Disclaimer: I do not own 21 Jump Street or its characters. They belong to Stephen J. Cannell and Patrick Hasburgh. I'm just borrowing them.

Thanks for all the love on the last story. This is not a long one, but I had this thought.

Chapter 1

Hanson leaned back in his chair lightly tapping his pencil against his chin casually stealing glances at Judy as she talked on the phone while typing out her report. Doug claimed the corner of Hanson's desk while clasping his hands together oblivious to who was in Tom's eye line. "You figure out if you're bringing Jackie to Sal's Halloween party?"

"Nah…She has a party at the courthouse and you know how much I hate being around those people." He cleared his throat while searching for the report he was working on. "You bringing Dorothy?"

Penhall looked up at the ceiling in thought. "I don't know." He slowly turned his head to Tom. "I had my heart set on having fun tonight…you know?" He gave Hanson a saddened look as Tom chuckled. "Besides, her job is having a party tonight too. So, maybe she'll go alone."

"Not likely." Hanson bit back a smile.

"I heard the McQuaid Brothers are done wrecking havoc on the young innocents at Jefferson." Booker strolled up to Hanson's desk sipping on his cup of coffee.

"Not so fast" Penhall met his eyes with Hanson's. "We're still…"

"THE MCQUAID BROTHERS!...HEH!" Hanson and Penhall announced in unison as they did their trademark McQuaid handshake before getting up, scowling, and playfully shoving one another as if they were about to fight.

"ALRIGHT!" Booker yelled to get them to refocus. "I just asked." He laughed as Penhall and Hanson sat back down.

"We're still there with nothin' to do, but go to school." Hanson hunched over his desk while looking up at Penhall. "A month of being at that school on the same case is getting kinda old...all we're doing is waiting around to be witnesses." He frowned as he clenched his jaw. "I hate doin' that."

"I know man, but Fuller said we can help Harry and Judy on their case while we're there." Penhall calmly stated as he lifted his shoulders. "That should help keep you from going crazy."

Hanson squinted his eyes as he mocked him. "Yeah…there's always a bright side."

"Jude and I don't need your help." Harry interjected as he folded his arms across his chest and smirked. "We wrap our cases faster than you and their always letter perfect."

"Are you delusional or is that a challenge Harry?" Hanson whipped his head in Ioki's direction.

"I was just kidding." Ioki laughed. "Who are you going to be for Sal's party?"

"Tommy" Booker tossed a file on Hanson's desk. "You should go as a hamburger."

"Too bad you're not going Booker….You could go as a jackass." Hanson quipped as narrowed his brows. "Since, you're already in costume."

"That's cute, Hanson." Dennis cut his eyes at Hanson as Penhall bit back a smile. "Real cute."

"I thought you were going." Harry swung his arm out to point at Judy. "As Judy's date."

Hanson's eyes seemed to shoot daggers at Judy, before shifting them back to Booker. "You and Judy huh?" He licked his lips and nodded.

"Yeah, we're going to the party…." He nonchalantly shrugged. "Having a little dinner…and then back to her place for dessert" Booker exhaled as sly smile spread across his face. "I'm supposed to bring the whipped cream."

"That's what she said?" He forced a smile while angrily nodding. "She said that?" Hanson rose to a standing position breaking the pencil in his hand. "She said that." He mumbled to himself as he walked away.

"What'd I say?" Booker looked at Penhall in mock confusion.

"Maybe he doesn't want you talking about our friend like that." Penhall inched his way off of the desk as he stared Booker down. "I know I don't."

"Me either" Harry shook his head. "Especially since she's meeting you here, the party's here, and she said that you're just friends."

"I was joking." Booker shook his head and laughed before walking away.

Hanson took a deep breath and let it out before standing behind her, and placing his hands on the desk surrounding her as he whispered in her ear. "We need to talk."

She closed her eyes for a second taking in the smell of his cologne, the warmth of his breath against her neck, relishing the way his voice sounded in her ear. "About?"

"Are you dating Booker again?" The words fell out of his mouth before he could ask her to take a walk with him.

"I have one word for you Officer Hanson." Judy swiveled her chair around causing him to back up. "Jackie"

He shoved his hands in his pockets while rocking on his heels. "But…"

"But, what?" She smiled. "You're not dating her?"

"Well, yeah but…"

"But, you're not sleeping with her?" She lifted a brow while cocking her head to the side.

"Jude, I …" He dropped his head for a moment before looking at her again.

"Don't tell me who I can and can't date Hanson." Judy crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't tell you."

"Judy, I'd drop her in a heartbeat if…" Hanson cut her off as he explained.

