Disclaimer: I don't own HITMAN REBORN but I own this fiction and any other OC's in this story



Tsuna growled as he ravished Chrome's lips with his. The meeting with his allies took longer than he had expected, four long hours to be exact. It frustrated him, one single topic and it took them four hours to decide the course of action. And after remembering the decision of his council, he cannot help but growled in frustration, there decision was wised and he agreed with them but it doesn't meant that he had to like it. Truth be told, he had expected a different answer from them.

"Boss, are you okay?" The semi naked Chrome asked, worried at the state of her lover. Chrome's lavender night gown was half way down her stomach, revealing her breast for Tsuna to see. Tsuna ignored her as he continued kissing and/or licking her neck while occasionally biting the nape of her neck. Chrome bit back a moan as his hand wonder off to her already wet womanhood. "Boss," Chrome mumbled as Tsuna suddenly slammed his lips to hers while fingering her labia tenderly.

Chrome arch her back at that sudden movement of his hands but Tsuna didn't even mind as he continue having his way with her. Chrome tried to move away at the sudden roughness of Tsuna, he was not this rough when pleasuring her, giving her the idea that something must really be bothering him, but his lips pursued her. He forcefully put his hand on the back of her head and forced her to stay still while he deepened the kiss in the process. Tsuna continued sucking and kissing her lavishly as his mind faded a bit at his frustration.

Chrome knew that something was wrong. Tsuna was always gentle with her, every time they have a bit of foreplay in bed; he was always gentle with her, asking her what she wants to do, asking her permission to touch her body, and the like. But now, he was forceful and rough, which was strange, she wasn't complaining but it was still strange.

'Boss must be angry for some reason.' Chrome concluded as Tsuna snake his tongue out, this time entering her mouth. His tongue began to explore the inside of Chrome's mouth as Chrome began to suck and lick his lips as he did to her. 'I must calm boss down, as his lover, this is my responsibility.' Chrome thought she brought her arms around Tsuna's waist, holding him tight against her body.

Chrome moaned in pleasure as Tsuna groaned loudly as their tongues dance feverishly in each other's mouth, both tasting and relishing each others taste. Tsuna didn't know why but the frustration that he felt after the meeting was slowly being turn into lust and love. Love at the girl beneath him that has been with him since his career sky rocketed and lust at wanting to take the most precious thing away from her, the most precious thing for a woman.

"Tsu," Chrome moaned as they parted. Tsuna didn't know why but the urge that he was filling was slowly overcoming his will.

"Sorry for being so rough on you." Tsuna apologized sincerely. Chrome could only smile as she brought her arms around Tsuna's neck.

"Your frustrated, aren't you Tsu?" Chrome inquired playfully. Tsuna had practically drilled into her to call him by his pet name when they were in bed, technically, Tsuna didn't have a pet name so Chrome made him one on her birthday when Tsuna gave her an engagement ring as her present.

"Sorry," Tsuna repeated in a low tone.

Chrome shook her head as she closed the distance between her and Tsuna. "I am your fiancé remember, if your frustrated, then vent it on me. I am willing to endure your frustration for I am your bride." Chrome stated as the two shared a tender smile.

"A murderer like me, having an angel like you, someone up their must really love me." Tsuna commented as he licked the nape of her neck.

Chrome chuckled at as she licked one of Tsuna's cheeks. "I thought you don't believe in God." Chrome inquired as Tsuna ripped the last article of her clothing, leaving her absolutely naked beneath him.

"I don't believe in god." Tsuna firmly stated as began to lick the sides of her cheek, continuing to move down her tender neck. Chrome tilted her neck to the side to give Tsuna better access to her neck as he proceeded with the service that he was giving her. Tsuna momentarily stop at one particular area, the area that he knew she was sensitive on. A grin crawled on his face as he started to lick, nibble, and kiss that area relentlessly. "I only believe in you."

"TSU," Chrome cried as she clutched onto him, wanting more of his treatment, craving more pleasure that he was providing her. Tsuna's senses were overridden with lust, a first time for him. Whatever happens tonight, he will not regret it and he sure as hell knows that Chrome won't either.

As he continued to nibble on Chrome's sensitive part, the part that brings her so much pleasure, his hands found their way on to her soft breast. Gently squeezing the soft flesh, running his fingers along her erected dark nipple, he was rewarded by a loud groan of pleasure from his lover.

