Hi! I'm back with a new chapter! First, I would like to thank Jingle For Goldfish for reviewing and correcting my chapter.

And second, enjoy your reading!


Edward point of view

Personally, I blame Alice. Oh, of course, Emmett has much to do with this fiasco. But really, he only acted like he always acts. He is predictable and only needs a boost in the right direction to do the stupidest things. No, the real culprit here, the trigger of this mess, the one mainly responsible, it's definitely Alice.

It all began a Friday morning, a few hours before going to school. That morning, I was simply talking with Jasper. What started as a discussion about a hunting trip for the weekend had slowly evolved into a deep debate about the consequences of having foreign thoughts or emotions inside our heads, and the headaches that came with it. I really liked that about Jasper. With Emmett, it was impossible to have a serious conversation.

Then Alice came down from her room, after having spent a few hours choosing her outfit for the day, and helping Rosalie do the same. She went straight to sit on Jasper's knees, and she turned to me.

"You'll have to delay your hunting trip a few hours," she announced suddenly. "I'm not sure how you'll manage to earn it, Edward, but you are going to have a detention after school, tonight."

She showed me a vision of myself, copying lines, to prove her point. I raised an eyebrow, a bit skeptical. And I wasn't the only one.

"Edward? In detention?" Emmett guffawed, joining us in the lounge. "As if Edward would dare to do something cool enough at school to end up in detention. It could ruin his perfect student's reputation! Eh! I bet even as a human he was every teacher's pet!"

"Don't worry, Emmett, I have no intention to waste my time in detention. I have better things to do."

"Like what? Homework?"

Ignoring Emmett's last comment, I consciously decided to behave irreproachably today, and I was rewarded with Alice's vision becoming dimmer.

"Oh no!" Emmett protested when he saw my smile. "No way you can escape this! I will personally make sure that you do this detention! Be ready to endure long hours of detention, brother!"

And I'll make sure it's humiliating! That'll teach him to laugh at me when I get a detention. Like last time. It's not my fault if the school material is so fragile!

I laughed, thinking about that time. Lets just say it involved a chemistry laboratory, some too fragile vials, a few products not to mix, a sticky, stinking substance in his hair, a smashed wall and the unexpected arrival of a teacher at the wrong time. And myself, I was at the forefront for the whole thing, and I got away without even a telling off. Hilarious!

Shut up, you! Emmett added mentally. Tonight, I'll be the one to laugh when you'll be copying lines! He who laughs last laughs best!

Then, he left the room to think about his plan. I rolled my eyes. If it was one of the others, maybe I would have worried. Jasper, for example, was coldly calculating and a very good strategist. Rosalie, meanwhile, was just vicious, and Alice was completely unscrupulous. But Emmett was messy, impulsive and thoughtless. And he was terrible at making plans, and even worse at putting them into action. There was a better chance that he would end up in detention himself than get me sent there. I could hear him planning in the next room, and I had to refrain myself from rolling my eyes.

What if I only tried to make him late? I would only have to hold him until the bell rang, easy! Well... that is if I can catch him, of course… And that would make me late too… Anyway, it's not really funny… Maybe if I stole his homework, so he can't turn it in…But knowing him, he'll just find an excuse, and since he is every teacher's pet, they'll just swallow everything he says, and he won't get in trouble. Totally unfair! What about if I made some additions in his homework, instead? Oh yeah! That could be funny! I could add plenty of indecent comments in his notebooks! If a teacher was to see this, Edward would never live it down!

Now, I was completely astounded by his stupidity. Did that moron realize that I could hear everything he just thought?

I know! Emmett mentally exclaimed as he found another brilliant idea, I'll make the English teacher find a condom in his stuff! That will earn him a detention for sure! Mrs. Robins is so uptight! She'll probably have a heart attack!

I nearly burst out in laughter again. Did he really think an idea like that could work? First, he didn't know Mrs. Robins at all! And second, he didn't even half plan his idea! There were so many ways I could turn the blame on him. By drawing the attention to him when he tried to slip the condom in my bag, for example.

And he continued his dubious planning all the way to school. Then, he tried clumsily to put all his crappy ideas into action at once…

First, he tried to steal my homework, while I was busy answering a question at the board. It could have worked if he hadn't thought about it all morning. Therefore, he only found an empty notebook and a note addressed to him. I had seen him coming, so I had let all my things in my locker. He also left an obscene note on my desk, but the teacher never saw it, and I quickly got rid of it.

