Previously in We Can Do It, Right..?

"Isa are you okay" she said, running in the room and hugging me.
"I'm fine mom"

Isabella POV

"why did you steal my car and leave!" she demanded

"I think you know why" I hissed, cuddling farther into Phineas' grip

She glared, then after a moment of hesitation lunged forward and hugged us both.

"im sorry" she murmured

"you have no idea how hard it was for us to be apart mom" Phineas said

"it hurt" I added and she nodded

"I know. im taking my car back and selling our other house, we will be back in around a month" Vivian said

"mom im not going with you. I cant be away from him for that long. Especially not now" I said

"what do you mean..?" mom asked

"im uh... kinda.. sorta... pregnantwithPhineas'childandweareengaged" she said blurring together the last part.

"what?" she asked

I looked at Phineas, signalling for him to speak because I couldnt. He nodded and turned to mom

"shes pregnant" he said "and engaged"

I held out my finger and the diamond sparkled in the dim light.

"but... your only 16" she said

"actually, I turned 17 today and she is turning 17 in 3 minutes" Phineas said

"well thats not the point!" mom yelled

We both shrugged and as soon as the clock struck midnight he said

"happy birthday to my gorgeous fiancee" and kissed me

I kissed back and when we broke away I said

"thank you my gorgeous fiancee"

I yawned tiredly and said

"mom im tired. you know where the door is. we havent forgiven you yet, and if you dont leave I will get security"

"wait! why are you in here!" mom asked

"I was stabbed" I sighed

"you let my baby get stabbed!" mom screamed and lunged for Phineas. I jumped up and punched her in the gut, making her keel over and fall.

"stay away from him" I snarled

She slowly stood and said

"I'll be back. when you least expect it!"

"SECURITY!" I screamed and they walked in and dragged her out while she screamed

"well that was... completely terrifing" Phineas sighed, then realizing I was still up, gently picked me up and layed me back in bed.

"thanks" I murmured as he pulled me into his arms.

The doctor walked in and said

"Isabella I think you can be discharged now"

"really?" I asked

"yup. but after seeing your mother we have sent her to an insane asylum, so shes gone. we need to assign you security gaurds" he replied

"no. I refuse. I know its in my best interest but Phineas can protect me" I said forcefully

The doctor sighed and nodded his assent.

"very well. follow me" he said

I stood and my legs shook and Phineas chuckled and picked me up, carrying me out of the room.

"put me down. I can walk" I grumbled

"your drunk. no you cant. im not talking any chances with our child" he teased

"shut up" I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder as we followed the doctor to the check out counter.

Phineas filled out all the sheets and then picked me up again, and we ran home.

I grabbed the note we found on the door and he layed me on the couch. As he pulled off my shoes I read the note out loud.

"it reads Phineas, I dont know where you disappeared to, but im sure your fine or you would have called. Me Lawrence Candace and Ferb are all going to be gone for a week. need to know basis. no we are not going to find isabella, we are going to disney land. damn i told you... and no this does not mean im going to start talking to you again. you spazzed at me because of a girl. wtf is that"

I sighed and Phineas pulled me into a hug.

"I was pretty mean to her. thats all shes trying to say" he said

"alright" I sighed and he put on twister and I fell asleep in his arms

Phineas POV

Im so glad shes never going to leave me again. I dont know how I survived without her. I cant believe shes pregnant. This is the best day ever.

I laughed and sighed when Jo and Bill got into the argument while Bill is driving.

"they are so predictable" I laughed and slowly drifted to sleep.