"TSU," Chrome whispered sultry as her mind began to fade from the pleasure that Tsuna was giving her. "Tsu, Tsu, Tsu," Chrome breathed repeatedly as Tsuna abandoned that special area of her.

"I really need to start wearing less clothing." Tsuna mumbled as he literally ripped off the upper portion of his suit, revealing the well toned body of his. Chrome licked her lips at the sight of her lover's body.

"Give me more, Tsu." Chrome requested with a tender voice as Tsuna began to lick and suck on her breast. Chrome let out a fitful yell cry when Tsuna bit her right nipple and pinched her left nipple simultaneously. Tsuna run his tongue all over one of her breast, circling around the soft delicate flesh, occasionally sucking on one of her nipples while one of his hands grope and massaged one of her breast.

Chrome moans and whimpers echoed in the room as Tsuna's other hand went down to her privates, rubbing her thighs slowly and tenderly. Chrome breathing began shallow as Tsuna stopped molesting her breast and gazed at Chrome's naked form, admiring every inch of her.

"We should stop before I take you." Tsuna asked as he sat on one of the sides of the bed. Unfortunately for him though, Chrome would have none of that.

'I want you.' That was all Chrome thought as she waltzed in front of her lover front. "I want you," Chrome stated as she knelt down on both knees and began to unzip his pants.

"If you do that, I promised you, I will ravish you till sunrise." Tsuna warned but Chrome merely ignored him as Tsuna's throbbing hard erection suddenly pop out off his pants and in front of Chrome's face. Chrome smiled at the sight of her lover's manhood, it was roughly eight inches and the width was just right. After a moment, without holding his shaft, Chrome began licking the tip of Tsuna's manhood causing the said person to groan in pleasure.

Chrome, hearing that moan, began to enthusiastically lick his manhood, from the tip to the shaft, her tongue skillfully wrapped itself around his harden member. She then wrapped her lips around the head of his member while his tongue was teasingly swirling around the tip. Chrome, by all means, was an amateur when it comes to this but Tarot's wife had taught her about Kama Sutra so that she could pleasure Tsuna if the time comes. Chrome was always confused on why she taught her about those things and embarrassed because her lessons were semi-practical but as she heard Tsuna's uncharacteristically moan in pleasure, she made a mental note to thank her the next time she sees her. Tsuna groaned in pleasure as Chrome's tongue skillfully dance around his harden manhood, Chrome hearing that groan, quickly took his entire length to her mouth and began bobbing her head. Tsuna, for the first time in his life, cried in pleasure at Chrome's amazing blowjob. He didn't know whether to kill or thank the person who taught her this but he couldn't careless at the moment as he release his first shot of the night directly in Chrome's mouth. Chrome quickly swallowed his load of cum before wiping the excess that dripped on the corner of her lip.

'Sweet,' Chrome thought with a perverse smile. Before she could do anything, she was suddenly pinned to the carpet-covered ground by Tsuna. Tsuna then snapped his fingers and instantly, the room lit up, only to reveal a room made out of mirrors. The entire room, with the exception of the ground, was made out of pure, hard mirrors that reflect their naked bodies for them to see.

Tsuna was a lot of things, a powerful man capable of destroying an army (if he was pissed), a very sadistic and cruel man (only to his enemies), and a very passionate lover (only to her). But the one thing that only Chrome knew and that was, Tsuna had a slight interest in bondage. His interest isn't fanatical and he wouldn't do half of those things to her even if his life depended on it but it didn't stop him from building most of his bedding chambers entirely out of mirrors, the reason why, because he wanted to see her body in several different angles.

Hey, after the things that he did in his fifteen years as an assassin, he needed things to keep his sanity in check.

"You're beautiful," Tsuna commented as he cup her chin and kiss her forehead. "But I don't care how beautiful you are, you'll be mine by sunrise." Tsuna said as he gazed at her wet cunt. He quickly lowered his face and began licking her wet womanhood, but unlike before, he wasn't gentle. He was licking her like a wild animal drinking in a river. Chrome's head instantly snapped her head as Tsuna tongue lick the inside of her cunny, it seems that Tsuna want to return the favor in spades.

"Moan," Tsuna ordered as he driven his tongue deep inside her, which instantly cause her eyes to widen in pleasure as she cried out. She unconsciously wrapped her legs around his head, encouraging him to continue the service that he was giving her. Tsuna, not wanting to disappoint her of all people, pinched her clit causing her to moan wildly as she gazed at the ceiling, only to see her expression as Tsuna eat her out.

