2 more chapters left until the end of my story! :0

My next story will defiantly be very angst, and very dark

the couple with be Elcare (of course)

And I will start it RIGHT after Broken Memories

Thank you all so much for the reviews they are soooo sweet (:

I truly do appreciate every single thing you say to me 3(:

Ohhh and Happy New Year! (:




-Eli's POV

-June 25th,2003


I hugged my mother tightly feeling her gentle tears absorb into the shoulder of my shirt.

Everything was happening so prompt…..

I was more than fortunate that NYU accepted my late enrollment and I was lucky enough to find a small apartment in New York. I felt my stomach get all jittery.

Damn right I can be nervous; this is my first time leaving home.

Everything was working in my favor….

Sort of

I found my eyes shifting to the entrance hoping that I would find my stunning blue eyed girl stopping me from going to New York. I made sure she knew I was leaving for New York today. I probably did so because I subconsciously wanted her to come and tell me she still loved me and I was making a huge mistake.

Wow, that sounded like an unrealistic, cliché, sappy, romance movie.

Adam and I did our handshake one last time before I boarded my plane. I could have sworn I saw his eyes get watery; I smirked at my transgender friend.

"You'll always be my best friend" I hugged Adam, the person who's been there for me no matter what I do.

I still kept glancing at the entrance. Maybe Bad people like me don't deserve the happy ending.

Before Clare, I was such a hardcore realist. But when I'm with Clare I find myself being optimistic;

But after our break up a couple weeks ago I would consider myself a pessimist.

"Goodbye Elijah" my father put out his hand for a handshake.

Of course….what did I expect him to do?

He's always been on my ass to grow up.

"Goodbye dad" I said trying to make my voice deeper but not making it obvious.

Adam elbowed me knowing what I was doing.

We laughed silently one last time.

"My baby boy!" my mother hugged me one more time, I smiled a tad bit embarrassed.

She kissed my cheek a dozen more times.

"I better go…. my flight is going to leave" I let the sentence trail off.

"You better call me right when you get there!" she ranted on and on

"I will….. I promise!" I smirked the infamous smirk one last time in Degrassi.

I waved one last time to my small family and Adam…who I consider a brother.

I looked one last time at the entrance. No sign of Clare anywhere….

She must have not loved me.

It's really over between Clare and me.

I kept walking forward not turning back. People surrounded me going off to their own new destination or arriving. They all have their different stories, just like me

I handed the overly enthusiastic women my ticket.

Goodbye Degrassi…..

Goodbye Clare Edwards…



-Clare's POV

-June 30th, 2003

-Outside of the Airport

My tears couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried.

I was sitting outside of the airport; my arms were wrapped around my knees. My head was resting on top of knees letting my silent tears slip down my legs.

Eli left five days ago but I find myself everyday sitting outside of the airport waiting.

Waiting for what?

It was absolutely hopeless for me.

I was there when he left for his flight; he didn't see me because I made sure of it.

I saw his dark hair rest right above his emerald eyes; his eyes had dark purple circles probably from lack of sleep.

I always told him not to stay up so late…. I laughed mutely to myself.

He wouldn't have a future here in Degrassi and years later he would actually thank me for letting him go, he'll be happy with a great life.

He'll forget about boring old' Clare Edwards.

Maybe one day I will be happy, who am I kidding? I could never genuine be happy if Eli is not in my life.

Like they always say…. "If you love something let it go."

The pain in my chest kept increasing. I didn't know you could miss someone so much it hurts.

It's just….. I'm exhausted of being perfect and always trying to impress people.

Being with Elijah was like breathing




Now that Eli is gone air doesn't quite satisfy my constant ache for breathe. Food doesn't taste the same. Water doesn't quench the thirst; even the sky looks less blue than usual

Goodbye Eli Goldsworthy….



-Clare's POV

-November 26th, 2010

-Clare's apartment



My alarm clock rang throughout my room waking me up.

It took every ounce of my leftover strength to turn it off.

My body began shaking uncontrollably.

Henry beat me last night.

Henry beat me last night.

Reality was setting in as I looked at my bruises trailing down my body before me.

Henry beat me last night.

Henry beat me last night.

What happened to me?

If he truly does "Love me" why would he do this to me?

I closed my bruised eyes all I could see was the menacing dark eyes haunting to me.

I immediately opened them…. I noticed my breath started to become short.

Henry beat me last night.

Henry beat me last night

Last night kept replaying in my head.

Henry through me against the wall as my tears blurred my vision.

I remembered trying to fight back, but fighting was pointless

He was too strong for me.

He pushed me to the ground and started to kick me.

I touched my throbbing ribs they were starting to become swollen.

