A/N: The story is going to be mostly from John and Jennifer's thoughts so if Jen is not there its from Johns POV. I will say otherwise.



Jennifer walked over to Alexia and Victoria. The lunch bell just went off and Victoria's locker was the closest to the gym.

Jennifer has long brown hair, is 5 foot 8 inch's and has green eyes. Jennifer is sixteen.

Alexia has black hair, which just reaches her shoulders, she is 5 foot 9 inch's and has blue eyes. Alexia is sixteen.

Victoria has curly dark blond hair that are slightly higher then her shoulders, she is 5 foot 11 inch's and has really dark purplish eyes. Victoria is seventeen.

"Vic we're going to be late are you going to get your clothes already?" she asked

"Jen I'm going to grab my shorts and sweater in a minute will you chill?" Victoria said

"Since when do you care when we get to gym Jen?" Alexia asked

I've always hated gym especially field hockey, I never understand why we play touch football, but then we can go and play full out field hockey. I mean we are holding sticks in hockey shouldn't that be the one to not be aloud to tackle?

"I don't, I just don't want to be late for another fucking class." Jennifer said

I had already been late today and I have been late 9 times this semester, and we were only a month in.

"Jen we have five minutes between bells to get to class, and the gym is right there, a ten second walk away from us. I mean the bell just rang a minute ago." Victoria said

"I guess, I was just trying to speed things up I could get detention for another late. So what were you talking about before I got here." Jennifer said

"Same thing we were talking about at lunch." Alexia replied

"The rise in animal's that have been torn apart?" Jennifer asked

"Um yea…" Confused Jen had to ask "We were just arguing about what it could be." said Victoria

"Vic thinks it could be a bear, but I keep telling her that there are no bears around here." Alexia said

"You never fucking know it could be." Victoria said

"No something that big would get noticed fast, which makes me think it's got to be smaller than a bear and pretty fast to." Jennifer said

"Well hopefully we find out soon, I mean its sad that all those pets and other animals are being torn apart." Alexia said

"Yea and who said it wont start attacking humans." Victoria said

If that started happening I would be pretty worried I mean a lot of the dead animals have been around my part of town, they were all over town and some just outside of town but a huge amount were near me. Just last week a dog on my street was mauled, and two cats and a dog have been found in the park two streets down from my house.

"What's wrong Jen?" Alexia asked

"Just thinking how I could be next if it starting going after humans." Jennifer replied

"Relax there is a pretty low chance that any of else would get attacked." Victoria said

"You know who I would love to hear of getting fucking mauled, Kim Grantly, I hate that bitch!" Alexia said

"We all hate that fucker Alexia, but I don't think I would want to see her mauled, unless by me that is." Jennifer said

"Hey girls who doesn't hate her." Jake said

Jake has dark blonde hair shaved pretty low, he is 6 foot 1 inch, and has blue eyes. Jake is sixteen.

Here we go again, as if they can't see that we don't have an interest in being there friends.

"Yeah she's such a fucking slut, and I wouldn't mind putting her boyfriend in his place…"

John sees Lauren walk by staring at him

"Fuck should have paid more attention, Kim's lap dog just heard most of what we said." John said

John has dark brown hair that is short about mid way down his forehead and not long done his neck. He is 6 feet tall, has green eyes. John is seventeen.

God damn it now she's going to run off and tell Kim, great as if Kim didn't hate me enough as is.

"Awesome I'm going to be spending most of gym on my ass now." Jennifer said

"Don't worry Jen, me and Vic got your back. Besides its not like she doesn't go for you already." Alexia said

Well maybe only half of gym on my ass.

"What do you two fuck heads want?" Victoria asked

"Relax, cant we just get along?" John said

Same question every day, but they keep coming back for more.

"How many times will we have to tell you, are answer won't change." Alexia said

"Why thou, I mean us outcast should stick together right?" Jake said

"You mean, you girls should let us get close to you so we can get in your pants." Alexia said

"Why do you think of us that way, I mean really you can't just accept that we want to be friends?" John said

"Nope." Jennifer said

"Alright then, lets go John were going to be late." Jake said, as he and John walked off.

"You girls will come around, I'm telling you were not as bad as you might believe!" John yelled

"Well lets go to gym before were late." Jennifer said

"Don't worry Jen if Kim tries to fuck with you on the field we got your back." Victoria said

Great I had forgotten about Kim.


