Kate awoke that morning to an empty bed, it wasn't unusual anymore to her. Since she had moved in a few weeks ago Rick had been getting hits of inspiration at strange times of the night and day. The time in question was 3am, Kate got out of bed and made her way towards Rick's study downstairs. She rubbed her eyes and slowly opened the door.
He looked up from his laptop screen. "Yes?"
"Do you really have to come and write you book at 3 in the morning?"
"If I don't get it down it feels like I'm going to lose it. It is mostly your fault after all you shouldn't be such a good muse."
Kate smiled and went to stand behind him. "How much longer are you going to be?"
"Not long, I'm just going to finish this and be up."
"You better be or else I'll have to come and get you."
"Well why don't you just stay down and make sure that I come up."
"Because then that would mean you're winning."
"Why, Kate, I didn't realize I had that kind of influence on you."
She leaned down and gave him a quick kiss, as he tried to deepen it she pulled away.
"10 minutes." She whispered before walking out of his office and back to bed.
He could only stare at her as she left and looked back at his laptop screen. He looked back at the last line he had written and his mind couldn't decide what he was writing. He sighed, saved his document and closed down his laptop.
He slowly made his way back upstairs and into his room, he stopped in the doorway and admired the woman in his bed.
"How many time do I have to tell you how creepy that is?"
"How many time do I have to tell you it's not?"
She turned over and looked at him. He smiled and walked slowly towards her. He slid into the bed beside her and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer.
"Do you realize that you are a bad influence on my writing."
"Why? What have I done this time?" She smiled at him.
"Don't act stupid with me."
"I'm not I swear."
"Still I don't believe you."
He leaned down and kissed her slightly. She deepened it almost instantly and he tightened his hold on her.
His hands slid under her shirt and he moved her onto her back.
"Rick it's three I have to be up in a couple of hours." Kate tried to protest but failed.
"You can't start something you aren't intending to finish." He kissed the part on her neck that drove her crazy.
"I didn't start it you did."
A few hours later Kate awoke to find she was in the bed alone, again. She sighed and got up turning the alarm off as it beeped. She opened the door and was hit with the fresh aroma of coffee. She walked down the stairs and found something unexpected. Rick singing along to the radio making breakfast.
She laughed and Rick turned to look at her. "Kate. You're up." He sounded surprised.
"What can I say I can't sleep with all this racket."
He shook his head and turned to the cooker.
"So what's for breakfast?" She asked picking up the coffee that he had put out for her.
"Bacon, eggs, toast and me." He laughed placing a plate in front of her.
"Can I skip the last part?"
"Ouch!" He held his hand to his chest. "Why do you torment me so?"
"Because you make it so easy."
"So what's the plan for today?" He asked as he sat next to her.
"Well I have to and talk to Lanie about something about the last case we worked on but nothing much."
"Why did you say I and not we?"
"Because I have to talk to her not both of us."
He pouted a little and sighed. "Why do I feel like I'm going to the talk of this conversation?"
She laughed slightly. "We have better things to talk about than you. Besides we talk about you on Friday's."
"Well that makes everything a lot better."
"I thought it did. Also we talk about Esposito if it helps."
"Not really."
She wrapped her hands around his neck and leaned up slightly. "Now I'm going to go and get ready for work so be good." She kissed him and then made her way upstairs.
Rick stood there but then moved towards the stairs to follow Kate. "Hey wait for me."
Kate laughed as she made her way upstairs.
They arrived at the precinct that morning and went their separate ways. Rick decided to take the steps and made his way to see Ryan and Esposito while Kate took the elevator down to the morgue to see Lanie.
"Hey Ryan, hey Esposito." Rick greeted them as he made his way to his chair near Kate's desk.
"Morning Castle. How are things?"
"You know same old same old." He shrugged.
Ryan laughed at that. "I know the feeling dude."
"Hey you guys want a drink?"
"No I'm good." They both said in unison.
"That's still weird."
Rick laughed and went to make a drink from the coffee machine. He walked out and sat down in his chair placing the coffee on the desk.
Rick turned to Esposito. "Hey Esposito."
Esposito turned to look at him. "Yes?"
"Did you know Lanie and Kate talk about us every Friday?"
Esposito laughed. "Really?"
"Apparently so, Kate told me."
"Now why would she do that?" Esposito laughed. "Speaking of Beckett where is she?"
"Oh, she went down to see Lanie and talk about something."
"Is it me or are they having a lot more things to talk about?"
"Bro, never try and get into the mind of a woman." Ryan said turning to look at them both. "You will never understand them."
"Sorry but you've been dating Jenny how long now?"
"Long enough to know that she can still surprise me." He laughed. "Besides why would you want to get into Lanie's head?" He asked Esposito.
"Well I just want to know what they talk about." He shrugged it off.
"Some things are better to be remained a mystery."
"You're probably right. You think they ever wonder what we talk about?"
"I can assure you know we don't." Kate said as she walked into the bull pen and sat at her desk.
"Really you aren't even in the slightest a bit curious?"
"Let me think sex, booze and women."
"That's not true." Rick said defensively.
Kate stared at him. "Okay then what do you talk about?"
"We also talk about poker." He mumbled.
Kate grinned and turned to Ryan and Esposito who we also looking around. "That's what I thought."
Later that night Kate was sitting on the couch waiting for Alexis and Rick to get back. They had gone to rent a movie and pick up some dinner on their way back. She heard the key go in the door and they both walked in smiling. Rick held a pizza in one hand and some DVD's in the other. She stared at him and smiled slightly.
"So ready for movie night?" He asked.
"Can we talk first?"
He stared at her in confusion. "What about?" He was started to get worried then.
"I just need to talk to you about something."
"Erm okay then. Alexis you set the movie up and I will be in the kitchen with Kate."
A/N: So that's the end to this story, the next one will carry on straight after this and should be up tomorrow. Hope that you liked this one, thanks for all the reviews :)