By third period, he had somehow got his hand on a few condoms (I didn't even want to know where he found them). In the end, it was somewhat entertaining. He chose to act in Mrs. Robins' class, thinking she would react the worst. But he didn't know Mrs. Robins.

He had planned to throw the incriminating condom while I was walking past the teacher's desk, to make it seem like I dropped it. So, I carefully timed my entrance and she didn't even see anything. Therefore, Emmett had to insist.

"You dropped something, Edward!" he said loudly, drawing the teacher's attention to me.

I pretended to search my pockets.

"No, I didn't lose anything," I answered, looking around, feigning confusion.

Behind me, Mrs. Robins spotted the condom that had landed right next to her desk.

Oh no! she thought fearfully. Is that really what I think it is?

I had to stop myself from sending Emmett a mocking smile. If he only knew, he would never have chosen this specific class for his ploy!

Then, I pretended to find the condom and, keeping an expression of incomprehension, I picked it up, under the panicked stare of Mrs. Robins.

"Is it yours?" I asked Mrs. Robins, with a carefully bewildered, though still polite, face, like the model student she thought I was.

Blushing, she hastily took the condom and hid it in her desk.

Oh no! Andrew must have dropped it this morning! she thought, embarrassed. It's a miracle nobody else had seen it yet. I hope Edward doesn't make a scene!

No way! Emmett thought from the corridor.

"Thank you, Mr. Cullen," Mrs. Robins said. "I'm counting on you to be discreet about this incident. Now, you can go back to your seat," she concluded a bit shortly from the embarrassment.

What? mentally protested Emmett, while going away to his own classroom. How did he do that? How could she think it was hers? She does it in her classroom? Mrs. Robins? In her classroom? And Edward, that bastard, he knew it! He did that on purpose! Arg! How can he always get away with everything? He pisses me off!

Eh! If he had asked, I could have told him that Mrs. Robins' classroom was often the scene of her adventures with the concierge. She actually thought about it a bit too much for my taste…

Emmett was so baffled by the news he left me alone until fifth period. Then, he slipped in my bag a notebook full of comments… well… à la Emmett… But by the time he found a reason to make the teacher look at my stuff, I had already stashed the notebook in my neighbor's backpack. He would probably make a funny face when he found it…

Finally, the last period came and still no detention! But, as Mr. Wilson was coming to me to give me back a corrected homework, Emmett acted without thinking.

"Here!" he exclaimed, throwing me another condom. "Have fun tonight!"

That idiot! I hastily shoved the thing in my pocket. Too late.

"What have you here?" Mr. Wilson asked me.

"Matches," I lied confidently. "I know we aren't really supposed to have them in class," I continued sheepishly, "but, with Jasper, we were planning on going hiking and camping for the weekend, tonight, so I asked Emmett to lend me his matches, since he didn't want to come along. Are you going to confiscate them?" I asked guiltily.

"Oh no," Mr. Wilson reassured me. "You can keep them. As long as you don't light any in class, I don't see any problem."

Then, he held out my homework to me.

"I wanted to congratulate you for your good work," he explained. "I could see that you really put the required time on it. Your research is complete, and your references are solid. I'm glad that your absence two weeks ago didn't cause you too much trouble, and that you could catch up on your own. However…"

As Mr. Wilson continued his speech, behind me, Emmett was seething.

Matches! Really! How does he do to always get away with everything? Matches! And that daft teacher actually swallowed that! Edward, you're pissing me off! You… You, teacher's pet! You, cheater! You're a real pain in the ass! Someday, you'll pay! I'll make you eat Alice's makeup!

Right! As if Alice would let him! In a near classroom, she already had a vision of Emmett's plans, and she was preparing her vengeance. I snickered at the image of Alice feeding Emmett something else than makeup.

Did he just laugh while I was explaining to him the importance of my course?


"Mr. Cullen, sit down. You'll come to see me at the end of the class," Mr. Wilson snapped.

So, really, I blame Alice!

So, I hope you liked it! (leave a review to let me know, it always encourage me) And if you have any comment, either good or bad, don't hesitate. Bad reviews are good for improvement!

I have no other chapter already planned, so it could take a while before I add another chapter (that is if I add another chapter at all, but since it started as a one chapter story, and it now has seven, I'm quite confident I'll end up finding some new idea eventually...). I always welcome suggestions or challenges, it help me find new ideas.

Finally, thanks to every one who left a review in the previous chapters. I really appreciate them.