Numbers: A World Ends With You Fanfic
Whenever Neku uses the fusion pin it feels like his mind has just melded with his partner's.
It's almost intimate the way his thoughts are so easily are laced together with another's, like he is one half of a whole.
It's kinda cool, in a really creepy way.
Unfortunately, Neku loathes using the pin with Joshua, the prissy brat. At least with Shiki it was like two equal things coming together, but with Joshua it's like his mind is engulfed by something much, much larger.
Neku supposes it wouldn't bug him half as much if Joshua would stop saying such weird, and frankly lewd, things mid-fusion.
Whenever Shiki drags Neku shopping she always buys two of every purchase.
When he asked why she just shrugged and replied: "This way we'll be prepared in case we both want to wear something at the same time."
"But why would I want to wear any of this?" He had asked, gesturing wildly at all of the girly clothing Shiki had just bought from Natural Puppy.
By the second day of week three Neku had decided that Beat only came in three speeds: fast, caffeinated, and asleep.
The preferred was asleep. (At least then Neku didn't have to put up with Beats obliviousness)
Neku can't help but be amused by the fact that it took his untimely death to make four friends.
A/N: Hey guys, just a little something I wrote a few months ago and just stumbled across recently. I have a much bigger project planned for Tokyo Mew Mew that I've been planning for a while now, but it's still in the writing process. I hope everyone will be patient with me and won't give me up for dead.
Reviews are to me what crossovers are to the Harry Potter fandom :D