Parvoo and his army of muntaints continued to pound away at Persias force field.

"Ugh, I don't know how much longer I can keep this up," Persia said feeling herself getting weaker and weaker

"Master where are the others?" Blitz asked getting Muzzle ready to attack

"Still in Australia," Master said "And no doubt fighting Groomer,"


"Sorry Space Rovers, but I have no choice," Colleen said delivering a powerful kick to one of their guts, followed by a fist to the face.

Exile iced another, and Shag knocked another one out.

Now their was nothing standing between Groomer and a world of hurt.

"No! Please! Don't!" Groomer pleaded. Yet her cries for mercy fell on deaf ears. Hunter gave her the beating of a lifetime. Unleashing all his rage on what she and Parvo did to their allies. When he was done she had a broken nose and leg, along with scratches and bruises all over her

"We better get the Space Rovers and Groomer contained on the Sky Rover," Colleen said

"Yeah, Parvos probably got a big bad guy doggy army at the base already," Exile added

With that they got to work and hurriedly flew home to aid Blitz, Persia, Muzzle, and Master.

Back at the base, Persia couldn't keep it up any longer. She fainted as her force field now vanished

"Persia!" Blitz cried

Just then the sound of Parvos minions bashing the doors to the base was heard

"Oh no they're inside," Master worried

"Muzzle go and take care of the ones at the front door," Blitz said unleashing the wild dog "I'll take care of the rest, Parvo wouldn't be dumb enough to go with just a head on assault.

And Blitz was right, soon enough Cano-muntaints were storming the briefing room, they had gotten in through windows, the ceiling, even the air vents.

If Blitz had ever wished for an all you can bite tousie place, he now had it. Blitz fought violently to protect Master and Persia, clawing and bitting every freaky dog that came his way.

Sadly numbers got the better of him, and even Muzzle who were now both pinned down by Parvos canines.

A few moments Parvo stepped into the briefing room with Muzzle in a special net strong enough to hold the crazy dog

"Well Shepard, we meet again," Parvo saiid holding his blaster that he had on his robot arm aimed at Master.

"Parvo you monster, this is the lowest you've ever gone!" Master said

"Thankyou for those kind words," Parvo said "Now goodbye!"

Parvo fired his weapon, yet before the blast could hit master, a force fiel then surronded him

"What?" Parvo said confussed

"You...don't...hurt...Master," Persia said awake now.

"Oh, I remember you, you're one of those Space Rovers." You must be a tough one to not get captured by me, or killed.

Parvo aimed his weapon at her now. Persia was to weak to create another field, yet before he could fire, Blitz broke free of his enemis and sliced his robot arm off

"AH!" Parvo screamed

"No one hurts my pretty dog girl! Or my other pretty dog girl (Colleen)!

"Grrr, destroy him!" Parvo cried

Yet just then the rest of the Road Rovers crashed n trough the ceiling and began to fight Parvos minons

"Let get him Rovers!" Hunter said

In the End Parvo was beaten, and turned back into Boots the cat (remember the time travel episode?) all his minons were changed back to normal, along with the Space Rovers returned to Cano-spaen form.

"Well it looks like Parvos finished for good," Colleen said

But just tthen Groomer, who wa now being held by Shag at the moment freed herself, gabbed Parvo the ca and tried to escape. And she would have gotten away had Persia not stuck her in a force field.

"NOOOO!" Groomer cried, Parvo the cat meowed a no to.

Months later the Space Rover was fixed and Persia was ready to resume her duties with her fellow Space Rovers.

"Wait!" Blitz said "Persia, I-I love you. Please, stay with me and the Road Rovers. You''ll be a big help to us,"

I'm sorry Blitz," Persia said "But my duty is up there in Space, yours is hear with your friends. Plus that Colleen chick told me she's got the hotts for you,"

"Colleen said that!" Blitz said suprised

Persia did give Blitz a quick goodbye kiss before leaving as she went up into Space once again.

"You gonna miss her?" Colleen said walking over

"Ya," Blitz said. A tear ran down his cheek

"Oh come her Blitz you hunk of dog meat," Colleen said giving him a smooch. She really did love that Doberman. Blitz felt much better now

"I get kissed by two pretty dog girls, and in ess than five minutes," Blitz thought

The End

Ya I could never break the whole BlitzxColleen thing I do

Persia did put a bit of variety in it though for a bit at least.