Disclaimer: I do not own 21 Jump Street or its characters. They belong to Stephen J. Cannell and Patrick Hasburgh. I'm just borrowing them.

Thanks for reading and reviewing! I'm so glad you enjoyed it…..HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Chapter 5

"Alright-alright-alright!….Charles." Judy tried to get around Booker, but he dropped the wounded man, and refused to move. "Charles? That is you…. isn't it?" She asked in a tone so sweet, it masked her fear.

A warm feeling rushed through the mystery man as he took a deep breath and let it out while pressing the barrel into Hanson's forehead. "You" He chuckled softly. "You remember."

"Yeah," Judy leaned her head against the wall. "I remember." She ran her hand down the cold abrasive surface of the brick.

"Dinner, champagne and caviar at the greasy spoon?" He continued to glare at Hanson. "Racing remote control boats on the lake, sitting by the fire, staying up late making…."

"Making what?" Hanson frowned as he shifted his eyes in Judy's direction waiting for her to answer. "Make-ing what?"

"Now, Hanson?" Judy stood behind the brick wall out of Hanson and Charles' view as she scoffed. "You wanna do this now?"

"Yeah, now" Hanson demanded. "It'd be nice to know why I have a gun pointed at my head!"

"The same reason I had a plastic bag over my head!" Judy bit back.

"Call me crazy, but" Hanson deepened his scowl. "I get the feeling the reasons are different."

"I hate to interrupt," Charles cleared his throat. "But, I'm kind of in the middle of something here."

Hanson lifted a brow, exhaled, and shifted his weight while rolling his eyes. "Whatever…just wrap up this little walk down memory lane."

"Are you forgetting that there's a gun creating a dent in your head?" Charles narrowed eyes. "I'll walk as long as I want." After a minute or two of awkward silence, a small smile crept onto Charles' face. "Jude, I thought about you a lot while I was in prison." He laughed uncomfortably. "After all… you are the reason I was there."

"I didn't think they'd let you out so soon." Judy looked up in thought. "I mean, it's only been about a year."

"Let's say…" Charles rolled his free hand in a circular motion. "I'm really good at what I do."

"You mean you escaped?" Dennis interrupted.

"I'm sorry. I don't believe we've met." Charles politely answered. "I'm the man who's going to kill your friend if you don't shut up…. and you are?"

Dennis cautiously peeked around the wall for confirmation before moving back to where he was. "Done talking for now."

Judy struggled to hold back the guilt she felt about playing with Charles' emotions when she had to get close to him in order to bring down his marijuana ring. "Charles, I'm sorry about…"

"It was all just part of the job….right?" Charles' voice softened as he adjusted the gun in his hand. He started to re-live the hurt that she caused him. "It only cost me time, money, my business, my..." He sighed heavily. "My best friend…"

"I didn't mean to hurt you. But, it cost me a lot too. You killed my partner and a lot of good cops." Judy folded her arms across her chest hugging herself as her and Booker's eyes met.

"They were in the way…That wasn't personal…that was business." Charles abruptly answered. "But, what you did…."

"Was business" She flatly stated.

"It was personal." He coldly corrected her.

"It was never my intention to…" Judy tried to explain, but he cut her off.

"To?…To what? Act like you cared about me?" Charles brushed his golden locks away from his face. "You never meant to act like we could have a future?...What, Jude?" He moved his hand in a circular motion as Hanson's brows deepened while shifting his eyes back in Judy's direction. "What? You didn't know your girlfriend pretended to be my girlfriend, so she could bust me?" Charles asked Hanson who looked as lost as Booker was. "You would've been proud….She could've won an Oscar for her performance."

"Charles," Judy's eyes started to water as guilt slowly took her over. "Bringing you in was one of the hardest things that I've ever had to do."

"I killed my best friend for you." Charles sized Hanson up and down. "Maybe I should kill your boyfriend, so you'll know how it feels to lose someone you care about while dealing with a broken heart."

"Charles, wait!" Judy tried to get around Booker again, but he wouldn't let her by. "Please, don't do this….you don't have to do this, alright?" Her chest started to get heavy. "He's not my boyfriend. If you kill him…"

"You're lying!" Charles squinted his eyes as the hurt and pain became stronger.

"She's not," Hanson confirmed in a soft tone. "Judy and I dated for awhile a long time ago, and it didn't work out."

"I don't believe you." Charles gave Hanson an icy stare while trying to read him.