"Man when will you give up, they don't want to be are friends." Jake said

"People can change their mind, it's only a matter of time until they see were not as bad they think we are." John replied

"John you've had a crush on Jennifer since the ninth grade and you've been trying to be her friend shortly after that, are you ever going to give it up?" Jake asked

"Nope, it's the eleventh grade I got just over one more year to try." John said

"I can't wait for the day you realize your fooling you self." Jake said

"We still playing football in gym?" John said

"Yep, and you better be ready to win ever game next period." Jake said

"Yea what ever, you just make sure you throw the ball to me." John replied

"Any idea when football is going to end?" Jake asked

We've been playing football for three weeks, which is longer then any other sport we usually play.

"No idea." John replied

"Well here we go hope your ready for science." Jake said

Science one of the many classes that sucks, then again what classes aren't shit. School in general just sucks.


"Field hockey fucking sucks." Victoria said

"Well at least we don't have to play right now, I'm good with just sitting on the side line." Jennifer said

The best part of gym, is watching your classmates play.

"Well we will be on soon, besides I bet Alexia is bored out there without us." Victoria said

"Rotate!" yelled

"Great, she couldn't just wait one more fucking minute." Jennifer said

Victoria started off with the ball, she past it to Alexia who got pretty close to the goal before being cut off. Alexia passed it to me and I went forward, seeing I was about to be cut off by Kim, I passed it to the closest member of my team. When I turned to run forward I was hit in the shoulder with a stick sent flying down.

"What The Fuck! I didn't even have the ball anymore." Jennifer said

"What the fuck ever. Maybe you wont fucking talk shit about me." Kim said

Kim ran off back to the game I got up and continued playing, the rest of class happened like that. Sometimes Victoria or Alexia cut Kim off but most of the time they couldn't in time.


Are team won two games and lost one, we were starting the last one, which was against the team I hated the most. It was Greg and some of his friends on the other team they also had one two games. Greg has hated me ever since he overheard me talking about his girlfriend Kim, but what I said was true I just was talking about who she used to date be for him and why she dated him.

"You ready John?" Jake asked

"Yep." John said

"You don't look like your focused man." Jake said

"Just say hut and throw me the fucking ball Jake." John said

"Don't worry about them John, its touch football." Jake said

"Whatever." John said

"Hut!" Jake yelled

I ran right forward I knew that Greg was right on my tail. Jake throw the ball to me, I slowed down and caught it only to be tackled to the ground by Greg.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" John yelled

"O my bad, forgot this was gym class." Greg said

"My fucking ass you did." John said

"John, Greg, take a seat!" Yelled

"What the fuck am I taking a seat for he's the one who tackled me!" John yelled

"So you can calm down John." said

Greg and I walked over to the bleacher. I sat at the top left, and Greg sat in the center.

"You still have a fucking problem with me Greg, it was in grade ten and you know what I was talking about was true." John said

"It isn't about what you said, its how you fucking said it." Greg replied

"How about this Greg, me and you put are differences aside and tonight at the park we fight?" John asked

"Alright, what time?" Greg asked

"7:00 good for you Greg?" John asked

"Anytime is good if it means I'm beating you fucking face in." Greg said

"That's the spirit Greg." John said

After gym Jake came to my locker so we can walk home, I have a car but its being repaired. Jake and I lived on the same street so we hung out a lot after school.

"You ready to go John?" Jake asked

"Yes just got to grab my bag." John replied

"So you gonna come over later?" Jake asked

"Probably. But I got to leave before seven." John replied

"That's alright, I was going to go to Josh's anyway." Jake said

Josh is the local dealer, but he only sells weed. There's only one thing I like about Josh, which is he throws good parties. One of them was happening Halloween at the end of the month. He lives just outside of town, and he has two huge sheds next to it, one empty, which we usually party in, and one full with his "work". He's also got a younger brother who's sixteen his name's Eddy. Besides that, Kim used to fuck him for free shit, he was 18 and she was 15, and that's what I was telling Jake when Greg overheard me and decided to hate my guts.

"I thought you were quitting?" John asked

"I did, but Josh and Eddy are still fun to hang around. I'm like the only person they do anything with." Jake said

We didn't say anything else until we were out of the school.

"So how was your fall in gym?" Jake asked, "That was a dick move on Greg's side man."