'Kami, how could I make that kind of lewd face?' Chrome wondered as she suddenly felt the lack of warm in her lower regions. She grumbled and was about to complain but the sight that she saw made her think twice. Tsuna was holding her ankles while the tip of his manhood was about to break her hymen, but her focus was on Tsuna's eyes, those eyes were the eyes that he wore when he was using his most powerful form but the one different was the fact that his usual tenderness was present.

"Ready?" Tsuna asked with a bit of concern in his cold voice. Chrome could only nod. "Are you sure?" Tsuna asked, unsure to continue. He wanted to continue, don't get him wrong, he wanted to claim her since he realized the he loved her, but he was currently fifteen, and she fourteen, once they do this, there will be no turning back. "We're still young; I'm willing to wait until the two of us are eighteen or something." Tsuna exclaimed but Chrome could only shake her head before pouting.

"The two of us never cared about our society norms, heck we had done things that the society considers immoral or downright evil, what's the harm of adding another one." Chrome inquired with a shy yet excited tone. Tsuna could only smile at her as he gently penetrated her with his throbbing member and at that time, the two had finally become one. It was very fortunate that Tsuna's bedding chambers were located in a separated wing than the rooms that his allies occupy, add to the fact that his room was absolutely sound proof for the sound of his moans and groans of pleasure could be heard echoing in his room while Chrome cried his name in pleasure and ecstasy.

(Scene Change)

The six bosses didn't know why but the Aura that their leader, Tsuna, was emitting was less intimidating than usual, which was saying something because he usual emits murderous Aura while he breaths.

"Thank you for coming all this way and I appreciate the comments that the six of you made last night." Tsuna began as he sat on his chair while eyeing his allies passively. "I may not like the final decision that most of you made but I do see the merits of that decision so I will take it to consideration." Tsuna exclaimed as the six nodded. That was the most logical thing to do at this moment.

"Ashura, what is the status of our S-weapons?" Ash asked as he glanced at the resident genius.

Ashura merely smirked as he showed them three fingers. "Three more months and my family can finally mass produce the S-weapons." Ashura stated proudly. "The plans, the data, and the schematics that you gave me were hard to perfect but I finally created the final design and developed the Operating System that would fit the exoskeleton without affecting the overall performance of the machine." Ashura added as most of the boss grin.

"So it's time for us to debut those weapons, huh." Avery whistled in excitement. "Remember, I want mine with claw like gauntlets." Avery reminded causing Tarot to sigh.

"I can't believe this brute is related to my wife." Tarot whispered and at the same time, the table was suddenly reduced to dust.

"Care to repeat that, you spineless bastard." Avery challenged as he glared at his, begrudgingly, brother-in-law.

"I said my wife would like to see you." Tarot exclaimed with a quite tone. "And also your nephew and your niece would also love to see you." Tarot added as Avery clutch the ground, enough to grab and shatter the concrete ground beneath his hand.

"I'll visit them but make sure you're not in your estate when I do." Avery mumbled as he tried to composed himself. "Baka mapatay pa kita." Avery mumbled in his (and mine) native language.

"Well, if my memory serves me right, the last three times we fought, I won." Tarot stated as the group groaned in dismay.

'Here we go again,' The four other boss thought as Koyuki put a hand on the hilt of her blade, ready to stop the two overly powerful bosses if needed be.

She was about to draw her sword when Avery lunge at Tarot with a loud roar and with the intent to maim him but that change when Tsuna suddenly appeared between the two, grabbing Avery's neck in the process. Tsuna then slammed him to the ground before kicking Tarot on the jaw propelling him upwards. He then grabbed the collar of his shirt and slammed him near Avery.

The two groaned in pain as they were suddenly pinned to the ground by several crimsons spikes. "I had a wonderful evening and I woke up in a very excellent mood and I don't want the two of you to ruin it." Tsuna sneered as he pointed his Bloody Excalibur at their necks. "Do I make myself clear or do you want me to show you the two of you why the last ten times that we fought, I won." Tsuna inquired as the two nodded with a shiver.

Tsuna glared at the two as he deactivated his weapon. "You two better start acting civil with each other; I don't like the idea of turning two wonderful women into widows in such a young age." Tsuna commented as he heads for the exit.