"I know….Listen, not that it's any of your business, but Booker and I are meeting here tonight, because I don't want to be dateless…..We're hanging out for awhile." She put her hand to her chest. "I'm going home in my car and he's going to his place in his." She exhaled in exasperation. "Although, if we decide to hang out after the party…then we will." She added just to aggravate him for doubting that she could keep her end of the agreement not to date other officers. She looked at him daring him to get upset."Is that all?"

"No, that's not all." Hanson started to raise his voice in frustration. They scanned the room to make sure he didn't bring any attention to their little talk. "I don't trust him….So, you might as well pull out a blanket and a pillow for me, because I'm staying at your place tonight."

"No…you're not." Judy demanded.

"Yes, I am." Hanson scowled. "He's not touching you."

"Contrary to what you may believe, Hanson" Judy stood up as she got into his face. "I'm not your woman anymore….Jackie is." She reminded him before walking away.

"Hanson!" Doug called out from the bull pin as Hanson watched Judy disappear holding himself back from going after her. "HANSON!"

"Yeah?" Hanson eventually made his way over to his partner.

"Hey" Doug smacked the back of his hand into Hanson's chest. "Sal and Dennis are talking about going over to the cemetery tonight before the party to hear about….what'd they call it?"

"Tales from the crypt." Sal shrugged as he bobbed his head. "You know like the T.V. show?"

"Oooh…yeah, I heard about that." Hanson smiled as he sat on top of the table. "What time?"

"Well, it starts at 7:30 when it gets dark….the party here doesn't start until 10." Sal adjusted his glasses. "So, I figure everything's already set up….we can go there and be back here in time for the party."

Ioki scanned the room before narrowing his brows. "Where's Jude? I want to see if she wants to go."

"You know she hates scary stuff." Hanson quickly answered.

"Yeah…but, she'd be there with us." Doug looked around the room for her. "She'll go." He got up and searched the Chapel for her.

Booker turned to Sal. "Do you wanna meet here or there?"

"Here" He answered as a big smile spread across his face.

Hanson looked at his watch. "Well, I guess we need to start getting dressed." He slid off of the table and headed to the locker room with Booker and Ioki to change. Penhall was already there getting dressed. "Is she going with us?"

"Of course she is." Doug nonchalantly answered. "She's in the ladies room changing. Fuller said he'd go too. He's in his office."

Blowfish leaned against the table in the bull pin waiting for his friends to emerge from their selected changing rooms. "COME ON GUYS! YOU'RE TAKING FOREVER!" He yelled as Harry appeared in his rhinestone studded Elvis costume gyrating his hips while grinning from ear to ear. "Harry, you look great."

"Thanks" Ioki nodded as he watched Hanson slide down the fireman's pole in his costume. "Groucho Marx" Hanson did Groucho's trademark penguin waddle while tapping the non-lit cigar that he held at the side of his face. "That's very good Hanson."

"Classic Groucho" Sal smiled proudly.

"Thanks" Hanson stood next to Harry as Penhall lazily walked toward them with his shoulders slumped over. "Are you Shaggy from Scooby Doo?" Hanson laughed. "Doug.."

"Hey, don't laugh.." Penhall insisted. "I was watching a Scooby Doo marathon last weekend and then I thought why not?" He narrowed his brows as he turned his attention to Fuller. "Is that a straw of hay in your mouth."

"That's what cowboys chew on isn't it Penhall?" Fuller retorted as he smoothed his hands around his gunslinger's belt stereotypically pulling his chaps up.

Booker strolled into the room without looking like he got dressed at all. "Aaaaaa" He put his thumbs up while bending his legs slightly.

"That has to be the laziest costume I've ever seen" Hanson laughed.

"What are talking about?" Booker frowned. "I bought a new pair of jeans and a new t-shirt for this costume." His hands floated down in front of him. "I even slicked my hair back."

"Booker you dress like the Fonz everyday." Hanson kicked his head back as Booker made an irritated face at him. "That's not a costume."

"Somebody, please pinch me." Doug sighed as he watched Judy nervously enter the room meeting her eyes with Hanson's. "I think I died and went to heaven." Doug made goo-goo eyes at her while Tom's jaw dropped and eyes widened in surprise as he laid his eyes on her. "Homina…homina….homina.." Doug shook his hand as if he touched something hot.

"Oh…my….God" Hanson ran his fingers through his hair fighting the urge not to take her in his arms.

"That's my date!" Booker ecstatically announced while poking himself in the chest. "Judy, you look HOT!"

"You look fantastic!" Harry raised his brows as a smile lit his face.

Hanson took his jacket off as he walked over to her. "Here" He wrapped his jacket around her. "Put this on."

She pushed it off of her. "Hanson, it's a French maid's costume." She smiled. "Not a bikini, I'm fine."

"I know" He whispered. "That's why I want you to wear this." He tried to put the jacket on her again, but she resisted.

Fuller cleared his throat. "I…uh….I…" He scratched his head trying not to sound like her father. "I think you should take the jacket, Jude….it's a little chilly out."

