
Lily didn't know how it happened. It was like she turned around one day and she was in love. It was very odd for her, not being able to pinpoint the exact moment she fell for James Potter. She knew all the times her feelings changed for him before. When they went from bad to worse and then bounced back to love.

She could remember the moment when she disliked James. On the train, when he made fun of her best friend. It was then, the moment he found out Severus and Lily were friends, James decided to only call her Evans.

And she knew when she hated him. He was cocky and arrogant. And he just assumed she would go on a date with him. Because he was on the Quidditch team. All of the Gryffindor house loved him, so he figured she would too. But all his insistance just pissed her off. That was when she started calling him Potter. To help prove her point that she did not like him.

She knew when she could tolerate him. It wasn't until the end of sixth year, though. He stopped being to mean to Severus. It was on the train ride back home when Severus and Lily bumped into James and Sirius. James glanced at them, apologized, and continued on his way. Lily was impressed, but didn't expect it to last.

And then when she liked him. Not the way he liked her. But she didn't mind being in the same room with him anymore. She had been sitting in the common room alone, planning the next months prefect rounds. Without the head boy. Lily was fuming about it, when suddenly someone sat down next to her. When she looked up, she saw James, holding two plates of food. He asked if she needed help and offered her one of the plates. That was when he started calling her Lily. And she realized he wasn't too bad of a guy.

And when she befriended him. It was on a Hogsmeade trip. Her friend, Alice, got distracted by her boyfriend, so Lily wandered into the Three Broomsticks by herself. James politely asked if she wanted to join him and his friends, just so she wouldn't have to sit alone. She accepted and all of them got along so well, Lily ended up spending the rest of the day with them all and even eating dinner with them back at the castle. That was day she stopped calling him Potter and started calling him James.

And when she had a crush on him. It was after a prefects meeting. They stayed late in they're classroom and they talked about nearly everything. He was sitting on top of a desk and she was sitting on a chair a few desks away. Every once in a while she would get up and walk around the room a little bit, not wanting to look at him for too long. He was actually staring into her eyes, listening to what she had to say and responding to it. So she was trying to stop herself from having a crush on him. On James Potter. But the moment they left the classroom at three in the morning, hours after they were supposed to be in bed, she couldn't help but admit to herself that maybe she did have a crush on James. But just a small one.

But she couldn't pinpoint when she fell in love.

Was it when he took her to the kitchens? No.

Was it their first kiss? No.

Was it when he held her and somehow she fit perfectly in his arms? She didn't think so.

What about when she was pissed at him for something she can't even remember what for anymore because of the way he kissed her just to get her to shut up and stop yelling at him?


When she looked back at those moments it was like she was falling. But she could never pinpoint the exact moment she was done falling and was just in love.

All she knows is that when she fell, she fell hard.