"Is the meeting over, Tsunayoshi?" Koyuki asked as she visibly relaxed.

"Yes," Tsuna said as he opened the door. "We are done for now, get back to the task that I gave all of you, remember what I told you all, as Byakuran's family grow stronger, the odds of war increases and I don't have to remind any of you that everyone here, including Skull's family, are on top of his death lists." Tsuna stated as all of them nodded seriously.

"I expect a lot of things from all of you, don't disappoint me for I will never disappoint any of you." Tsuna said as his parting words as all of them stood up and saluted him. Tsuna saluted as he exited the room.

(Scene Change)

"Your mood had improved drastically compare to last night." Tarot commented as he and Tsuna walk side-by-side while Koyuki was behind them, listening to their conversation.

"I got to see, pleasure, and sleep with my bride, why shouldn't I be happy?" Tsuna inquired sarcastically as Tarot chuckled merrily while Koyuki's face darkened at the mention of his bride.

"I supposed me bringing Chrome-chan with me in this trip is a wised idea." Tarot commented as Tsuna nodded in agreement.

"It was a wised idea," Tsuna added before gazing at him. "By the way, with regards to Mukuro Rokudo, who are you planning to send to against him?" Tsuna asked in a sharp tone.

Tarot, knowing that lying to Tsuna would cause harm to his health, decided to hide behind Koyuki before answering. "I intend to send Yue and Chrome," Tarot answered as Koyuki push the resident illusionist towards Tsuna.

"Don't worry; he won't kill you, just cripple or maim." Koyuki stated as Tsuna suddenly grabbed Tarot right on the neck.

"Please, repeat that," Tsuna requested calmly as he glared at Tarot. "You intend to send my bride to a snake pit, do you want to die?" Tsuna inquired as he released his grip on Tarot's neck.

"Tsuna, you have to understand that Chrome needs experience fighting opponents stronger than her and Yue had trained her well, she will live through these mission, that I assure you." Tarot exclaimed while trying to control his breathing.

"Those two would be living with me if that's the case." Tsuna said with a calm tone before glancing at Koyuki. "Koyuki-chan, meet me at the courtyard in fifteen minutes, I need a spar." Tsuna ordered as he jumped on the nearest window, mind you all, he jumped on the fourth floor.

Tarot could not help but be bewildered as he rubbed his neck. "I don't know what him and Chrome-chan did last night but I approved." Tarot said as he flexed his head a bit. "My neck hurt less at that choke." Tarot added as he felt Koyuki's murderous aura hovering around him, causing him to sigh.

"Please, if you're going to whine then do it at your time." Tarot exclaimed as he stood up and stared at the resident swordswoman. "He made his decision long before he met you, deal with it." Tarot advised as he suddenly found one of Koyuki's swords pointing onto his neck.

"She doesn't deserve him." Koyuki stated in a low tone as she re-sheath her sword. "She will never be good enough for him." Koyuki said as Tarot suddenly emitted a very thick mist flames and trap her in an Egyptian tomb. Koyuki instantly narrowed her eyes at him. "Is this challenge?" Koyuki asked as she placed her hands on the hilt of her swords.

Tarot instantly raised his hand in defense. "Easy now, Koyuki-san," Tarot said in a calm tone. "You and I both know that I am no match against you. Tsuna treats you as his equal in terms of both skill and power and among everyone in the alliance; you are the only one who I will never cross as well as the only who could actually defeat Tsuna." Tarot exclaimed but Koyuki hold on her blade didn't falter.

"Then get me out of here before I rip this dimension to shreds." Koyuki ordered but Tarot merely shook his head.

"Not yet," Koyuki growled at that answered as she unsheathed her swords, rain flames overflowing from her swords. "I'm only here to give you a piece of advised, you may be his equal but I am his right hand man." Tarot stated in calm tone as he waited for Koyuki's reaction.

After a minute of silence, Tarot decided it was safe to continue. "When you said that Chrome-chan doesn't deserve Tsuna, I agree with you wholeheartedly on that." Tarot started and at those words, Koyuki instantly re-sheathed her swords, much to his releif. "But I will tell you right now, even if that is true, Tsuna will still love her with all his heart." Tarot exclaimed as Koyuki narrowed her eyes on the illusionist.

"So you are saying that I should give up?" Koyuki inquired in an indignant tone.

