I'm super happy right now so I'm going to update my story! Chinese food is like the perfect inspiration to me, gosh knows why lol. Thanks for the reviews ^.^ I love them! Okay this fic is going to be short, I'm thinking 2 or 3 more chapters tops. Well enjoy!

Allen: Ella owns nothing, but the Chinese food on her plate! (Ella: Yum…)


"How did they know me Tyki, why won't you answer me?" Allen yelled at his partner, he was confused how could those people know his name, he'd never met them in his life.

"Allen I've told you three times, it's not important, the guards are looking for them now. They won't bother you again," Tyki said flipping through a book on the table. "Come to bed, they aren't coming back."

"That blue-haired man, he was so… familiar," Allen said, "I had to have met him before. It's really odd Tyki, have you seen him before?"

"No Allen, I haven't, now please come to bed I'm tired," The older man complained reaching for his lover.

Allen backed away, "I'll be sleeping in the spare room tonight Tyki, I'll see you tomorrow." Allen said before grabbing a blanket and leaving the room.

Allen tip-toed to the front of the castle, careful not to wake the sleeping guard, he quickly opened the large window and climbed out. He had to see that man again, no matter what Tyki said; he had seen that man before, Kanda.

Allen followed the flow of people in the city, even at this late hour the city was busy, exotic. He took extra care to make sure his white hair wasn't showing, nobody could know he was out tonight. Allen sighed, he wasn't mad at Tyki, but the man could be so infuriating sometimes. His eighteenth birthday was coming up; maybe Tyki was just stressed out with all of the fuss Road made about the party she was holding. It was going to be a masquerade ball in two days; everyone in the city would be invited into the castle to celebrate.

Allen sighed, there were hundreds of inns in the large city, how would he be able to find the man in this chaos? Allen walked into the middle part of the city, he would check there first, it was a cheaper place to stay.

He walked into the first inn and froze, there sitting at a table in the corner was the red-haired man from earlier. Allen walked over to him quickly, clearing his throat to get the boy's attention.

"Excuse me, are you friends with a dark-haired man? Kanda I think was his name," Allen asked politely, the red-head looked up surprised at the sudden presence of Allen.

"Allen, it's really you! Lenalee and Kanda will be so happy!" the read-head shouted hugging Allen tightly, earning a few stares from others in the room.

"I don't think I know you, though you seem oddly familiar," Allen said, struggling in his embrace. Lavi stepped back staring at him, mouth agape.

"It's me Lavi, Allen don't you remember, we worked at the Black Order together." Allen shook his head; he couldn't remember anything about a Black Order.

"Nope, I grew up here," Allen said, stepping away cautiously in case Lavi decided he wanted another hug.

"Damn Allen, when did your accent get so thick?" Lavi asked laughing; he grabbed Allen's hand practically dragging him up the stairs.


"Where is Lavi I'm starving," Lenalee complained holding her stomach, Kanda smirked at her.

"Slow as ever I guess stupid rabbit," Kanda said.

There were shouts outside the door, one voice was Lavi's the other voice had a think English accent.

"Come on Moyashi-chan! We don't have all day!" Lavi shouted.

"I'm not a beansprout! Stupid rabbit," The other voice shouted, Lenalee shot right up she stared at Kanda.

That sounded like Allen, hope surged through Kanda. The door opened revealing Lavi pulling a struggling Allen Walker into the hotel room. Lavi shut the door sitting Allen down on one of the chairs in the room.

"It's you!" Allen shouted, pointing at Kanda. "Where do I know you from? Tyki said he had never seen you." Anger surged through Kanda, what did they do to him?

"Allen-kun it's us from the Order, we are exorcists, remember." Lenalee said calmly, Allen's face lit up.

"Oh, I heard Road talking about them, she said you were assassins," Allen said glaring at them.

"Alright Moyashi this has gone on long enough, let's just start at the beginning," Kanda said sighing.


"We don't know what happened to you after you were kidnapped, but one of the Noah messed with your head. Any idea who it was?" Lavi finished.

"Xeda…" Allen breathed out, "It had to be her, but why?" He asked desperately.

"Tyki Mikk wanted you it's just that simple," Everyone's heads snapped to the figure standing in the window.

"Who are you," Kanda asked taking a stance in front of Allen. The figure laughed, jumping into the room, he looked a lot like Allen, slightly taller with golden eyes.

"I'm Neah, the outcast of the Noah clan," he said taking a bow, "Also known as Neah Walker."

"Mana…" Allen muttered.

"My brother," Neah smiled sadly, "That's right kid I'm your uncle."

"Okay okay let's stop the soap opera here! Now do you know what they are planning?" Lavi asked.

"Nope, but you three need to show up at the ball, I guarantee they are going to do something then." Neah said, "Shit, they've sensed me, sorry to cut our meeting short. We'll meet again. But first, let's get rid of that nasty spell she's got on you." Neah walked over to Allen touching his heart, figures glowing.

Kanda stared at Allen; he was staring at the floor with a blank look on his face.

"Oi Moyashi, it's not naptime!" he shouted, Allen glared at him.

"It's Allen Bakanda A-L-L-E-N" Allen shouted, Kanda stood stunned, it was his regular Allen. No heavy accent.

"We're going to go get some food," Lenalee said, holding her stomach giving Kanda a wink.

"Moyashi," Kanda said, bringing Allen into a crushing embrace, "I love you,"


That's the ballgame! Ugh I hate the end of this chapter… meh. Tired, nap, good night. *hugs*