"Well we still won anyway, so I didn't mind taking a break from the game." John said


"School is so fucking pointless, I mean get your degree and go to college and get that degree. Then what get a good job, any job I can get now will still be the only options I have after college." Victoria said

"We live in a small town where everyone is always like, this place sucks can't wait until I graduate and then get the fuck out of here. Bet you guys all of them we still be living in this town in fifth teen years." Jennifer said

"Well don't you want to get out of this place Jen?" Alexia asked

"Of course, what do you two want do tonight?" Jennifer asked

"Want to just spend the day at your house Jen." Alexia asked

"Sure." Jennifer replied

"What do you wanna do for fun tonight?" Victoria asked

"Just being around you two is fun enough for me, anything else is just a bonus." Alexia said

"Same here." Jennifer said

"Well looks like that makes three of us then." Victoria said

We were back at my house and was a couple of hours after school, we where in my room which was the entire basement. Even thou there was an extra bedroom upstairs I liked the basement better, I got more privacy and my own bathroom, the basement was also bigger then the bedroom upstairs.

"Man we have to do something to get Kim back." Jennifer said

"You got something in mind?" Victoria asked

"No, but I'll think of something." Jennifer said

"Well I'll try and think of something to Jen." Alexia said

"It's got to be something that will scare her, or make her flip." Victoria said

"Well we will come up with something." Jennifer said

"Any of you hungry?" Alexis asked

"I am." Victoria said

"I'm not really hungry but I might as well eat." Jennifer said

"Well you two wanna go down to restaurant by the park and get something from there?" Alexia asked

Well it is 6:20 and not doing much here.

"Sure still plenty of time to go out." Jennifer said

"Well what are we waiting for, lets fucking go already." Victoria said


"What time is it Jake?" John asked

"Its 6:30." Jake replied

"Alright I guess I got time for one more game." John said

We were playing one on one basketball on his driveway, his net was cemented to the ground, and the driveway was pretty flat.

"You start Jake." John said

I passed the ball to Jake and he took a shot, missed and I got the rebound. It didn't take long only twenty minutes for me to get fifth teen points. The game ended with me fifth teen and him thirteen.

"Well see you later Jake." John said

"What exactly do you have to do right now anyway?" Jake asked

"Nothing really important but if I finish in time I'll come back alright?" John asked

"Alright." Jake replied

Jake just kept shooting the ball as I walked off down the street towards the park. It looked like it was going to start raining, so I throw up my hood and started jogging down the street. When I could see the park I slowed to a walk.

I walked down the path of the park and got to the center of it. I waited there for Greg to show, there was a bench next to me but I didn't want to sit. I waited at least five minutes and no one came by.

"Great he's not showing, what a waste of my fucking time." John said

Before I could start walking away I heard a couple of people laughing so I walked around the bush and saw Greg and his two friends Steve and Paul. Great, so much for one on one, hopefully there are just here to watch.

"Greg what's with the audience?" John asked

"O just some witness's to the fight." Greg said

"Right, how do I know they wont jump me during are fight." John said

"You don't." Paul said

"Don't worry John" Paul said as he and Steve sat on the benches, I turned my attention back to Greg.

"Lets start this shit." Greg said

"Then make a move." John said

Greg ran at me and tried to hit me with a right to the face. I moved back and hit him with my left hand in his left ribs, and then a right to the other side. He head butted me in the jaw and punched me in the jaw. "Greg can take you by himself, he won't need us to interfere." Steve said

Steve and Paul were still sitting on the bench, he went for a left but I moved and hit him with a left then a right in the sides of his head. He grabbed my shoulder and hit two punches to my cheek. I hit him with my left elbow to the nose then tackled him to the ground. I left off two lefts and two rights before both my arms were restrained from behind.

"You fucking cock suckers." John said

"You should have seen this coming." Paul whispered in my ear

Steve walked to the front of me and hit me in the gut four times with both hands. By then Greg was on his feet he hit me in the jaw twice, then my right eye. He took a last swing to my nose, after which Steve kneed me in the gut head butted my nose and kneed me in the balls.

Paul released me and hit four hard kicks to my gut, I went to get up but Greg took to more kicks to my gut. They started walking off and after Greg said "Stop talking shit about my girlfriend, next time you fucker we will beat you twice as hard."

"NEXT TIME I'M GOING TO JUMP YOU WHEN YOUR ALL ALONE GREG!" John tried to yell but it wasn't as loud as he would of liked

Greg just laughed and kept walking, I leaned against the bench clutching my gut with my eyes closed. I don't think I will be getting up for a couple of minutes.


We had just finished eating and were walking towards the park.

"Man I love that restaurant, the food is cheap and it's really good." Alexia said

We had all gotten stake and potato's, they both got cokes while I got chocolate milk.