"I know you don't and you don't have a reason to, but" Hanson searched Charles' eyes hoping that he could tell that Hanson was being honest with him. "It's the truth." Hanson dropped his eyes to look at the floor. "We...um..." He exhaled and shifted his weight in uneasiness as he looked back at Charles. "Let's just say, we spent a lot of time finding reasons…." Hanson cleared his throat. "Finding reasons why it couldn't work instead, of focusing on all the things that did. So, we ended it."

"Why should I believe you, you're an undercover cop?" He scowled. "You get paid to lie….just like she does." Charles turned his head in Judy's direction. Hanson pushed Charles' arm up causing the gun to discharge into the ceiling. Charles grabbed at Hanson in an effort to get control of his arm and his gun. They struggled until Hanson bent Charles wrist back so far that Charles couldn't stand it, and he dropped the gun.

"That's it! You're officially off my Christmas list, Charles." Penhall appeared out of nowhere, pressing the barrel of his gun in the back of Charles' head.

"How'd you get out of those cuffs?" Hanson looked at Doug in curiosity as he confiscated Charles' weapon.

"It's a long story about me, a sweet looking biker chick and a few too many tequila shots." A crooked smiled spread across Penhall's face as he pushed the barrel deeper into Charles' skull. "You wanna tell me why you're trying to kill me and my friends?"

Charles put his hands up. "Jake wanted to kill Hanson for what he did to him, and when he figured out Hanson and Judy were a thing." Charles smirked. "He wanted Hanson to suffer, so I was supposed to kill Judy….Which was the whole reason I agreed to do this….since she's the one who made me suffer." He confessed as Penhall tugged Charles' hands behind his back. "Then I started thinking that killing her boyfriend would be the perfect revenge."

"How poetic…" Hanson grabbed Charles by the collar. "Where's Sal?"

"He's in the trunk of my car." Charles made eye contact with Judy as she approached him while Booker drug the unconscious man into the interrogation room and locked it. And Hanson ran to Charles' car to get Sal.

"Jude," Charles said her name in such a comforting way, that she couldn't believe that he was capable of such malice.

"I'm sorry, I hurt you." Judy confessed. "If I could take it all back…"

"I need you to be completely honest with me when I ask you this…" Charles gave Penhall an uneasy look as Penhall stood behind him holding onto his cuffs. "Was it really all a lie?"

Judy shook her head. "No."

Charles smiled sweetly as Penhall started walking him to the cage. "I never thought it was."

"I'm going to call a black and white to pick them up." Penhall slammed the door closed as he watched Judy walk away. "You okay?"

"Yeah" She started walking up to the locker room.

Hanson and Booker helped Sal into the Chapel. "I'm so sorry….I promise I didn't know."

"I just got a call from the hospital." Fuller announced. "Ioki's going to be okay. Apparently he was injected with something when he fell that caused his senses to be paralyzed temporarily. A few of them have already started to come back. He's expected to make a full recovery."

"Good" Dennis sighed.

"Thank God" Hanson jumped on top of the table in the middle of the bull pin. "Sal! What the hell were you thinking?"

"Jake came by here a few weeks ago and asked where everyone was," Sal used his hands to explain. "You all went home or were off on cases." He shrugged. "He asked if I wanted to have a drink….He paid for a lot of shots." He looked around at the faces of his friends. "We were talking and I was so hammered….I don't know what I said." He slapped his hand to his forehead allowing it to slowly slide down his face. "He gave me that flyer and I put it up and then I forgot all about it until tonight." He dropped his head while moving it from side to side. "I'm so sorry." He apologized again as Jackie walked in.

"Hey Hanson," Jackie smiled as she walked into the room.

Hanson slyly scanned the room looking for Judy, but she wasn't in sight. "Heeeey" He scratched the side of his head as he walked toward Jackie. "Jackie, what…what are you doing here?" His eyes continued to roam the room. "I thought you were at your office party."

"I was" She adjusted his collar as she tilted her head. "I left early, so I could spend time with you." Jackie slid her arms around Hanson's waist as he put his hands at her shoulders gently pushing her away. "Hanson, don't tell me you're playing shy in front of your friends." She subtly swayed from left to right trying to get close enough to kiss him. "It's okay to kiss me…they know." She whispered.

"What?" He frowned as his eyes shifted from her to different parts of the room.

Jackie stopped, placed her hand at her hip and rubbed her finger against her chin as she watched him. "You were fine with making out with me on my desk, and you said that you didn't care if I came by here for a nice big 'hello' from you from time to time….because everyone here knows about us." She continued to watch him look around the room. "But, I can't even get a hug from you when I come here."

