Disclaimer: I don't own anything that has to do/is about the Harry Potter World, that honor belongs to .J.K. Rowling. Thank You!

Ginny Weasley awoke with a start struggling out of the hazy fog that hung over her. Her head was throbbing and the taste of Firewhiskey was in her mouth. Stretching she looked around at her surroundings. The room was large as well as the bed she lay. Gryffindor colors were seen all around and she gave a startled gasp when she heard a shower going in an ajoined bathroom.

"Oh Merlin," Ginny thought, as she began to remember some of last nights events. It had been her party before her wedding to Harry in ten days. "Please, Please, tell me that I did not loose my virginity last night….please, please," Ginny thought as she clutched the blankets to her. Noticing now that she was wearing the quiditch shirt and some sort of boy shorts. The quiditch shirt went down past her thighs and she realized with a jolt that someone had removed her party clothes from last night, but she thanked Merlin, she was still wearing her bra.

A part of her argued with herself, "You could have shagged a random guy and then got changed…."

"No, If that were the case, then wouldn't I still be naked….

And now it felt like two voices in her head were arguing and all she could think about was who was in that shower. She prayed that if some random dude had picked her up last night, then that they hadn't touched her in any way that a husband shouldn't. She was saving herself for Harry, for their wedding night. But that would all go to Hell if she had shagged some dude. The wedding would be called off. Harry would never speak to her again and she would end up crying for days. Her whole family would be disappointed with her. "The girls were with me last night, though, they wouldn't let some dude take advantage of me in my drunken state…..then again, they were pretty drunk, too…."

Ginny groaned and jumped when an amused voice spoke. "I see you finally up." The voice called from the entrance to the bathroom.

Ginny looked up with relieve when she saw that it was Harry. Then her heart gave a jolt when she saw what he was wearing.


That was it, his feet were bare, he had no top, nor where his glasses on. But his emerald eyes were still sharp and focused as they looked towards her, she saw that his Hair was still wet from his shower. With amusement she noticed it was still messy even when wet. He had a towel in his hand and was attempting to dry his hair as he made his way over to the bed.

"So do you remember anything from last night?" He asked his gaze full of mock disproval. "No," she answered truthfully. "What happened? How did I get here?" She asked blushing as he moved closer to her.

"Well, even though you were drunk, you ended up calling me." He paused for a minute. "You said some interesting stuff on the phone, too." He said hesitating again as her eyes widened and if possible her face turned even redder. "Anyway, I was with Ron but we figured that you might get in trouble what with how drunk you are, so we apparated over, rounded up all you girls and took you guys home." He finished.

"How did I end up here, though?," Ginny asked. "Ah, see after dropping every else off at their homes, you would not let go of me, so I just took you here and you fell asleep." Harry said, adding, "And I slept on the couch," chuckling quietly at her expression.

"Of course, that was after I got you into some new clothes," He said grinning as her blush returned at full force.

Smiling, Harry leaned down and kissed Ginny on the nose, moving to her cheek and then down to her lips, where he lingered for a moment. His lips warm and inviting as they coached hers to open, before his tongue entered her mouth. And she tasted coffee…and blueberries….


Ginny shrieked as Kreacher, the house elf apparated into the bedroom. Laughing , Harry pulled away from her. "Kreacher, it's your day off, I thought you were going to visit Winky?" He asked the house elf as he pulled on a shirt, leaning against the bed as he tugged on his socks.

"Master Harry, Kreacher was, but he wanted to make sure everything was in order before the children came." Seeing Ginny, he bowed to her, "Misses Ginny, already in Master Harry's bed, this is good, Kreacher misses caring for children," And with Ginny still blushing, he bowed to them both and apparated to Hogwarts to visit Winky.

"What did he mean by making sure everything was ready for the children," she asked slowly.

"Oh, That Fleur and Bill have a doctors appointment so they asked if you could babysit Victoire while there away. Sorry, I didn't tell you before, but they were desperate and everyone else was busy and they already missed there last doctor's appointment," He admitted sheepishly. "No, it's fine," Ginny said, as she rolled out of the bed. Remembering the taste of blue berries , she grinned.

"hey did you happen to make-" Harry nodded, "Yep, blueberry muffins ready for your eating," He said grinning as her eyes lit up. "Mmm, I love when you cook," She said, standing on her tip-toes and brushing his lips with hers. "See you later, okay," He said. "Yep, I've got to unpack some of my boxes that our here anyway," Ginny said as she kissed his cheek and headed, skipping towards the bathroom.

