looking genuinely guilty. "I just had to get that out."

"Don't tell me you still remember?"

"No, I completely forgot about the only guy I thought who understood and really cared about and how he just left, saying that our entire relationship was a lie," she says sarcastically, now frowning and crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'll admit that was a stupid question. But you need to know that I didn't mean it," he tries to tell her, but she just groans in frustration.

"I don't get it. First, you told me that our relationship was a lie. Now you're telling me that was a lie too?"

"Alright, since there's no point in trying to explain myself with reasons, let me just say it. Yes, I did try to get closer to you just to have sex and win this bet. But along the way, somehow... I fell in love with you," he says, praying to the gods that she can see the honesty in his eyes.

"Really?" she asks, looking skeptical, but her eyes show that she wants it to be true.

"Yes. I love your blonde hair, your grey eyes. I love hearing you laugh and making you smile. Hell, that's the reason I act so stupid sometimes, to hear you laugh. I love how athletic you are, how smart you are. I love it when you call me Seaweed Brain and when you tease me and I tease you. I love being with you and being around other girls only made me realize how much I love you," he says all in a rushed rhythm.

She walks up to him again and he automatically put his hand up in front of his face. She laughed softly.

"I'm not going to hurt you this time," she assures him, pulling his arm down so that she can see his face. "I missed you so much. Even though what you said before hurt me, I never thought about moving on or about forgetting about you. I just couldn't."

He smiles slowly and he leans down to kiss her, but she gently pushes him back.

"But, you still need to work on getting my trust back," she tells him, then pulling him close again and smiles. "But I still love you."

Just before she kisses him, he pulls away and starts to kneel on the floor.

"Oh gods, Percy," she whispers, covering her face to hide her blushing. He grabs one of her hands and looks into her eyes.

"Annabeth Chase, I know that I still have to work hard on gaining your trust again and proving myself to you, but I swear on the River Styx that I'll spend the rest of my life proving that I love you. So, when we graduate from college, will you marry me?"

Annabeth swallows nervously and can't stop herself from blushing. She's almost at a loss for words, but she builds up the strength to say one more word.


Percy gets up, wraps his arms around her, and finally kisses her. When their lips meet, it's like fireworks exploded and everything was finally back in place. They never wanted to stop, never wanted to pull away, never wanted to leave each other.

"S 'agapó tóso polý (I love you so much)," she says to him when they pull away.

"Sas agapó me óli mou tin kardiá (I love you with all of my heart)," he says to her.

And they both meant it.

Aw, cue the fluff! and that my readers is the end..for now. IMPORTANT: for the sequel there will be Jiper and a little bit of Percabeth. sorry to those who wanted Thalico but I promise to do a story for them someday. Thanks so much to all of those who read, reviewed, followed, and favorited! Till next time
