Author's note: i was listening to the song stop and stare by one republic and it inspired me to write this. I always wondered what George felt during Fred's death. I know it may be a little out of character, but i'm sure George wasn't exactly the "life of the party" after Fred died. So hope you like it. Feel free to let me know what you think. Too much emotion or no? So here's my one shot.

Stop and Stare

I lay in my bed enjoying my personal prison, unable to move for fear of having to face the world. Life has no meaning, as a small piece of me has died. My very being is split, forcibly taken by the one event that everyone fears; death. My own family doesn't understand, how can they? These days I can't even stand in front of them, for I am almost the replica of the one whom they have lost. Mum breaks down every time she sees my face. It's only been a few days since his death and everyone walks around as if the floor was made of glass. Just being in this very room, this room full of memories that will probably fade in time as my brother has.

The room was the same way we had left it, meaning it was a complete mess. Laundry piled on the floor, old inventions spread around hidden corners of the room, and parchment full of ideas spread all over the floor. I couldn't bear to clean anything for fear that I would have to face the very memories that have been haunting me.

The mirror in the corner of the room caught my eye. I tried my best not to indulge myself in the person staring back at me, but I could not help it. It was a almost an exact reflection of the one person I would never see again.

"Stop staring at me!" I yelled angrily at the reflection that stared back taunting me, "You're gone! You will never be back!" I yelled. Any control I had was crumbling, and my strength was gone. I couldn't take it anymore! My best friend, my brother how could he leave me! "How could you leave me Fred! We were a team, we never prepared for this!" I yelled, "How could you leave me alone in this world? We have never been apart this long!" I yelled at my reflection. I could almost seem his disappointed face, but I couldn't help it. All the hurt, confusion and anger that I had been holding in exploded out of me. I am tired of pretending that I am fine. Without much thought, with all my might I hit the mirror; breaking it into pieces. I leaned against the wall, letting myself slide down. Tear slid down my face as my body shook. All the anger turned into strong and overwhelming sadness.

"I never got to say goodbye" I cried.

How could everything go back to normal? Any kind of humour that I once prided myself in having was gone. How could I find the humor in anything, when the one person who taught me to see the joy in life is gone. I sobbed loudly, letting all the emotions escape. I could tell my hand was bleeding, but it didn't matter. My pain was far worse than just a "scratch" on my hand. Before I knew it arms wrapped around me and pulled me so that I was leaning on small shoulders.

"It's okay George, just let it out" the soft voice of my youngest sibling said.

So I did as I was told. All my emotion didn't need to be told twice, they rushed out tired of being bottled up. How do I move on from this? As all my tears finally dried, and my emotions let out a new feeling overcame me. For once it wasn't anger or sadness, just feelings of comfort. I honestly doubt I could ever get over the death of my brother, my twin, but I think that maybe I was finally ready to forgive him for dying, just maybe. It would be a slow process, but it can.