He kicked me when I was down and I could hear his frightening laughter

When I begged for him to stop….over and over again




Henry threatened me if I ever told anyone I would regret it.

I'm so stupid, how could I get involved with a guy like that?

I through the engagement ring on the floor. Just the sight of it disgusts me to an extreme degree.

I'm done with Henry I need someone to save me.

I need my Eli…

I got up unwilling but I still got up to get ready.

I looked at the mirror to see the full damage of Henry's fury.

My right eye was surrounded by a dark shade of purple. My arms were filled with red marks.

My ivory white skin was filled with cuts, bruises, and marks.

I'm a damaged mess….

I began to try to cover my face with make-up. I could easily cover up my body bruises it looked cold outside. I could wear a long-sleeve shirt….

Problem solved. Sort of.

My phone started to ring.

Naturally I was going to ignore it but I caught a glimpse of the caller i.d.


"Hi Adam" I put on my fake happy voice. I was happy It was him but I just felt so worthless at that moment.

"Clare! " he spoke so fast I could barely understand him.

"Adam!" I yelled

"Yes?" He said out of breathe.

"Start over….. but slower." I grinned I held back the small laugh.

Adam took a large breathe then spoke, "Eli is leaving today! You need to go stop him because you still love him!"

My grin disappeared the second he said" Eli is leaving!" I let every word settle in.

Eli can't leave….again.

"Where is he?" My voice sounded more demanding than I thought.

I could tell Adam was taken back from my forceful tone. He was used to my gentle voice. I felt guilty but there was no time to apologize.

"Where is he?" I asked again.

"He just left my house to go to the airport; his mom is dropping him off."

He quickly added, "You need to go now…His flight leaves NOW!"

I hung up quickly knowing Adam wouldn't be upset from my actions.

I didn't have enough time to cover up the rest of my….bruises.

I can't…I won't loose him again.


-Clare's POV

-November 26th




I was running as fast as I could I quickly entered the airport.

Some people were staring while others didn't care enough to look at me.

I have no idea what I'm going to say to him.

He probably won't even forgive me.

I didn't care anymore…..

I didn't care that my body was burning from the pain.

All that mattered to me is Eli Goldsworthy.

The boy that stole my heart so many years ago, I found myself in the same position as last time.

I saw Eli's mom with tears in her eyes walking in my direction. I ran up to her out of breath….

"Honey….what happened to you?" she asked concerned she must have noticed the bruises on my body. Her emerald green eyes were searching for my blue ones.

"I….need…to find….Eli" I said in between each breathe.

"He's about to leave for his flight…hurry Honey!" she smiled knowingly

I returned the smile as I kept running to find Eli.

I look up at the screen filled with the flights to see If Eli's flight already left.

New York: Departed.

His flight left….. He's gone.

I'm too late as usual. I held the tears as best as I could but I let them fall….

I began to walk outside. More people stared this time because they could see my tears and hear my small stifles.

I exited the out of the entrance in a daze. I could barely handle loosing him once, but now I lost him twice.

I turned to the spot where I used to sit and cry when Eli left….

I found the spot occupied by someone else.

That someone else looked so familiar,




-Eli's POV

-November 26th, 2010

- Outside of the Airport



"Eli?" I heard an angel speak

I looked up at the source of the crying angel.

Clare, she was there.. she came…

I tried to speak but all I could say was,


"You missed your flight." She replied

"You came…" I said as I started to take a step toward her.

The air was filled with silence…but it wasn't awkward, it was the right kind of silence. I was face to face with her I could smell her sweet vanilla aroma and feel her hot breath on my neck.

I looked at my beautiful Clare more closely I could see her bruised face… What the hell?

"Clare, where did you get that?" my fingers brushed tenderly against her bruised face. Her eyes fluttered shut from my touch. Her soft skin felt like old times….

I caught onto her eyes….she was fearful.

"Clare where did you get that?" I repeated.

I was about to ask her again but she interrupted me by saying,

"Eli, I love you and I always will. It was a huge mistake lying to you when I still cared about you. I was scared you wouldn't be happy with a life with me, you would have never been as successful as you are now; if you stayed with me.

I'm sorry…"

She loved me….my sweet Clare. I couldn't control the smile suppressing on my lips.

"Clare, I love you I always have and always will."

And then I kissed her, at first her lips were frozen but she started to kiss back.

I cupped her head in my hands. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer.

Her kisses still had a power over me. My hands ran up and down her hips and waist.

The sweet taste of her lips felt so…incredible. I pulled her closer to me…she flinched.

I stopped to look at her bruised face and body.

"Clare, where did you get that?" I said one last time; I was controlling my temper as best as I could.

My Clare looked down not able to look at me

But as soon as Clare said,


One word, one name made me loose my temper….