"In laments term, yes," Tarot answered with a sighed. "He had already chosen Chrome even before he met you; add to the fact that you almost killed him in your first meeting." Tarot stated as Koyuki growled at that memory.

"That fight ended in a draw and Tsunayoshi was not the only one in deaths doors after that fight." Koyuki stated with a glare.

"You pointed your sword to Chrome of all people." Tarot reminded her in a calm tone. "And by the way, I am still surprised as hell that he can trust you so much after that ordeal." Tarot exclaimed and suddenly, Koyuki swung her sword, breaking Tarot's illusion with ease.

"I am done talking with you." Koyuki stated as she walked pass tarot who merely grabbed her wrists.

"I am going to be perfectly honest with you, your better than Chrome-chan in every angle. You're more beautiful, you're stronger, and you have a way better body than her but that will never change the fact that his heart was already claimed even before you two clash blades with each other." Tarot told her as he slowly faded away. He had already angered Koyuki and angering her is as worst as angering Tsuna. "Give up on him or you're your heart would end up broken." Tarot advised as he completely disappeared, leaving a seething Koyuki.

"I haven't lost yet," Koyuki mumbled as she marched to the courtyard where Tsuna was waiting for her. She refused to lose against a girl that fragile, especially if Tsunayoshi was in the line.

"Girl you had already lost." Tarot whispered, careful not to be heard by one of their powerhouse.

(Scene Change)

Chrome closed her eyes as she enjoyed a hot, soothing shower. The hot water was slowly washing down her and Tsuna's sweat fof her body. Last night was wonderful for both her and Tsuna; she would have never thought that sex felt that good. Sure, the first few minute were a bit painful for her but that pain quickly subsided and turned into ecstasy for the both of them. If there was a god up there, she would have been thanking him/her for having Tsuna's bedding chamber was soundproof because she was moaning like crazy last night and they might have heard them.

'So that is what making love felt like.' Chrome thought with a blissful smile as she brought her hand to her beating heart. Tsuna was extremely gentle with her, always complimenting her at how beautiful she is during their intercourse while giving her the best pleasure she had ever have in her life.

Chrome was deep in her thoughts that she didn't notice someone entering the bathroom. "Good morning my Chrome-chan, do you mind if I join in?" A cold voiced asked playfully as Chrome whipped her head back, only to see Tsuna, whom was covered with bruises and by the looks of those bruises, she could already tell who cause them.

"You sparred with Koyuki-san again, huh." Chrome said with a small, fond smile as she glance a Tsuna with adoring eyes.

"Yes," Tsuna answered as he strip down and approached Chrome. "She was better compare to the last time I sparred with her." Tsuna commented as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I love you," Tsuna whispered as Chrome leaned on his shoulder.

"Love you too," Chrome answered shyly as the two shared a quick kiss.

"I've heard from Tarot-san that you are going after Mukuro Rokudo." Tsuna mentioned as Chrome bathed him from head to toe.

"Are you going to make Tarot-sama send another one for this mission?" Chrome asked she knew how dangerous Mukuro Rokudo is and she also knew that if something relatively bad happens to her, Tsuna would turn Japan into a battle field until he finds the person who caused her harm.

"Normally, yes, I would demand Tarot-san to replace you for this mission but I would also be insulting your skills if I do that." Tsuna said as he felt Chrome's gentle hands all over his body. "But because Mukuro Rokudo is currently in Namimori, I think I could allow you to go after him." Tsuna exclaimed coldly before embracing her again.

"You'll be staying with me until your mission is complete and I will not take no for an answer." Tsuna said as he embraced her tightly. "I want more quality time with you." Tsuna whispered as Chrome leaned on his embraced.

"Of course, boss." Chrome said with a small smile as the two enjoyed a hot shower together.

(Scene Change)

"Boss, you shouldn't be doing this." Chrome mumbled as she was led to the mall by Tsuna followed closely by Koyuki who had insisted of coming with them. Secretly, Chrome was against it but Tsuna allowed her to accompany them for she was the second most trusted boss in the alliance, next to Tarot. That and Tsuna said that she needed a little break.

"The last time I check, I'm the boss around her and I cannot let my bride be without the essentials." Tsuna stated earning a small pout from Chrome.

Chrome groaned softly as she rested her head on his shoulder. "You're spoiling me boss," Chrome whispered earning a soft chuckle from Tsuna before leaning towards her ear.