"I got it." Victoria said

"Got what?" Jennifer asked

"What to do to Kim." Victoria said

"Vic really I was just messing around." Jennifer said

"O come on don't be a fucking pussy, it was your idea in the first place Jen." Alexia said

"I was only joking." Jennifer said

"Yea well we are going to fucking do it and your going to fucking help Jen." Victoria said

"So what's your idea Vic?" Alexia asked

"We take buckets of fake blood and guts, then we throw it all over the front of her house. After that we cut open full garbage bags and trash her lawn." Victoria said

"Sounds fucking wicked." Alexia said

"Fine, as long as you promise we don't get caught." Jennifer said

"I promise Jen, now stop with this fucking attitude it was your fucking idea." Victoria said

We just started down the path of the park when we saw Greg and his friends laughing walking in are direction.

"Hey look there most be a loser convention in the park, good thing we are leaving." Steve said

"Steve that is a fucking shit joke…" Paul said

"You girls here to cheer on John, well he's just down the path." Greg said

What was that suppose to mean, well great now we have to also run into John.

"What a bunch of fucking ass holes." Alexia said

"Bet you there all fucking gay with each other." Victoria said

We walked around the path till we got to the bench and saw John leaning against the bench.

"John what's wrong." Jennifer said

John didn't move, so I ran over to him and looked at him.


"What?" Victoria said

John opened his eyes just then and looked at me.

"I'm okay really, just got into a small fight." John said smirking

"What do you mean your okay, your just sitting here with blood coming down your face?" Jennifer said

"My face is fine I just cant get up they hit a lot of shots to my gut, I'm just resting for a couple of minutes." John said still smirking

"Why are you smiling John?" Victoria asked

"I'm smiling because I won the fight." John said

Won the fight! He's not the one laughing, he's the one bleeding on the ground.

"Great he's delusional." Alexia said

"No really I was kicking Greg's ass when his fucking lap dogs grabbed me from behind." John said

"John, Greg walked away laughing, to me it looks like he won the fight." Jennifer said

"Whatever you say." John said

"We need to help him, He lives on the other end of my street Victoria will you help him walk there and I'll catch up?" Jennifer said

"Where are you going off to?" Victoria said

"To give those ass holes a piece of my mind." Jennifer said

"I'm coming with you Jen." Alexia said

"Alright then, Vic will you take him to my house and just wait on the porch for us?" Jennifer said

"Alright." Victoria said

Alexia and me walked back down the path looking for Greg.

"Greg is such a fucking prick." Alexia said

"Well what do you expect from somebody like that…" Jennifer said, "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Alexia said

"It was like a growling noise, hold on stay here." Jennifer said

I walked up to the bushes just off the path, the noise started getting louder but then just stopped.

"Lets get the fuck out of here." Jennifer said

As she turned something big jumped out of the bush and landed on her back, it started biting her shoulder. Jennifer screamed as it started clawing her back. It backed off her a bit, and she got up only to have it bite her ankle. She fall over again, it got back on her, Jennifer screamed out for help. Then Alexia started running forward, and she kicked it in the face. Alexia helped Jennifer up and she started pulling Jennifer away from it as they ran back down the path.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" Alexia screamed


The thing jumped on the back of Jennifer again and started biting in to her other shoulder. Alexia again kicked it in the face and then kicked it one more time. The thing ran into the bushes.

"IT'S GONE!" Alexia yelled

"Get me out of here just in case." Jennifer said

Alexia hooked her arm around her back and under both pits, and then they started running again.

"Are you okay Jen?" Alexia asked

"Not… Really… Feel very… Cold." Jennifer said

Shit she lost a lot of blood Alexia thought.

"My vision…" Jennifer started but Alexia cut her off "Don't talk Jen."

She tried to tell Alexia of her blurry vision and how cold she was, she could only think of how she was going to die, there's a way to go the beast's first human victim.


Victoria managed to get me back to my street, but I started feeling better.

"I can walk now Victoria, thanks for the help thou." John said

"Whatever you say John." Victoria said while releasing him

He tumbled forward a bit but didn't fall. He looked around the street and saw that Jake was still out, might as well face him now.

"Ah shit, Jake's still out." John said

"So?" Victoria said

"I didn't want him to no of the fight, but I guess with this face he will find out anyway." John said

Just then Jake shot the ball, which hit the rim and bounced down to the road… of course.

"John?" Jake said

He ran over to him and Victoria looking a bit confused at Victoria.

