A/N: Hey everyone! Thank you so much for filling out the OC form and adding this story as a favorite and other amazing stuff :D Anyway, I've already gotten a bunch forms in that I've decided to use, because the characters are pretty diverse

Ria-The Ninja of Time (Cina Klien, 17, a non-official ninja from Kumogakure (hidden cloud)) wants Tobi/Madara

Iwant2beAcookie (Koukyo Houtai, 25, a jounin from Shibuki (hidden waterfall)) wants Kakuzu

JB ChicK (Meme Yamasaki, 17, a chunin from Konohagakure (hidden leaf)) wants Deidara

Luna's moon1100 (Shouki Hisan, 21, a jounin from Kusagakure (hidden grass)) wants Hidan (possibly Kanari's older sister?)

Vampqueen27 (Aero Mikuzaki, 20, an ANBU captain from Moyagakure (hidden haze (yes, it exists)) wants Itachi

ShiroKoneko82 (Kanari Hisan, 18, an ANBU from Kirigakure (hidden mist)) wants Hidan (possibly Shouki's younger sister?)

I'm also going to put a character I made up in the story: Amaya Hayashi, 15, a jounin from Konohagakure (hidden leaf) wants Sasori

Sorry for the delay in this coming out, but the sport team that I'm on had a regional tourney last weekend and is going to have another this weekend. I'll try to work on the chapters more, though!


Let's Make A Deal

Madara sat at the edge of a steep cliff that overlooked the turbulent ocean in the Village Hidden in the Sound. As the waves crashed against the rocky side of the cliff, Madara began to count the minutes until the meeting would commence. He really wanted to get this over with, because the person he was meeting almost never had anything good to offer, and it was a waste of his time.

"I see you're early this time," a voice behind Madara hissed. Madara turned around slowly.

"You'd better have a good reason for calling me all the way out here. I don't like the trips to this dump, and it makes the others suspicious when I miss important meetings," Madara frowned from behind his orange, swirly mask.

"Oh! Believe me, this is a deal even YOU wouldn't want to pass up," the snake man, Orochimaru smirked. Madara narrowed his eyes.


Orochimaru smiled, knowing that he had Madara's full attention now.

"Pein is becoming hard to control, is he not? But, you only want him for his eyes. So, I'm proposing that we both kill him, you take his eyes, and I take his body… For medical purposes… Ahem. And then I'll be the fake Akatsuki leader."

"Your plan is stupid," Madara stated after a long and awkward silence.

Orochimaru frowned.

"I have a proposition for you now. If I show you that I have no problem controlling Pein, you will leave me alone and stop feebly attempting to get back into Akatsuki. Got it? Good."

Just as Orochimaru was about to protest, Madara took Orochimaru's arm and injected a purple-pink liquid into his bloodstream.

"What was that?" Orochimaru screamed in pain. He felt as though his whole body was on fire.

"That connects part of my chakra to yours so you will be able to see how easily I can manipulate my 'puppets.'" Madara replied calmly.

"Fine, but it's got to be something outrageous. Like telling all of them to get laid," Orochimaru hissed just before Madara vanished into a wormhole.

Later that day…

"When is that fucking idiot, Tobi going to fucking get here?" Hidan asked, clearly annoyed that the last-minute meeting had disrupted his praying.

"Tobi will be here soon," Pein responded coolly, a little bit irritated by what Madara had asked him to do earlier.


"Pein. The members are growing older and the missions we assign them are getting tougher. Akatsuki could use a younger generation to take the place of the members that we will surely lose in the future," Madara said after returning from his fiasco in the Hidden Sound Village.

"Hmmm? How do you want me to fix this problem?"

"Well, you could either whore Konan out," Pein glared daggers at Madara, "or you could have all of the members find their own mates."

Suddenly, Tobi burst into the room.

"HI EVERYBODY! I HOPE I'M NOT LATE! TOBI IS A GOOD BOY!" Tobi yelled while waving to everyone in the room and skipping over to his seat, next to a very unhappy Deidara.

"TOBI YOU IDIOT!" Deidara screamed while strangling Tobi.

"That's enough, Deidara," Pein almost glared. "Now, since everyone is here, I've gathered everyone here today to send all of you on a mission that will ultimately make Akatsuki bigger, better, faster, and stronger."

Itachi raised an eyebrow.

"We're getting elongated?" Kisame grinned toothily.

"Sempai, what does 'elongated' mean?" Tobi asked Deidara innocently as Deidara face-palmed and Sasori let out an irritated sigh.

"No. None of us are getting 'elongated.' I'm sending all of you to different hidden villages to find mates worthy of carrying your children," Pein explained with worn out patience.

"Fuck you. That shit's against my fucking religion and there's no way in hell I'm gonna do that fucking crap," Hidan frowned.

"When leader orders us to do something, we don't say no. Even if it's irrational, impossible for most of us, and waste of money. Because, really, who wants to sleep with freaks like us?" Kakuzu asked stonily. Zetsu and Kisame nodded.

"That's not my problem. But all of you will find a strong mate and bring them back to the base to be evaluated and accepted into a new branch of Akatsuki. Now, if there are no questions…" Several members started to speak.

"Good. You will leave tomorrow at 8 am. Dismissed." And with that being said, Pein and Konan poofed to their secret quarters to 'start a new generation of Akatsuki members.'