Harry exited his bedroom and she started the shower up. "Oh, and Teddy is in his room, so he can keep Victoire occupied if you get a headache, though you might find some hangover potion in the cabinets in there," Harry called from the stairs. And a few moments later, she heard the front door slam and she knew he had left.

Ginny sighed as the warm water sprayed over her, clearing her head and helping her think clearly once more. She stayed in the shower for awhile but thirty minutes later, she realized that Victoire would be here soon and Teddy would wake up as well.

Stepping out of the shower, Ginny pulled a towel around her. Finding a hangover potion in one of the bathroom cabinets, she drank it quickly, shuddering at the horrid after taste. Thankfully, though, the potion worked fast and as she exited the bathroom, she felt refreshed.

She trudged down the hall still in her towel, passing Teddy's closed door, she found her many boxes on the floor in the hallway. Opening up the nearest one, she pulled out a pair of clean pair of black jeans. Rummaging through the box, she pulled out a pair of knickers, ankle socks and a bra. Finding no tops in that box, Ginny pulled open another one, fishing through it until she found a light blue tank top and a light black cotton hoodie to pull over it. Perfect for the summer heat. Returning to Harry's room, she pulled on her clothes, finishing just as the doorbell rang. Closing the door to the bedroom, she fixed her hair into a messy ponytail and then hopped down the steps.

Pulling open the door, she hugged her brother and sister-in-law, Fleur, who was looking happy and definitely pregnant. There was a glow about her as she kissed Ginny on the cheek and gently pulled her two-year-old daughter into Potter Manor.

Declining coffee but grabbing some muffins, the adults chatted for a few moments. Fleur and Ginny laughing about last night, Fleur filled her in on most of what happened, seeing as she hadn't been drinking. Blushing at some of the things she had done, Ginny ate her own muffin.

Five-minutes later, Fleur and Bill were kissing their daughter goodbye, thanking Ginny for babysitting and offering to witch them longer so that the couple could spend some alone time together.

Victoire and Ginny watched as they apparated away from the edge of the property, waiting till they were gone until they closed the door. Turning towards her blonde-hair, blue-eyed niece, Ginny asked what she wanted to do today.

Five more minutes later, and Victoire was racing up the stairs to wake Teddy.

Ginny watched her go, following after her to begin her unpacking.

Seeing Teddy's door open as she passed by, Ginny giggled as she heard a thud as Victoire smacked Teddy with a pillow efficiently waking the four-year-old up.

Turning towards her boxes, Ginny pulled them open one by one and started her day.

Three hours later and a little after lunch time, Ginny paused in her unpacking, hearing no noise, she wondered idly what had happened to the two kids. For most of the day, they had spent inside, playing tag. The day had started off sunny but a steady drizzle of rain had started, so the children had to play inside. They had been a bit disappointed, but it made it easier to keep an eye on them.

Or she thought it would be easier, but really Potter Manor was pretty big and the kids had raced from room to room, making keeping an eye on them almost impossible.

The last time, Ginny had seen the two was a little over an hour ago, when the three of them had sat down at the kitchen table to have lunch. Then Victoire and Teddy had disappeared again, leaving Ginny with her boxes.

And wondering when she had gained so much stuff.

Deciding to take a break, Ginny stood up, dusting herself off as she moved up to the third floor, hearing footsteps above her.

Right around where Harry's study was.

That's how she found herself entering the room to the sight of Victoire and Teddy on the floor, a bright, shiny, gold object lay between them.

She recognized it as Time-Turner, one that Hermione had been working on and had asked Harry to look at.

Ginny didn't know if it worked yet, as far as she knew, Harry had yet to even look at it yet.

And now two children had found it.

Worst they were poking it.

And even worst then that….

The room had begun to spin as the three in the room were transported through time.

In a flash of color, Ginny, Victoire and Teddy were gone.

No longer in their time, instead they stood in what Ginny noticed a vaguely familiar room, full of vaguely familiar people.

Who were quite frankly not supposed to be living anymore.

"Apparently that Time-Turner works," Ginny thought hysterically as she quickly scanned the room, her eyes stopping on one person.

"Oh, I am going to kill the Golden Trio," Ginny thought as she smiled into the face of her dead brother.