"You didn't mind me spoiling you last night." Tsuna whispered and at those words, Chrome blushed furiously much to irritation of Koyuki.

'Why is she alive again?' Koyuki wondered with a passive expression. "Oh yeah, I failed to kill her." Koyuki mumbled to herself as she noticed Tsuna eyeing her.

"Is there something wrong, Koyuki-chan?" Tsuna asked in a worried tone under his passive voice.

Koyuki offered him a small smile before shaking her head. "No worries, Tsunayoshi. Just enjoy your moment with your," Koyuki then glanced coldly at Chrome. "Bride" Koyuki muttered with disdain.

Tsuna didn't bother lecturing her, knowing that she does not like Chrome, for reason he does not know, and he does not dare to confront her about it. After all she was, in both skill and power, his equal and she was one of the few that he would be hard press to fight willingly or threaten. Add to the fact that she may leave the alliance which was not good news for him.

"Koyuki-chan, relax a bit, you work yourself too hard for the alliance and for your own family. Relax, enjoy life, everyone in the mafia have short life span, including you and me so live it to fullest while you can." Tsuna advised with a small smile before returning his attention back to Chrome.

Koyuki chuckled at that, he always told them those exact words whenever they were with him and she held on those words as a life line. Those exact words made her feel like a woman and not just a powerful Mafia Boss.

'If only I had finish her off, then I could have probably have him or he would have use that on me.' Koyuki shudder after remembering Tsuna's true specialty.

"Now, where do you guys want to do, do you guys want to go buy some clothes or do you guys want to eat lunch?" Tsuna asked them as he glanced at Chrome and Koyuki.

"Lunch, I have a craving for something cold and sweet." Koyuki said earning a soft chuckle from Tsuna.

"Of course you do," Tsuna commented, knowing full well of Koyuki's love of sweet. "What about you Chrome, what do you want to eat?"

"The usual boss," Chrome answered meekly much to Koyuki's irritation.

"You should fix your act woman." Koyuki exclaimed loudly causing Chrome to look at a passive Koyuki. "You will have the privilege of marrying him someday and the way you conduct yourself is truly an eyesore. It is not becoming of the future wife of our leader." Koyuki commented earning her a small glare from Chrome which Koyuki retaliated with a smug look that clearly states 'glare all you want, I'm still better than you in every aspect'.

The look aggravated her but Chrome decided to ignore it, as much as she pained her to admit, she was better than her in every aspect, she was Tsuna's equal in battle, her beauty was well known in the Mafia world, she has major influence in the Japanese Mafia community, she a reputation of being the most dangerous swordswoman in the world today and she was also one of Tsuna's most trusted friend. She on the other hand, she is skillful but nowhere near the power level of Tsuna and Koyuki, she was still an unknown in their world, her beauty was not that exotic compare to Koyuki as well, and the only reason why most of Tsuna's allies acknowledge her is because Tsuna had stated that she would be her bride one day and if anything happens to her, he would not hesitate to destroy them and he world.

In short, Koyuki was the one thing Chrome was not and the one thing she desire to be for she knew, regardless of what Tsuna says, that Koyuki was the only person in the world that can truly deserve her Tsuna but unfortunately for her thought, Chrome will not just hand him over.

"Of course, Koyuki-dono," Chrome exclaimed with a quite tone earning her a piercing look from Koyuki.

'What does Tsunayoshi see's in this girl?' Koyuki wondered silently as she watched Tsuna hold the fragile girl lovingly. She clenched her fist tightly, that girl did not deserve that.

Tsuna on the other hand sighed dejectedly, he needs to figure out how to have his two favorite females to act accordingly with each other, he was beginning to feel irritated at Koyuki's blatant disrespect to his Chrome-chan but his hands were tied. If she was someone he could easily beat then he would have told her to respect Chrome but she was one of the few that could stand her ground against him in an all out battle and he was not sure who would win if they fought. Although, if she ever tried to lay a hand on Chrome, then he will take her down with him if it requires.

"Come on now ladies, get along now." Tsuna all but ordered.

(Scene Change)

Nana Sawada was busy preparing a large lunch, the reason why, her husband and boss and several of their friends had suddenly arrived in their house. So after welcoming their guess and embracing and kissing her husband, she had buried herself in the kitchen to cook a feast for them. On the other hand, their guess and her husband were currently in a deep and serious conversation.

