I thought of this one whilst scoping out the rest of the plot for Walkies and I like it because it's a bit darker than my other fics whilst also being my shortest. it can act as a companion piece to Don't Call Me Baby, but can be read alone. Let's just call it a rift filler until I post for my big fic again. Hope you guys like it - read and review either way! :)

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any part of the wierd and wonderful world of Torchwood and RTD does. So there. x

SPOILERS: Set in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang so some for that, nothing major though.


'Into the lift, EyeCandy.'

EyeCandy. EyeCandy. The silky remark echoed around his head, sending unpleasant shivers down his spine as he considered its meaning. The way it was said. And who it was from. It distracted him from the perils of his mission; the grave danger his friends were in.

It would be a compliment, he supposed, coming from anyone else. But this was coming from Jack's ex. Moreover, it was coming from Jack's psychotic ex. A man who seemed totally irrational, hell-bent on destruction and would stop at nothing to get Jack back was making passes at him. It was revolting.

And the way it had been spoken, too. Like a man who didn't know his own agenda; low and dangerous but laced with sickly sweet frosting. Like someone who knew who he was but with no idea what he would become, given time. Like the flippancy with which it was pronounced was hiding something very dark. It spoke volumes, that tone; a shiny sexual sculpture with a crumbling interior.

It scared him, 'EyeCandy' did. Completely terrified him, as if its utterance would cause his whole world to spontaneously explode. He felt threatened by it.

And then the very worst thing crossed his mind: it could have been Jack.

From that moment on, he swore he would never let that happen.

Imaginary cakes for all reviewers!