AN – This is the final chapter bambinos! Hope you enjoy it :D Watch out for the sequel, soming soon! X


I felt more than a little agitated. Pogue needed some help getting ready to leave the hospital, and I couldn't say no to him after everything he went through. But I hated the fact I was away from Tyler. Reid and Caleb had promised me they would look after him while I was gone, and I was grateful. Still in my dress from Fall Fest, I was pretty sure I looked a total mess, but no-one mentioned it. Neither did they mention how crazy it was to neglect myself to just sit with Tyler.

My stomach growled, I'd barely eaten all week, and pangs of hunger shot through me.

I shook them off. How could I be so selfish as to take time out for a hot meal when Tyler was lying in a hospital bed, comatose, because of me?

I walked into Pogue's room, and he flashed me an easy grin. "Hey stanger." He greeted softly. There was no reprimand in his joking tone, but his words made me flinch. I'd kind of neglected Pogue in my bid to stay by Tyler's side. Pogue noticed my flinch and sighed. "Ri, sweetheart, I was kidding. I would have done the same for Kate if the positions had been reversed." I nodded, letting him know I was listening, but my thoughts were still down the corridor with Tyler.

Pogue held his arms out for a hug, and I obliged stiffly. When I pulled away, his nose was wrinkled. "No offence Ri, but you could really do with a shower. It's not good for you to neglect yourself like this." I shugged, not really caring. "I can't afford the time. I need to look after Tyler. What if he woke up and I wasn't there because I was showering, or eating or something?" Pogue frowned. His eyes were full of sympathy. "I know sweetheart. But what if he wakes up and sees you like this? You know he'd blame himself. And I think he'd rather not see you straight away but have you looking healthy, than see you like this." His words struck a nerve. Maybe he was right. I couldn't let Tyler blame himself, it was all my fault, all of it.

I sighed, defeated. "There's a bag for you in the cabinet on the other side of the bed. Sarah brought it, but she didn't want to disturb you and Tyler." I looked in the cabinet he mentioned, and sure enough there was a bag of my clothes in there, as well as my shampoo, conditioner and bodywash. "Now, the shower room is for patients only, but ther's an hour until the nurses are due to come. Plus its Abby on today and she'll understand. Go, lock yourself in that bathroom, and don't come out until you're clean and dressed." He order, pointing to the bathroom that adjoined his private room.

I locked the bathroom door and leaned against it for a moment. "I can't hear the water running!" Pogue called through the door. I sighed again, and walked over to the shower. Turning the water on, I let it heat up while I stripped out of my ragged Fall Fest dress. I took my shampoo, conditioner and bodywash into the shower, making a mental note to thank Sarah. She even remember to bring all raspberry.

Standing under the water, I let the soot, dust, dirt and grime wash off my body. I hadn't really realised what a state I was. I washed my hair three times, leaving the conditioner in while I scrubbed my body. I scrubbed and scrubbed until my skin was pink, and perfectly clean, then I rinsed my hair. I couldn't bring myself to get out of the shower yet though, so I stood for another moment, letting the water beat a tattoo against my back.

Eventually, I got out. I dried myself and dressed quickly, making another mental note to thank Sarah. She not only remembered to bring me matching underwear, but she remembered to match it to the colour top she brought me, a depp sapphire blue. Once dressed, I towel dried my hair and braided it into a loose plait, before twisting it into a bun, securing it with an elastic band. Some loose tendrils escaped and waved around my face, but I didn't care. I packed the dress as best I could into the bag my clean clothes were in, and headed back out to Pogue.

"You smell better." He stated simply. I nodded. "You feel better?" He asked. I thought about it. Yes I did. I felt more human now. I nodded again. He held out a smaller bag to me. "Sarah also brought you this. Said that Tyler might not recognise you without it." He chuckled as I looked in the bag. My makeup.

I returned to the bathroom, and quickly applied the makeup provided. The eyeshadow was a shade of blue similar to my top, and using that and me eyeliner I created my usual smokey look. She hadn't given me lip gloss or anything, but there was a chapstick in there. I slicked it on my lips, and once again, returned to Pogue.

"Right. Before I have to go home, can you take me to see Tyler? I haven't seen him since, well y'know." I nodded, and gave him a hug, surprising even myself. Since the fight with Chase I'd shyed away from hugs and other forms of human contact as much as I could. I wheeled him down the corridor to Tyler's room, where oddly, Reid was standing outside. His eyes widened when he saw me, and he ducked his head in the room, presumably to say something to Caleb. He then sauntered towards us, a grin on his face. I stopped, and Pogue let out an objection. But all I could see was the smile on Reid's face. He nodded his head, answering my silent question, and I ran into Tyler's room, leaving Pogue with Reid in the corridor.