"Yeah," Hanson spotted Judy on the balcony, but she vanished as fast as she appeared. "I think we have beer. Sal!...Can you get Jackie a beer?" He gave Jackie's arm a couple of strokes and she looked at him like he was crazy. "I'll be right back." He ran off as Jackie turned to the rest of the Jump Street crew who were suddenly pretending they didn't see or hear a thing.

Hanson entered the locker room watching Judy fidget with her fingers for a minute or two before saying anything. He walked over to her and gave her a small smile. "How you doing, Champ?" He examined Judy's hand.

"I'm…uh...I'm alive." She smiled back as she gently stroked his forehead with her fingertips. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. It's been a crazy night." Hanson nodded and she agreed as he took her hand in his. "Listen, I was wondering about…" He used his other hand to point downstairs.

"I told you that I had to get close to him, and I felt bad about the whole thing." She played his fingers between hers. "I told Fuller when I was on the case, that it felt like I was playing with his emotions. I told him that it felt dangerous to me." Judy looked into his eyes. "And it was."

"How far did you go with him?" Hanson asked with slight hesitation.

Judy sighed as she shook her head. "Hanson,"

"I'm just curious, because the way that all sounded to me…" She snatched her hand away while Hanson licked his lips as he glanced at the floor.

"Does it matter?" Judy shrugged as she walked away from him.

"It matters." Hanson walked over to her. "I just want to know." He stroked her arm as he stood behind her.

"It's been a long night, and I just want to go home." She stared at the ground. "I already feel bad enough about what happened. I don't need you to twist the knife." She turned to face him. "Besides, I don't think I was the only target."

"I didn't play with Jake's emotions." Hanson quickly added. "He was just an idiot." He shifted his weight. "Jude, you were on a case." Hanson stepped back and ran his hand through his hair. "And he was a suspect….How could you..."

"Wait a minute….What do you think happened?" Judy scolded him. "I didn't sleep with him, if that's what you're wondering."

"It crossed my mind a couple of times." Hanson frowned. "You know when…" He put his finger to his head. "The gun was pressing into my skull, and he said something about making something?"

"It what?" Judy shouted as she dropped her arms. "Hanson, what kind of woman do you think I am?" She burrowed her brows as she got into his face. "We made out….once." She put her finger up as she confessed and all of the expression drained from Hanson's face. "I didn't have a choice."

Tom stepped back and ran his hand over his mouth. "You had a choice."

"I would've blown the case if I didn't." Judy sat on the bench between the lockers.

"So, you'd rather play with the man's emotions instead?" He leaned back against the locker with his leg bent and his foot propped up.

"Oh, that's rich coming from you." Judy got up and started to walk away.

Hanson gently cuffed her arm to stop her. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Hanson, what are we doing?" She jerked away from him as she burrowed her brows. "You've been acting like you want to get back together for weeks, but you're still with her."

"You're still with him." Hanson snapped.

"Yeah…We go out from time to time." Judy's expression softened as she shrugged. "It's not like he has a key to my apartment."

Hanson chuckled in frustration as he shook his finger at her. "I knew..." He bit his lip as he sized her up. "I'll the key back from her."

"It's too late for that, Hanson." Judy put her hand on her hip as she used the other hand to point downstairs. "She already has it…message sent!"

"Message se..." Hanson tilted his head back in thought before approaching her. "What message do you think I was trying to send her?" He sized her up again as he licked his lips. "Look, the only reason I gave her a key was, because I was spending so much time working on cases and hanging out with you and the guys that I never really spent any time with her." He put his hand to his chest. "I didn't realize it until…she told me, so we exchanged keys." He exhaled and took a couple of minutes to calm down before pulling Judy's apron toward him. "I didn't think it was a big deal." He leaned in to kiss Judy, but she pulled away.

"Uh..uh." Judy smiled. "Not until you end it with her and I've checked your place for her stuff."

"Alright," Hanson chuckled as he placed his hand on the small of her back. "Let's go."

Judy laughed as she pushed away from him. "Hanson, go spend time with your girlfriend." She turned her head toward the balcony. "She's downstairs waiting on you."

"Stop saying that." Hanson pouted. "I hate it when you call her that."

"Why?" Judy donned a confused look. "That's what she is."

"Jude," Hanson had a disgusted expression on his face. "When you say it…it sounds like I'm….I'm cheating on you."

"You are." Judy laughed. "Hey…I feel the same way when I go out with Booker."

"Because you are." Hanson smiled as he moved the back of his hand from her temple to her chin, getting close enough to kiss her. "I can't stop thinking about you." He lightly brushed his cheek against hers. "About us."

