Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any characters. I just make them do my bidding.

Bellatrix twirled her wand in her fingers. Her curly black hair fell to her midback and her eyes trailed through the kitchen. She was eying it through the cracked door. Alice Longbottom, a round faced witch, was cooking dinner. She was humming too, and this sickened Bellatrix to pretending to gag.

Rodolphus decided to slowly open the door more, and then he noticed his wife slide her hand onto the side of the door, urging it open to it's fullest. "So, Alice, where's the husband? Off shopping with his mum for some new hats?" Bellatrix teased. Alice spun around and backed up into the counter.

"N-n-no," she stammered feeling in her robes pocket for her wand. Rabastan smirked and held up Alice's wand.

"You left it in your coat pocket, dearie, don't worry. You won't need it if you co-operate," Bellatrix teased as she took a few steps closer. Alice then began feeling on the counter. Wasn't there a knife rack nearby? Then she opened the drawer and pulled out a spoon. "Shit," she mumbled under her breath.

Bellatrix laughed and said, "Just tell us where Frankie is and we won't cause any harm."

Alice shook her head and crossed her arms. "I know you, Black, you would harm anyone who dared to even glance at you the wrong way."

Cackling, Bellatrix held up her hand with her wedding ring on it and said, "It's Lestrange now." Then, with the same hand, she gripped Alice's hair and slammed her head into the refrigerator. "Tell us now!"

Alice shook her head and mumbled, "No." Then, the cruciatus curse was cast onto her. Bellatrix cackled, Rodolphus chuckled the same as Rabastan, and Barty smirked at the shaking woman.

Jolts of pain shot through Alice's body, almost causing her to shriek. Then, she felt two more wands sending the curse at her. Rodolphus and his brother must have joined in. She shrieked as loud as possible and was now on the floor, clawing at it.

Frank opened the door to the house and heard his wife scream. He immediately ran into the kitchen, only to be snatched up by Barty. "Here he is!" Barty bellowed, before snatching the wand. "You know what we want. Tell us where they are."

"When I go insane!" Frank tried to fight Barty off, but then Rabastan shot the curse at him too. Then, the brother's stopped, and left it up to Bellatrix.

Bellatrix clucked her tongue and said, "They won't tell us." She then pointed her wand at both of them, and she shrieked almost like a child would after they got a new toy, "Crucio!" She laughed and jumped up and down as the two shook and shrieked.

"Tell me and I will make it all stop," Bellatrix said. She relieved the curse for them to reply.

Smiling at his wife, Frank said, "See you in the next life?" Alice nodded and hugged her husband. "We won't tell you, ever."

Outraged, Bellatrix shot the curse one more time. This was much powerful than the ones before. "I demand you tell me right now!"


"CRUCIO!" The explosion of red light from her wand was so bright that Rodolphus had to move his arm up in front of his face. "Tell me now?"



Rodolphus shook his head and said, "Bellatrix, you have gone too far."

"They are bloody mad!" Barty said looking at the two on the floor. "Oh well, someone else somewhere has to know."

"Yeah, I guess," Rabastan said with a frown.

"That was fun," Bellatrix said before skipping outside.

AN; Awful, I know. I can't write. I am like a monkey jumping around on a keyboard. Oh well, R&R!