AN: I don't know what brought this on. The idea just wouldn't go away. Anyways, I guess this is set during season 6, seeing as I don't think our boys should have to deal with a baby and the apocalypse at the same time.

Warnings: Wincest, future m-preg

Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, Kripke. I just like to play with 'em.

Dean sat at a park bench with Castiel, talking about how things were going. How the civil war in heaven was going, how Sam and Dean had actually had the talk they've both been avoiding for the past few months and had since realised their feelings for each other, everything they could.

"How are Lisa and Ben?" Castiel asked casually.

"I don't know," Dean responded. "I haven't talked to Lisa in forever."

Castiel looked at Dean, a question forming in his mind. "I thought you thought of Ben as your own."

Dean chuckled a bit before saying, "Yeah, I did. He's a good kid."

"But he's not truely yours. Is that the problem?"

"No, Cas, that's not it at all." Dean sighed at the memory. "After I found out that Sam was back, me and Lisa agreed that it would be better if we just had a clean break. I'd continue hunting with Sam, and she'd try to live a normal life with Ben. No more contact from either side."


"But let me tell you, Cas, if I could have that simple life back, I'd take it in a damn heartbeat."

That gave Castiel an idea. If Dean wanted that back, he should give it to him.

Dean walked back to the motel room where Sam was doing his research. "Hey, Sammy," Dean said, sitting next to his brother and kissing him.

"Hey, Dean," Sam replied, smiling. It seemed like Dean was back to his old cocky self since the two had gotten together, the Dean Sam had fallen in love with.

"Whatcha got?"

"Looks like an angry spirit, and an ugly one at that. There was an old man McGreggor who used to lasso the kids who messed with him around their necks and hang those kids from his tree like Christmas ornaments, taking them down after the holidays to replace them."

"Well, merry fucking Christmas, McGreggor," Dean said. "Humans, man."

"Tell me about it," Sam replied, shutting his laptop. "I guess we'll scout out the place tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Dean kissed Sam, cupping his brother's face. Sam kissed back, wrapping his arms around Dean's neck. The two could have stayed like that until their lungs gave out if it hadn't been for a certain angel clearing his throat in the middle of their room.

"Cas, what's up?" Dean asked.

"I need to talk to Sam for a second," Castiel said.

Sam looked to Dean, who merely shrugged. "Um, sure." Sam stood up and walked outside the room with the angel. "What's up?"

Castiel pushed Sam up against a wall and held a hand to his stomach, saying something in Enochian. When he was done, he pulled back. "What the hell, Cas?" Sam screamed, but it was too late. Castiel was long gone. "Damnit." He walked back into the motel room, and Dean said, "Hey, where's Cas?"

"Gone, and he did something to me," Sam said. "Not sure what, though."

"Are you ok?" Dean asked, concerned about his Sammy. He jumped up and walked over to Sam.

"I think so. Nothing's broken, nothing hurts. Maybe he was trying to protect me. He muttered something in Enochian."

"Who knows what's up in his freakin' angel head?" Sam laughed at his brother's statement, and Dean dragged him back to their king sized bed, saying, "Now, where were we?" before kissing his brother on the lips, continuing where they left off.