"Me either." Judy leaned in kissing him slowly and purposefully for a few minutes as Tom held her close, pulling her into him while allowing his other hand to roam the curves of her body. He started to explore the warmth of her skin under the ruffles of her costume, when Jackie made her way into the room. "Hanson?" Her eyes peered at Hanson. "Judy?" She frowned as she cocked her head to the side and contemplated turning around, but she was too shell-shocked.

"Jackie, I can explain…" Hanson gradually let go of Judy before turning to Jackie who waved her hand from side to side.

"I don't want to hear it." Jackie felt the tears well in her eyes. "You and Hoffs?" She scratched the back of her head in confusion and disbelief as Judy brushed by Jackie on her way out.

"I'm really sorry. You had to find out like this." He kissed Jackie on her temple. "I have to go."

"Hanson?" Jackie frowned as Hanson followed Judy out. "Hanson!" She shouted as she rushed to catch up to him.

"Let's go." Judy pulled Booker by his jacket and he stumbled a bit as he followed her out.

"Where are we going?" Booker widened his stride as he tried to keep up with Judy's increased speed.

"You're taking me home." Judy instructed as she got into passenger side of Dennis' car. "I need to get out of here, and I'm too mad to drive right now."

"Judy…wait!" Hanson yelled.

"She's good, Hamburger." Dennis smirked. "I'll take care of her for you."

"I bet you will." Hanson squinted in irritation as he tapped on the glass. "Jude, open the door."

"Go away Hanson." Judy sank down in her seat as Booker started the car.

"Booker, give me a minute." Hanson slapped his hand on the window. "Judy, talk to me." Hanson placed his arm on top of the car door before resting his forehead on it while glancing down at the ground. "It's been a long night for everyone….I'm tired….you're tired….don't do this." He took a deep breath and let it out. "Look, I'm inside out here and I don't know what you want from me."

"I'm tired of waiting on you to figure out what you want." Judy looked up at him. "I want you to know what you want."

"I want you." He met his eyes with hers. "I..(Sigh)…I don't want to do this with you sitting in Booker's car." Judy unlocked the door. Hanson stepped back and opened the door for her.

"I'm out of the car." Judy lifted a brow and crossed her arms as she stared him down. "Say what you have to say."

"Okay, this isn't the way I wanted this to happen…but…" Hanson nodded as he ran his hand over his mouth. "I love you too."

A bright smile emerged from Judy's face. "Months…it took you months to finally say it back." Judy shook her head as she put her finger up. "No, it took you months and us almost dying for you to tell me you love me…after I said it months ago!" She tightened her stare on him. "Tell me you didn't feel that way when I said it."

"I did" Hanson easily admitted.


"But," Hanson stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked on his heels. "I was afraid….things were going faster than I was…" He pointed at him and her. "We were ready for, and you didn't want to tell Fuller about us. That let me know you had doubts too."

"Okay, so now they know…now what?" Judy shrugged as she looked off to the side unintentionally catching a glimpse of Jackie wiping the tears from her cheeks. Judy turned to look at Hanson. "You need to talk to Jac…" Hanson captured her lips with his as he pressed her body firmly against his, channeling every ounce of passion and intensity that he'd felt all night into her through that one kiss. He spoke to every fiber of her being with the sensual conversation they created without words as he held her tight. She stroked the back of his head as she felt her body getting warmer by the second.

Booker got out of the car and slammed the door shut, but they didn't notice. "Damn it, Hanson!" He shouted in irritation as he started back toward the Chapel. He saw Jackie sitting in her car struggling to hold back her tears. "Every time" Dennis scoffed as he glanced at Jackie. "He's been blocking since I got to Jump Street and it's really starting to piss me off."

"Um…Booker?" Jackie sniffled.

"Yeah?" Dennis spun on his heels as Jackie got out of her car.

"Wha…what just happened?" Jackie frowned and rubbed her forehead in disbelief as she watched Tom and Judy speed off.

Booker threw his arm over her shoulder. "I think we should get a drink first…it's been a helluva Halloween."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it….I really originally wanted Booker and Judy to end up together when I started this one, but alas…that damn cutie patootie Hanson gets her every time…Maybe next time. Lol Thanks to everyone for reading it. Special Thanks to my reviewers past, present and future: Cerisa, Feli3, xxprettyfairyxx, Bovary, alovingperson, AfterMidnight8, floacism, crokettsgirl, Tia, Reggie, and anyone else I forgot…Charge it to my mind not my heart. Thanks to everyone who listed me, this story, any of my others on alert or as their favorites…I hope I didn't' disappoint! THANK YOU!