
It's been 4 years since Gustavo moved us to L.A. and I love it here. I'm 16, and the guys are 19 and 20.I've already met so many celebrities, and I'm not even in the band. I love how Kendall always lets me come to the Hollywood parties. I'm usually not one for parties, but they really know how to throw them here. I've been on a few dates, but none of them lasted. My dates never call back because of the guys. They ask stupid questions and stare at them like they're trying to investigate a crime scene. It's not just Kendall. Carlos, James, and even Logan join in ruining my dating life. How do they expect me to find a boyfriend?

I walked into the kitchen at 8:35 in the morning in a tank top and shorts. The only one up was James and he was half asleep watching tv. "Morning." He looked up.

"Morning Katie. Could you make me something to eat?"

"Sure, what do you want?" I walked to the fridge and pulled out eggs and a pack of bacon already knowing what he wanted to eat.

"Could you make me eggs and bacon?" He finished the sentence looking at me and smiling seeing I already had the stuff out. He laughed.

"It's funny how you know what I'm going to say."

"You ask for the same thing every day." I laughed back.

I made the breakfast and started humming. The humming turned into singing and James joined in. He sang. "There were so many thing that I never ever got to say, cause I'm always tongue tied with my words getting in the way."

"If you could read my mind, then all your doubts would be left behind." I sang

"And every little thing would be falling into place."

"I would scream to the world-" He cut me off.

"They would see you're my girl, but I just keep getting stuck stuck."

"But I'm never giving up up."

"In the middle of a perfect day."

"I'm tripping over words to say."

"Cause I don't want to keep you guessing."

"But I'll always end up getting stuck stuck."

"But I'm never giving up up." He stopped but I kept singing.

"It's the way that I feel when you say what you say to me."

"Keeps you running through my mind 24 7 days a week."

"And if you got the time, then stick around and you'll realize."

"That it's worth every minute that it takes just wait and see." I kept going after he stopped, again.

"I would scream to the world-" He cut me off staring into my eyes this time.

"They would see you're my girl-" I cut him off this time. I stared right back at him.

"But I just keep getting stuck stuck."

"But I'm never giving up up."

"I'm the middle of a perfect day."

"I'm tripping over words to say."

"Cause I don't want to keep you guessing-" He cut me off again.

"But I'll always end up getting-"

"Stuck stuck and I'm never giving"

"Up, up." With that he ended the song and I was done cooking his food.

"Wow you guys really know how to wake somebody up." Kendall walked out of the hallway and into the kitchen.

"Sorry." I said. He kissed my head and whispered. "Put some cloths on." He began to speak again, this time much louder.

"Katie, can you ma-"

"Make you pancakes? Sure." I knew him too well.

"Thanks, you're the best, baby sister." He said with a grin and sat on the couch.

The guys woke up in an order so I knew that in about ten minutes Logan would be next wanting a bagel with cream cheese and grape jelly. Carlos was always last with either coco puffs or Cap'n Crunch. I knew all of them too well. 7 minutes later I put the bagel in for Logan and finished up Kendall's food.

"Kendall, foods ready."

Sure enough, 3 minutes later Logan came out of the hallway and I handed him his bagel with cream cheese and jelly. "Thanks." He mumbled as he walked to the table ad sat next to James who was still eating. My mom never woke up until 9 or 10 so I cleaned up to kitchen and when I was done, James finished eating and Carlos woke up.

"Morning Katie." Carlos was always happy when he woke up.

"Morning Carlos. Puffs or Crunch?"

"Um… Crunch." I poured him his cereal and took Logan's plate since he was done. When Kendall and Carlos were done I cleaned up and sat down till mom woke up at 9:30.

"Morning everyone. Katie, we're going shopping later." She walked into the kitchen and I followed.

"For what?"

"You need a new bathing suit. The ones you have are too small on the top." She spoke pretty loud and I was afraid that the guys would hear. She was right though. The last time I bought a bikini and last year, and I was a B then. Now I'm a C and they were getting too revealing. I never thought about it because I went to the pool while the guys were at the studio, but I wouldn't feel comfortable with them seeing me in a small bikini. I didn't see it but James walked over to get another cup of orange juice.

"All right but you don't get to pick them. Last one you picked looked like it was for a five year old."

He laughed. "Sorry." He said walking away. I blushed a little bit when no one was looking.

I walked to my room to get ready. It took me a good half an hour to do so. I picked an outfit for the first day of summer. No school! I wore light wash, lightly destroyed jean shorts and a pink and gray shirt. I did my hair down and curled it a little. I also did light makeup. I'm ready.

I walked out of the room and it was just Kendall. "Hey, where's mom?"

"She said to meet her down stairs." I walked to the door. "Hey, Katie. Can you not wear low shirts like the one you wore this morning? I don't want the guys to stare at you like James was." He was staring at me?

"Okay. Bye."


Why did Katie have to wear the shirt this morning? Doesn't she know she live with guys, most of which she's not related to? I couldn't help but laugh when Katie said the bathing suit that Mrs. Knight picked out looked like it was for a five year old. It's not like we ever go to the pool with her, she has always gone when we were at the studio, but I would mind seeing her in a bikini. What am I saying? That's Katie I'm talking about. She is really pretty though. But she's just 16 and I'm turning 20 in a few weeks. I'm too old for her. Why am I even thinking about that? What is wrong with me?

I was about to walk into the living room when I heard Kendall say "I don't want the guys staring at you like James was." "Okay. Bye."

I wasn't staring, wait… yeah I was. Don't judge me. It was in front of me and I looked. It's not like she was trying to hide anything. How would Kendall know? I was staring when we were singing, not when he was there.

When I heard the door close I walked to the couch and sat down. "Hey man." I said, hopping he wouldn't bring up this morning.

"What the hell man? She's my little sister." I was wrong. He was going to bring up this morning.

"What are you talking about?" Playing dumb barely works but its worth a try.

"I'm talking about you staring at Katie when she was cooking."

"I wasn't staring! I wouldn't do that man." This last part was the hardest of the lies to say. "She's like a sister to me." He waited a while before responding.

"Sorry man, I don't know what I was thinking. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that. I don't know why I would think you had a thing for Katie. Feel free to stop me any time." I chuckled.

"Nah, you're doing great."

"Funny. So what are we doing today?" I haven't thought about that.

"I don't know. You want to go to the pool? I heard the water's great."

"James, it's a pool. The water is the same everyday. But sure, why not?"

I went to the bedroom I shared with Kendall and grabbed my cloths and went to the bathroom before he came in to change. Even though we go to the pool almost every day, I've rarely ever wet my hair. It messes it up if I do. Do you know how bad chlorine is for your hair? Real bad.


I found this really cute string bikini that was black with hot pink strings. I think I might want to go to the pool today. You know, since it's the first day of summer.

Are you sure it's not because of James?

What? No it's not because of James.

Sure it's not. Just make sure you wear that (my eyes look down to the bathing suit in my hands) today at the pool because you know the guys are going to be there.

Why am I talking to myself? Uhhg! I got to get friends.

I went home to change and saw James in the lobby shirt less and a little bit wet. He waved and walked over. "You didn't let you mom pick that out did you?" He pointed to the bag in my hands. Out of nowhere I felt very confident.

"You'll just have to wait and see." I smirked and walked to the elevator.


I was left standing in the lobby with my mouth open. By the time I turned around, she was gone. Was she flirting with me? Kendall is going to kill me if he finds out.