My muse decided to come for a visit again, I'm hoping she'll stay a while..

Prompt: Puck and Rachel are stuck in a snow storm in his truck. They have to use body hat to keep warm.

Puck doesn't know how he got there.

OK, that's not really true, he's not completely out of it.

He knows that there was a Glee field trip. It wasn't really part of the school schedule, but about half way through winter break Mercedes decided that it would be a good idea for a little time with Kurt while he has his break from Dalton and managed to convince all of the gleeks to come (minus Lauren, since she was still in the show-choir-is-lame phase and wanted nothing to do with it if it wasn't required for school), plus Blaine, because he was kind of a package deal with Kurt these days.

And he knows that Berry spent practically the whole day almost completely silent and pouty and frowning every time Santana even laid a finger on Finn or when the taller guy even looked in the Latina's direction.

He doesn't know why she even came if that shit bothered her so much, but he does know that when he saw her sigh heavily for the millionth time for the day and he finally asked her what the fuck was her problem, only, you know, a little nicer, she told him that she wished she was home. And her voice was softer and quieter than he's ever heard her, and she wouldn't even look at him, and he kinda remembered his pact with God, and before he even realized he was doing it he announced that he had enough nature to last a lifetime and he was going home, and he was taking Berry with him so he won't get bored on the drive back. Finn sent him a glare that he chose to ignore (dude might not have said anything to him about his role in the golden-duo's break up, but that doesn't mean Puck was ok with the way he's been treating Rachel even since, because seriously, leaving a girl alone at night at a tree lot? Not cool) and Mike flashed him a thumbs up, signaling that he's good for a ride home, and than he was pulling Berry behind him by her hand to his truck.

So he knows all of this, and he remembers that it started snowing and he actually had to slow down because it was coming down a little heavier than he liked, and than his truck made this sound that he can't remember it ever doing before and the engine just stopped. He managed to use the momentum of the driving to make it slide to the shoulder, and than nothing.

And he knows that it was already dark by the time his truck decided to die on him, and that Rachel didn't have her phone with her for some reason (she said something about being around everyone who might call her so there was no point in carrying it and he tried not to roll his eyes at her self pity) and that he forgot his phone in Mike's bag since he didn't want to risk having it fall out of his pocket.

And he knows that he had no idea where they were since driving so slowly kinda messed up his inner GPS, and when he tried to mention going outside and trying to walk somewhere to see if they can hit a gas station or at least somewhere with a phone he was on the receiving end of a Rachel Berry lecture that made him kind of relieved to know that she wasn't a complete zombie.

("Noah Puckerman, if you think for even just a second that I'm going to go out there, where the temperature is steadily approaching freezing, for more than a few minutes, with nothing more than this less than adequate winter-wear than you have completely lost your mind. Furthermore, you are dressed even less warmly than me, and honestly, I have no idea how your mother let you get out of the house like that no matter how high your natural body temperature is –"

"You can just admit you think I'm hot, Berry."

"So if you think you're going out there alone, only to freeze to death and leave me here to do the same, you are sorely mistaken.")

And he knows that following that lecture she decided for the both of them that they're just going to wait until either someone drives by or it's morning and there's light outside and they can see where they are exactly.

So he knows all of that. What he doesn't know is how he ended up with his back pressed against the driver's side door, legs spread up on the bench seat of his truck and a midget brunette all curled up against his chest. She been quiet after her lecture, which was so un-Berry like that he was honestly worried about her.

("What the fuck is wrong with you? Did Frankenteen break you or something? What the fuck is the point of having huge-ass –"

"Language, Noah."

"Pipes like yours if you're not using them to talk the ears off anyone who is within two feet of you?")

She still hasn't said more than five sentences to him after that, and he thinks he remembers seeing her all curled up on the other side of the truck from him, closing her eyes, at some point before he apparently fell asleep.

Only to wake up to an armful of soft curves and hair that smelled like strawberries.

"Go back to sleep, Noah. I think we still have a few hours before it's light outside."

Puck looks down to the girl in his arms, seeing that she still had her eyes closed.

"Umm, Rach, not that I mind, but how did you end up over here?"

"I was cold."

He reaches for the two fingers sticking out from the sleeve of her coat. They're still cold. "And this is better?"

"Body heat is a perfectly appropriate way of staying warm."

She burrows her face in his chest and squirms against him, trying to gain a little more heat, and he groans. "Rach."

And now he's really not sure what's wrong with him. See, usually, he'll be all over a situation like this. A hot girl all up on him talking about body heat? Hell, yeah, he has some body heat to share and some very interesting ideas about how to share it, and all of them involve way less clothes than what they have on and more of her body parts surrounding his. But that small part of him that was actually thinking about her when he stopped their make out session in her room before break started, the part that knew that she would never forgive herself if he let it go any further and he would lose any chance with her at all, that part was rearing its head right now.

She raises her head at the sound of his voice and looks at him, and he's not sure what kind of voodoo she's doing, but he can't really look away from her. And it's like his hand has a mind of it's own because how the hell did it end up tucking her hair behind her ear, and since when does he even do things like that?

And it's like she's under the same kind of voodoo, because she leans up and brushes her lips against his.

"Rachel." He breathes out.

"I didn't even say thank you for getting me out of there this afternoon." She says quietly.

"I don't think that's how you want to say it." He says back and the corners of her lips curl up slightly at the innuendo in his voice.

"I'm not." She actually laughs a little at the way his eyebrow quirks up at that and than snuggles up closer to him. Kind of a mixed signal there if you ask him. "I'm not," she says again, "but I'm not completely against other ways of sharing body heat."

His arms tighten around her slightly at that. "What did you have in mind?"

She turns a little more into him. "I'm sure you have some ideas I can be persuaded into." She says right before her lips are on his again.

So yeah, she's totally on board for some kissing, and her skin feels really soft when his hands find their way under her shirt and her hands feel so damn good on his abs. And when he pulls away slightly when she starts pushing up his shirt and sweatshirt to reach his skin, it's like she can read his mind (maybe she is a little psychic) because she just looks at him and tells him that it's not about anyone other than the two of them.

There's a little (a lot) making out going on and the cab of his truck feels a hell of a lot warmer by the time they drift off again with his arms more securely around her and his jacket covering both of them.

They're woken up in the morning when there's a tap on the window from a driver who passed them by and decided to stop and see if they're ok. His mom is running out of the house and yelling at him about making sure he has his phone on him 100% of the time from now on and how she's been worried sick about him as the guy's car pulls up to his driveway, but shuts up when Rachel steps out from the car behind him and he knows he hasn't heard the last of it but for right now he's golden.

Rachel's dads pull up to his house 10 minutes later and she says goodbye and thank you with a kiss to his cheek.

He's laying on his bed messing around with his guitar later that evening when his phone beeps on his nightstand.

Berry: My room is freezing.

He laughs out loud at that and keys in a response.

Trying to use me for my body heat again?