1 Sickle 3 Knuts
Volume 1
Issue 1
1 May 2000


Hello there Gracious fans of Gilderoy Lockhart!

Gladys Gudgeon here, president of the official Gilderoy Lockhart fans club. We fans want to make sure that our favourite wizard gets well soon and writes more of his wondrous books.


Gilderoy Lockhart: The Biography Part 1
Part one of our stunning look at our beloved Gilderoy's life.

The Gilderoy Lockhart Book list
The almost-complete Gilderoy book list, for those people who have still *shame on you* not got a firm hold on everyone of Gilderoy's books.

The Gilderoy Lockhart Award List
The complete list of what awards our dear brave Gilderoy has won and what he won them for.

Your problems answered by out very own agony aunt. Notalot O' Moaning

Questions and Answers
Your questions about Gilderoy Lockhart answered by Ima Wondering.

Gilderoy Lockhart: A Biography Part 1

Gilderoy Lockhart was born Coventry, in 1960. His parents Kia and Hermes Lockhart were a great influence on the little Gilderoy, encouraging him to stand up for himself and never over estimate the power of ones imagination.

Gilderoy was raised in an entirely magical family, he was sent to the Junior Academy for Young Wizards, in South Wales to try to encourage his magical development.

His parents often treated their young son to special things; Gilderoy was the proud owner of a Comet broomstick at the tender age of eight. He played for his school Quidditch Team almost a year later.

Gilderoy played the position of seeker, but was always careful to make sure that he wonderful blonde flyaway hair did not make the rest of his team jealous. He made an excellent seeker and was often award the man-of-the match award, something that he still holds dear to his heart.

Although growing up in South Wales he never learnt the language and has always maintained that he wished he did, so that he would be able to help rid Wales of all the evil it holds.

Part two in next week's issue.


Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to Making Good Impressions
Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to Self Improvement
Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to Hair Care
Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to Household Pests
Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to Magical Plants and Fungi
The Complete Gilderoy Lockhart Book Collection Volume 1
The Complete Gilderoy Lockhart Book Collection Volume 2
Break with a Banshee
Gadding with Ghouls
Holidays with Hags
Travels with Trolls
Voyages with Vampires
Wanderings with Werewolves
Year with the Yeti
Dancing with Dragons
Playing with Poltergeists
Hunting Hinkypugs
Magical Me


Order of Merlyn Third Class
For service to the Magical Community

Five times winner of Witch Weeklys Most-Charming-Smile-Award
The great honour which he won ever year for the past five years. Although he does not always convey this, he is proud to have been one of the only people to win this award more than twice running.


Our magical problem solver Notalot O'Moaning will solve almost any problem you have.

Dear Notalot
I am currently obsessed with anything to do with Gilderoy Lockhart; I even dress up like him! My husband is getting worried and I am getting worried. What is wrong with me?

Yours Sincerely

Ineed Help

Dear Ineed
No there is nothing wrong with you, you are just suffering all the systems of 'over fascination syndrome' In most cases I would recommend you see a physiatrist but as it is our beloved Gilderoy I suggest that
you let it run its course.

Dear Notalot
Ever since Gilderoy Lockhart became ill I have spent over a thousand galleons on get well soon cards and presents. Not one of my letters has ever been answered, nor any thank yous sent. I am worried that Gilderoy Lockhart may not like me what can I do?

Yours Sincerely


Dear Ms Sessive
WOW! That is a problem, remember that Mr. Lockhart is often swamped with fan mail. He probably does not just have round to answering yours yet. The same reason why he has not responded to any of your gifts of sympathy, he does not have the time currently to get a round to replying.

More problems solved in the next issue!


Ima Wondering answers some of your questions.

Where I get hold of the all the Lockhart Books at a cheap price?
Flourish and Blots do a half price deal on books you buy through mail order.

Are there any other biographies about Gilderoy Lockhart?
Not that we know of, Gilderoy Lockhart is a very private person. He only decided to write his autobiography last year after too many fans were asking him very personal questions.

Does Lockhart respond to all his fan letters personally?
Yes, he does.

Where can I get hold of A Simple Cure? The play about Lockhart's defeat of the Waga Waga Werewolf?
If you ask in Flourish and Botts, they might tell you where you could get hold of the scripts. Most good theatrical companies in the magical world will have a copy.

This is all for the first issue of The Official Gilderoy Lockhart Fan Club Magazine. Please submit your comments and suggestions to this address:

The Official Gilderoy Lockhart Fan Club Magazine
Office 666
Magic Road
Diagon Ally