"So Tsunayoshi is mostly a cold and merciless person who had easily dealt with the assassin that Xanxus send against him, am I correct?" Timoteo, the ninth Vongola, inquired as he eyed Dino, Aria, and Collonello critically.

"That's right, kora," Collonello mumbled and despite none being there, he had seen Tsuna's eyes and that was enough for him to believe in Tsuna's strength. "He has our eyes," Collonello commented and those four words instantly caused Iemitsu to girt his teeth.

"I am going to kill that Kirin when I get my hands on him." Iemitsu muttered as he clenched his hands tightly, enough to actually draw blood

"Calm yourself, Iemitsu," Lal Mirch, one of Iemitsu's associates in CEDEF, said in a calm tone. "The Bloody Kirin didn't become a legend in our world for no reason. You heard what the rumors were saying about him and the last time we actually send someone against him, he sent all their mutilated corpses back to us and not to mention, he is the reason why the last boss of the Varia lost an arm." Lal stated while fighting back a shudder. She remember that all too well for she was part of the assault team send against the Kirin, she vaguely remember those cold orange eyes of the Kirin while he slaughter her squad, by all means and purposes, she should be dead right now but was save when she hid under the dead bodies of her comrades. It was not her proudest moment but that guy just flat-out scared her.

"I haven't personally met or fought this Kirin guy but some of my peers had actually worked with him." Collonello exclaimed, earning him a look of interests among the people there. "The general view about him is simple, cross him or anger him, he will kill you and most of them actually prefer fighting Reborn than fighting him in an all out fight." Collonello stated as the door was suddenly opened.

"Which is quite very reasonable." Bianchi said with Reborn perched on his shoulder. The said Arcobaleno had a sour expression on his face.

"Bianchi, what are you doing here and Reborn, I thought you were in Siberia, how were you able to return so fast?" Iemitsu asked while Reborn eyed everyone there.

"I didn't find her." Reborn muttered in a dark tone as he lowered his fedora to hid his eyes. "Ask another question, I will shoot." Rebon warned as Bianchi took a sit right beside Aria.

"Your wife let me in," Bianchi said, earning her a nod from Iemtisu. "I know that you guys are wondering why I am here, well the answer is simple. Reborn had suspected a connection between Tsuna and the Bloody Kirin a month ago so he asked me to gather some info about him." Those words instantly caused Dino to bolt to his feet.

"Are you nuts Reborn? Do you know what happens to people that tries to dig some information about him?" Dino yelled and Reborn answered by simply firing a bullet lace with Sun flames which Dino barely dodge.

"That guy knows where Luce is, the hell if I will leave him alone." Reborn exclaimed with a sharp tone, anger evident in his eyes. "I don't care who that Kirin guy is but he will tell me where Luce is, one way or another." Reborn said as Timoteo tried to calm his most trusted warrior.

"Bianchi, please tell us what you found out." Timoteo commanded with a gentle tone.

Bianchi nodded at the ninth boss before taking a deep breath. "The info about the Bloody Kirin is scarce at best but I was able to pick up some of his missions info when he was still beginning as a small time assassin in Japan." Bianchi exclaimed as she showed them several pictures. "That guy is very tought to tract down and he is very good at covering his tracks but it's very fortunate that some Yakuza and Mafia families had kept some records about him." Bianchi commented as she showed him a four year old boy with wearing the signature cloak of the Bloody Kirin.

"This is the Bloody Kirin, age four, his first mission was with the Todoh family, a former Mafia Family that resides near Namimori. His mission was to steal a certain diamond from a museum." Bianchi exclaimed as she showed them the museum and the diamond that he was force to steal. "The mission outcome, success with minimal casualty mostly minor property damaged." Bianchi stated as she showed them another picture.

"Bloody Kirin aged five, he was hired by the Hikari Family for a casino heist. Mission outcome, success with major property damaged and several human casualty, the men that died had their throats ripped off while some had some bite marks that looks exactly like a lion's bite." Bianchi said as she showed them the pictures of the carnage that the Bloody Kirin was capable off, at the age of five no less.

"Again, Bloody Kirin, age five. This time he was hired by the Kyuketsuki family, this time the job was assassination, mission outcome success with no other casualty." Bianchi exclaimed as he showed them another picture, this time it was the Bloody Kirin three years older.

