Dazzle: Ok i started a new story, no i havent forgotten Finding You.

Bella: She should have the next chapter up by tomorrow.

Dazzle: Thanks B, Anyway i just have to say this is what happens when you leave a stressed out me alone in a hospital lobby with nothing to do. I found the gift shop and bought a new note book and pen and now I got a new story! Anyway why don't you do the disclaimer bella.

Bella: Stephine owns all Twilight stuff, Dazzle just own what the plot Bunnies give her!

Renegades, Rebels and Rogues

They'll take any wrong direction
"Cause it's in their blood to know
That all roads lead to another road
For Renegades, rebels and rogues

Prolog part I BPoV-

296 years and yes I am still bitter about Fuckward leaving me to get his jollies off with that slut Tanya. More so than that, he took my whole family away from me and left me defenseless with a psycho bitch red head after me. If it wasn't for my best friend at the time I would never have survived as long as I did.

Jacob Black, it seems, is a direct descendent of the first Chief of the Quileute's and the tribe is in fact descended form wolves. It turns out that those closest to the original bloodline have a gene that gets activated when there are vampires around. It allows them to phase into giant wolves with the mission to protect their humans around them and to kill their vampire enemies.

They all loved and protected me until Jake imprinted, then his bitch of an imprint told him to "let the crazy bitch get her". Wolves cannot deny their soul mates, so he cut me loose and made everyone else as well. Though in the end it wasn't Victoria who got me; no, some over egotistical, short, southern, bitch snatched me on the way home form the Rez the night I got cut loose.

Maria told me she was looking for her "Major", but figured since she didn't find him here that I would make up for it. She thought I would make a good disposable soldier, turned out I was more powerful than she anticipated. Hell if I wanted I could probably over throw the "dreaded" Volturi if I wanted. After man failed attempts to escape, while I was still young and naïve, I buckled down and resigned my self to this military life style.

I rose quickly after that, becoming her one and only General, her direct second in command. It helped that she lost her sisters in a few battles and we became "friends", or so she thought. I was actually bidding my time till I decided to bail out.

"Ma'am?" I heard my lieutenant call as he entered my tent. I turned to look him over with a smirk. "The Mistress will see you now." He relayed and I dismissed him with a nod. 296 years of fighting and killing, now I was done. The egotistical oompa-loompa couldn't stop me now!

I quickly and quietly made my way to my "Commanders" cabin, going over everything in detail in my head. I would follow my plan to the letter and I would get the fuck outta here. I took in the newborns training on the field as I crossed behind them, they won't last one battle.

"Come in my sweet." Maria said as I knocked on her door. I swiftly entered and shut the door behind me. "What can I do for you General?"

"Ya can say goodbye an' wish me luck." I said in my acquired southern drawl as I leaned back against the door one legged braced on it incase had to spring forward. "I'm done Maria, retirin'. I ain't gonna kill you, so don' give me no reason too. I'm just gonna take Garrett and we are gonna walk right on outta here."

"You-you can't leave! I made you, made all of you! I', in command here, you can't just up and leave!" she yelled angry!

"I can and I am and ya can't stop me girly. Besides, I made Garrett" I said my accent thick as ever as I tried to restrain form hurting the woman, who as evil as she was, really wasn't all that scary when you know her. That don't mean I like her, no, but I was serious when I said I didn't wanna kill anymore. I turned and strolled out to see Garret leaning against the railing with his own smirk in place. He tipped his Stetson and fell into step behind me, rucksack on his shoulder.

"You'll be Back Izzy! When you're ready, I'll be right here!" she yelled out of her door way as we swung by my tent and I picked up my own rucksack that Garret packed for me while I dealt with the evil oompa-loompa. we looked at each other for a moment before throwing an arm over each others shoulder and strolled right out of camp and headed for a new life. I had everything I owned on my back and my best friend on my arm; I knew we'd be ok…

Dazzle: well what do you think? the next part will be up in about an hour or two, i have class in a couple min. If anyone was concerned as to why i was in the hospital lobby in the first place here is a brief reason.

My 11 year old cousin,Lauren, has Muscular distrophy and she went in for a small surgery and was only supposed to be there two days. now, due to major complications, five weeks later she is in a coma and things are getting worse. Prayers are appreciated AND I WOULD BE GREATFUL FOR THEM!
there is nothing i can do but sit and wait for news on my girl, so i will be writting and reading alot, but with everything going on i cannot gaurentee timely posts right now so please be patient and thank you for reading my stories~

Bella: Please review!