"Oh my god John what the fuck happened!" Jake yelled

"Well let's just say I got into a fight with Greg, which I was winning until his friends got involved." John said

"What the fuck John, why didn't you tell me I would have got your back." Jake said

"I knew you would just try and tell me to not go through with the fight, and I didn't think that Greg was going to bring anyone." John said

"Fucking ass holes we'll get them man, you should have told me, yea I would have tried talking you out of it but if you still went I would have had your back John." Jake said

"Victoria why are you with John?" Jake said

"Me, Jen, and Alexia ran into this goof laying on the bench, so I helped him back here." Victoria said

"So where's Jennifer, and Alexia?" Jake said

"They went to tell off Greg." Victoria said

"Well thanks Victoria, but as you can see I can walk now so I'm going to go home, take a shower." John said

"John can I come over chill with you for a bit?" Jake asked

"Sure." John said

"See you Victoria." Jake said

They started walking down the road to the other end of the street.

"I hope they have something good to tell Greg, I'll have to find out tomorrow I guess" John said

"Well after your shower you gotta tell me everything that happen from the moment you started the fight to the end when you got here." Jake said


"Jen we are almost back to your house just a couple of more steps okay." Alexia said

"So I can… talk now?" Jennifer asked

"Um if you want I just didn't want you wasting your energy sorry." Alexia said

We turned onto my lawn and headed to the steps.

"Victoria! Open the front door hurry!" Alexia yelled

As she was opening the door she said "What? Why?" she turned and saw them "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED, WAS IT GREG, I'LL FUCKING KILL HIM IF IT WAS!" Victoria yelled

"No, no it was some big thing looked like a big dog or something." Alexia said

"A DOG DID THAT!" Victoria yelled

"Something like that, it was really big and viscous." Alexia said

"Where's John… Vic?" Jennifer said

They were going down to the basement by this time.

"Jake came and they went to Johns house, but never mind that you really look hurt." Victoria said

"Good I don't want anyway to no about this." Jennifer said

"What? Jen everyone's going to know." Alexia said

"What do… you… mean?" Jennifer said

"Your really hurt we need to call the hospital." Victoria said

They put her on her bed now.

"NO! No one must know about this, look at my wounds first then let me decide!" Jennifer yelled

They started taking her shirt off so they can see her shoulders and back.

"But why not Jen, you could die." Victoria said

"I just don't want anyone to know okay!" Jennifer yelled

"Oh my god!" Alexia said

"WHAT!" Jennifer yelled

"Your wounds, um they aren't even bleeding anymore? They look like they really healed already." Alexia said

"What." Jennifer whispered

"But that's impossible those injuries looked fatal minutes ago." Alexia said

"They looked really bad when I first so them to, and I mean there is so much blood how?" Victoria said

"Forget about how, I'm fine no one needs to every no got it?" Jennifer said

"But," Alexia started


Both Alexia and Victoria looked at each other and said in unison "Got it."

"Now I've got to take a shower, will you two wait for me?" Jennifer said

"Um Yes I will." Alexia said

"Vic what about you?" Jennifer said

"Don't see why not." Victoria said

"Alright after I got to throw out these clothes." Jennifer said

Jennifer got up and fell backwards, but then got up on the second attempt. She walked over to her dresser open each drawer and grabbed new set of clothes. She took off her jeans and top and throws them outside the door.

When she was in the bathroom she turned let the water run. She looked at the wounds confused. They really are healing fast, what the fuck was that thing that attacked me she thought. It was huge with short gray hair it looked like a hairless deformed giant dog, well it did have some hair all over it but some places was bald.

She turned to the tub and switched it to shower with the press in button. Took the rest of her clothes off and stepped in. She kept trying to think of what attacked her and why she was healing so fast, maybe it didn't get her as bad as she thought, but that couldn't be it.

After a couple of minutes she decided she couldn't hide in the shower she turned the water off dried her self off. Then she wrapped herself in the towel, stepped out and looked at the wounds. What the fuck they look even more healed then before I got in the shower she thought. She got dressed and brushed her hair.

When she got out of the bathroom Alexia and Victoria were just staring at her, she grabbed her old clothes went upstairs and looked in the garbage. There was only a bunch of newspapers so she took them out to hide the clothes under them. She came back down the stairs only to find her two friends still staring at her.

"Why do you two just keep staring at me?" Jennifer asked

"Um no reason, just cant think of anything to say" Alexia said

Jennifer sighed then she looked at the clock it was 7:50. "I think I'm going to go to bed at 9:00 tonight." Jennifer said

"Okay, wanna watch a horror movie?" Victoria said

"Sure, you guys pick one out I'm going to go get something to drink." Jennifer said

She got a glass of water and went back downstairs, by then they already had a movie started. Horror movies were they're thing they loved dark things, scary things. Except tonight she had been scared for her life.

"What kinda movie did you guys pick out." Jennifer asked

"Something about werewolves." Alexia said not turning her attention from the screen

Great watching a movie about animal attacks after being attacked by an animal.