"The Bloody Kirin, age eight, his most notable mission at that age was the Great Ryuuga Revolt where he was said to slaughter the guardians of the pass boss but considering the Vongola's history with the Ryuuga family, I will leave it there." Bianchi said as she watched the sadden expression both Timoteo and Iemtisu. "It is also note worthy that the Bloody Kirin at age eight had also defeated the pass Varia boss, Ty Lee, causing the late Sword Emperor his arm as well as the great Crimson Sword Incident." Bianchi left it their knowing the Vongola's failure will be engrave in their history forever and the Vongola family didn't like failure.

"Now this is where his legend really spread across the world." Bianchi stated with a grim expression. "Age ten, the age where the moniker Bloody Kirin was made global, he, at that tender age, was the one responsible for the genocide of The Chiten Family, a large Chinese Mafia family. He slaughter them all from men to women and spared only the children and the terrifying part about that is he did it at the span of a day without including any civilians and without reinforcement." Bianchi stated as an eerie silence wash over the occupants of the room as she showed them the picture of the Bloody Kirin cutting down soldiers from left to right.

"Age twelve, the only thing I'm going to say is the Crimson Heaven Massacre and I think most of you know about that incident." Bianchi muttered loudly causing most of the occupants of the room to shiver in dread. The Crimson Heaven Incident was the worst Mafia family genocide for not even the children were spared from the rage of the Bloody Kirin, hell, the slaughter was so gruesome that the sky itself turn blood red and that was no exaggeration.

"So this guy is already a Demon at the tender age of four, Kora." Collonello commented with a disturbed tone.

"God, wherever this guy came from must be hell for him to turn out like this." Lal Mirch commented as she gazed at the cold eyes of a killing machine.

"Yeah, not even Reborn is that dangerous and that is saying something." Iemitsu mumbled, if the Bloody Kirin was already skillful at that age then there is not telling how dangerous he could possibly be.

"If Tsuna is under this guys command, I think it would be wise to find another heir for I don't think the Kirin would tolerate the Vongola messing with his affairs, again." Arai voiced her comments and before anyone could tell her off, a yell from Nana shook them all back to reality.

"NANA-CHAN," Iemitsu yelled frantically as he grabbed his weapon and stomped towards the front dorr, ready to kill any idiot that dares threatens his wife while the rest of them followed the CEDEF boss, prepared to either help him or restrain him. "NANA-CHAN, IS SOMETHING THE MATTER?" Iemitsu yelled only to be meant by a sharp gaze of a beautiful woman, a woman that Iemitsu was familiar with because of the sneer plastered on his face.

"Sawada-san, please your mouth, I am merely here for a delivery and to deliver a message to Nana-san." Yue said telepathically, not missing the sneer on the face of the father of her boss.

Iemitsu would have charged at her but was stop when Nana, his wife, embraced one of his most despised enemy. "YUE-CHAN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Nana exclaimed in an excited tone as she embraced at the normally serious girl, shocking her husband and every Mafioso their.

For starters, they knew who the woman was, Yue the Raven, one of the most dangerous illusionists in the world and the right hand-man (woman) of the most powerful illusionist in the world, Tarot the Pharaoh of Hell. The one thing that literally shocked them, especially Iemitsu, was the fact that Nana was seemingly in good terms with her and was even hugging her.

If they look at Reborn's expression though, most of them would probably have a heart attack or cardiac arrest for that matter.

"Yue-chan, what brings you here?" Nana asked in an excited tone only for Yue to reply by a simple smile before gently sliding a briefcase towards Nana.

"Chrome is with Tsuna-san, don't expect them to arrived early." Yue mumbled as she felt a powerful gaze surround her. "And by the way, Chrome would be living here with you for a while." And with those words said, she quickly exited the house, completely hearing Nana's loud squealed as she ran towards the kitchen.

Yue sighed before grabbing her gun and pointing it at the figure behind her. "What do you want?" Yue asked coldly.

"You've grown," Reborn mumbled as he pointed a gun right behind her head.

"Of course I've grown," Yue muttered as they both withdraw their gun and Yue continued with her walk. "Mother is well, father," Yue stated quietly, not even pausing to look at Reborn's face. If she did, she would be privilege to see an expression of Reborn's face that few had ever seen.

That expression was longing.

Chapter 11 done, please enjoy