A/N Hello dear readers! I just wanted to say hello and thanks for reading this.I know it's a long title but hell I like it and I hope you do too.I don't want to chit chat too much so here you go.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight. It all belongs to Stephanie Meyer. All I own is the idea for this story which occurred while reading other stories from the genius writers on this website.

I drummed my fingers across the armrest to my right as I stared out the window. I was on a flight to my home town Forks, Washington. It was only three weeks ago when my mother called me and asked me to drop my "dream life" to come home and help out with the family bussiness. By bussiness she meant a sports bar. While I was growing up in Forks my father Charlie decide to quit the job of being the chief of police and open a sports bar that people could go and relax and drink a couple of beers after a long day of work. I only being ten thought the idea was just crazy but my mom on the otherhand just loved it. So they started it and well it turned out that everyone loved it. I was happy to see my parents doing something they enjoyed and doing it together. Twelve years later and my parents are still enjoy the bar and I guess have fallen more in love with each other.

Crazy I know.

Now what in the world would a girl who has been living in LA for the past fours years be doing going back home when she has been living the "dream life." Well because that so called dream life was nothing I wanted. I wanted to go home and see my family and friends. I was sick of the sun and the rich snobs I was around all day at work with. Instead I wanted to welcome the rain and clouds and normal people. I wanted to hug my mother and father. I wanted to see my hyper and shopaholic best friend Alice. I wanted to see my teddy bear Emmett and his sexy mechanic girlfriend Rosalie. I wanted to see my secondary parents Esme and Carlisle. Even though I want to see everyone I would be lying if I didn't say I want to see Edward the most. I still think it's silly that I miss my best friend's brother over anyone but its true. Edward was something special. He was four years older than me and he was just perfect. He was tall, had sexy bronze hair that was super messy, a killer smile and my personally favorite feature his emerald green eyes that seemed to stare into the soul. Not only was Edward extermely good looking but he was special inside. While most teenage boys were partying, drinking, smoking, and having sex, he spent most of his time with his family and me. I found it so strange that he would want to talk to me when he could have been out. When Edward was eighthteen he decide to travel to New York with Emmett. When they left it felt like part of my heart left with him. My mom said I should not worry about it since I was fourteen and it was normal for girls to have crushes yet this wasn't some little crush you get on a celeberaty but love. Yeah I said it Edward Cullen was my first love. As I grew up the feelings I had for him never went away yet my heart ache. When I turned eightheen I expect Edward to come home for my birthday but he didn't. Emmett did and that is when I met Rosalie who is another one of my best friends now. I also met her twin brother who Alice is currently head over heels in love with. I was happy everyone was in love yet I was still sad and pissed that this would be the first time I was going to see Edward in eight years. All this back tracking caused me to forget about the flight. Next thing I know the plane attedent is annoucing that the plane is about to land.

Here I come everybody!

A/N Ah yes another authors notes, well I just wanted to say this is the prologue and I want to get a feel of how everyone feels about the story. Heads up this story is going to be funny, fluffy and lemony so if that is not your thing than that is fine. Please hit the review button and let me know how it is.

P.S. Anyone out there who would like to start this crazy adventure with me as my beta then send me a PM.