Reid POV

"Caleb, Ri and Pogue are-" I stopped talking, seeing my best friend and brother Tyler finally with his eyes open. He looked disorientated and confused, but hell, he was alive and he was awake! "Nice to have you back bro. I'll see you in a second." I went back into the corridor and started walking towards Ri and Pogue. Ri looked a lot better now she had showered and changed. Hell she'd even got makeup on. She still looked too thin, and she still had dark circles under her eyes from her lack of sleep, but I knew that was going to change soon.

I couldn't keep the grin off my face as I walked towards them. Ri stopped, ignoring Pogue's protests. She met my gaze and I watched as hope filled her eyes. I nodded, knowing she wanted to know if Tyler was awake. She ran into his room, leaving me with Pogue.

Caleb POV

We had just seen Ri leave to go visit Pogue. I hoped he'd be able to talk her into showering and looking after herself a bit. Tyler wouldn't be happy if he knew how much she was neglecting herself. For a few moments, Reid and I sat talking, trying to work out the best course of action. "She said that it was like what happened when you beat Chase, only the Power didn't pass through him, it stayed in him." Reid said, making me wonder.

"Reid, if that's true, maybe it's Chase's Power that's keeping him unconscious." Reid frowned. "Like a spell or something?" he asked. I nodded. He shook his head. "No, that's impossible. When Chase disappeared, all the other spells broke. Why not this one?" I didn't answer, not really wanting to speak what was on my mind. Unfortunately, Reid was actually quite intuitive when he wanted to be. "Shit. Unless he isn't dead?" I sighed.

"No body was ever found. It's a possibility." Reid's expression darkened and he growled. I sighed again, trying to think of a way to bring Tyler out of his comatose state. I set my face in grim determination. "I'm going to try pulling the Power from him." Reid gasped. "Caleb, you can't, it could kill him!" I shook my head.

"Think about it Reid. The only way to take Tyler's Power would be for him to will it to me. Chase's Power on the other hand is excess, not his. Tyler's Power is rejecting it. This should work." Reid sighed and nodded. "I'm not a fan, but it's the only plan we've got." He muttered, before getting up and leaving the room.

I took a deep breath and let my eyes bleed black. I shuddered as I felt my Power. It was strong, and since ascending it called to me. I gulped. I would not end up like my father, addicted. An old man yet still in my prime. I shook myself, willing myself to focus. I turned my attention, and Power to Tyler's body. I could see his Power, silvery white all through his body. And I could see Chase's too.

It wasn't black, but a dull grey, wrapping itself around Tyler's own Power. I called to it, willing it out. Frankly, I hadn't got a clue what I was doing, but it seemed to be working. As Chase's Power got closer to the surface of Tyler's body, his own Power began expanding, pushing it out. Chase's Power left Tyler, as wisps of black-grey smoke. Tyler opened his eyes.

Reid ducked his head into the room, making me jump. "Caleb, Ri and Pogue are-" He stopped, staring at Tyler. His face split into a grin, and I mentally kicked myself. We'd all been so worried about how Ri was taking Tyler's condition none of us had really consider how Reid was feeling. Tyler was his best friend, he was closer to him than me or Pogue, and we ignored his feeling for Ri. I made a mental note to make it up to him.

"Nice to have you back bro. I'll see you in a second." With a last grin to me and Tyler, Reid left the room again. "How long have I been out?" Tyler croaked. I gave him some water, and he gulped it gratefully. "A week. But I'll explain later, I imagine in less than five seconds a very excited girl will land." I grinned and moved away from the bed.


I practically leapt on Tyler, hugging him tightly. He groaned in pain slightly, but as I pulled back he hugged me closer. "I can deal." He whispered in my ear. I pulled him into a kiss, our tongues dancing around eachother until we had to stop for breath. "Ty, I was so worried, I thought you were-" Tyler cut me off, smiling. "I know baby, but I'm okay now. We all are." I kissed him again, still not quite believing he was awake. "I love you so much Ty. Please don't ever scare me like that again!" His gorgeous blue eyes locked with mine. "I love you too Ri, and I won't. I promise."

Right on cue, Reid and Pogue came in, and my lovely brother opened his mouth. "Get a room guys." He joked, clearly relieved Tyler was back with us. Pogue joined in, "I think I'm gonna have to stay in hospital a bit longer, seeing you too smooching is making me nauseous." I poked my tongue out at him, and Tyler chuckled. The five of us, Caleb included fell into our usual pattern of banter, laughter and smiles. I smiled to myself. This was the real power the Covenant held – love, family, friendship. Chase had just been too stupid to see it.

AN – Okay. Finished! Not too sure I like this chapter, but then again I do kinda. I'm so indecisive! Sequel up soon, I'm starting it now, and I set a challenge for you, pick a song that you think fits each pairing perfectly. That is Reid/Karen, Tyler/Ri, Pogue/Kate & Caleb/Sarah :D Thanks for reading guys, reviewers you are brilliant! X