"I'm okay." She continued to look into Hanson's eyes. "I have on stockings and the dress stops mid-thigh."

Seeing Judy in that low cut costume was making Hanson crazy with desire. He went from wanting her to being mad at her in zero to sixty seconds. "Let's go" He growled through his clenched jaw. Judy turned to walk out and Hanson was close behind making sure he stayed directly behind her to divert any wondering eyes to him instead of her.

"I thought there'd be more people here than this." Sal stated as the group approached the entrance.

"It's so dark out here and they have the fog machines on so thick…who can tell how many people are actually here." Fuller cautiously studied their surroundings before they made their way to the gate keeper.

"Hello" The gate keeper greeted them in a creepy voice while taking their money. "The Reaper will see you now, he gradually opened his arm to point them into the direction of the tall person in the long black robe wearing an oversized hood and carrying a scythe. He motioned for them to follow him without saying a word.

"Hey Reap…shouldn't you be tale telling right about now?" Booker asked as they carefully walked in between graves and tombstones.

Suddenly the Reaper pointed his scythe at a gravesite that lit up and read: 'Here lies a son, a brother, a lying, cheating, murderess, son-of-a-bitch, may he rot in hell.' The Reaper released a blood curdling laugh. "He is" His tone was deep and shaky as he told the tale of the life and crimes of the man buried here.

Judy shifted her eyes to Booker who was standing next to her. He wrapped his arm around her. "It's okay…it's not real."

"It looked real to me." She exhaled.

"It's supposed to." Doug interjected as he stepped carefully trying to avoid walking on anyone's grave.

The Reaper stopped cold bringing the group to an abrupt halt. He moved his head from one side to the other before taking a deep breath. He turned to look at Doug. "You're next." He warned.

Doug nervously chuckled. "Next for what?" He shrugged as the Reaper turned back around and commenced his tour. "Next for what?"

"He's just trying to scare you Doug." Fuller quietly answered him.

"Relax, man" Hanson patted him on the back. "It's all part of the tour."

The Reaper pointed to another tombstone that read: 'Here lies a daughter, wife, mother, and friend with suicidal thoughts and homicidal actions.' The Reaper told the tale of her life and crimes before leading the group to another grave site. Doug stared at the tombstone longer than he realized as he thought about his mother. Once he noticed the group had moved on he hurried to catch up. But, he stumbled over a raised epitaph causing him to fall. "Owe" He began to moan as the group continued to walk not noticing his fall. He sat up slowly and rubbed his head while looking around at the darkness that surrounded him. Penhall stood up while reaching his hand out to feel the curious, tangible darkness around him. 'No…No…No….No!" He rubbed his thumb against his fingers allowing the dirt to fall from them. "HELP!" He screamed as his heart rate increased. He put his hand out and walked the distance around him. 'Dirt' He became aware of his increased breathing pattern and he could hear his heart beating rapidly. 'Shit….this is a….a …..' He started to panic as the realization of where he was slowly sunk in. "HANSON!"

"You hear that?" Fuller asked as he looked at Booker.

"Uh…uh" Booker glared at the back of Hanson's head as he walked ahead of them with his arm around Judy after she clutched onto Hanson in fear. When someone dressed in a ghost costume swung from the tree to scare the people when they reached that section of the tour. "What was it?" He whispered as the Reaper talked about the crimes of passion that resulted in the untimely death of the person buried before them.

"Nothing" Fuller answered as he shook his head. "Maybe it's just me."

The Reaper came to a sudden stop bringing the group to a halt. He moved his head from one side to another before taking a deep breath. "The cowboy" He grumbled.

A shrill laugh seemed to come from a distance. Everyone looked off in the distance trying to adjust their eyes to see through the thick fog in an effort to locate the shrill laughter that seemed to pierce their eardrums as Fuller narrowed his eyes. "What about the cowb…?" He struggled to break free of the three men in black who gagged and roped him in rodeo record time. He jerked, wiggled and squirmed to break free to no avail within seconds his team was out of his view and laughter stopped.

"Thank God" Judy exhaled as she removed her hands from her ears. "I feel like my ears are bleeding." They all rubbed their ears while they continued to walk not noticing the Captain missing or the Penhall.

The Reaper came to a sudden stop bringing the group to a halt. He moved his head from one side to another before taking a deep breath. "Elvis is with us" He broke out in astounding laughter. While Judy, Hanson and Sal looked at each other and then Booker and Ioki looked at each other. They didn't see Penhall or Fuller, but then again, they could barely see each other as they continued their tour.

"Tom," Sal's voice began to shake. "This guy's starting to creep me out…let's go."

"This was your idea Fish-man." Hanson gently pushed him ahead. "We have to finish it to get back to where we started."