*Author's Note=dis is da 1st story dat I've attempted ta write, so I hope dat I do well on it.

*Disclaimer=I don't own YuGiOh!

~xX-Chapter #1-Xx~

Ryou sat curled up on the couch, an open book in his hands. The TV was on, but to him, it was only background noise. He was too interested in the book to pay attention to the program airing across the screen.

"Host," a deep voice whispered. "Host, listen to me."

He didn't even blink, nor did he do react when a transparent teen appeared in front of him.

The teen looked like Ryou, except for some slight differences. His white hair was wilder, his brown eyes held a red tint, his pale body had more muscle, his features were sharper, and he was four inches taller.

He stared at the whitenet for a long time before he realized that the other was too far absorbed into his book to pay attention to anything. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the whitenet curled up on the couch. "Host!" he called, his patience running low.

Ryou jumped about a foot into the air, making his book fly. He fumbled to catch it and when he did, he hugged it close to his chest. His chocolate-colored eyes widened at the sight transparent boy standing in front of him. What's a ghost doing here? he thought to himself. "What the bloody hell do you want?"

The teen rolled his auburn eyes. "I'm not a ghost and my name is Bakura."

"That's my last name!" Ryou exclaimed indignantly.

"I realize that, Host, but that's not important," Bakura said. "What is important is the business that we must discuss."

"Business? What kind of business?"

Bakura sat down on the coffee table so that he was eye-to-eye with the younger teen. "One of your pathetic friends has the Millennium Puzzle."

"You mean Yugi Muto?" Ryou asked and Bakura nodded. "What about Yugi?"

Cold auburn eyes stared into warm chocolate eyes. "I need his puzzle and the other Millennium Items. But in order to get them, I need your help, Host."

Ryou gulped at the strange gleam in the other's eyes. "What would I have to do?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady, but it cracked a bit.

Bakura smiled, resting his forearms on his thighs. "All you have to do is agree to help me and let me use your body now and then. Do we have a deal, Host?"

Ryou bit his bottom lip, trying to decide what to do. "I don't want you to get me in trouble or hurt."

Bakura nodded, resting a hand over his heart. "I swear that I'll protect you, Host, no matter what. You can count on me."

Ryou trusted the words. "Will you help me out if I need it?"

"Like I said, I'll protect you."

Ryou took a deep breath. "I-I'll help you, B-Bakura," he said in a quiet voice.

Bakura gave a kind smile. "Thank you, Host." He glanced around the room before staring into Ryou's eyes again. "There's another thing we need to discuss and it's involves that mortal who insulted you earlier today."

The younger whitenet hugged his knees to his chest and rested his head on them. "He said that I was late because I was having sex with some girl," he whispered.

Bakura moved to the couch and rested a transparent hand on Ryou's head. He stroked the other's long white hair with a slow steady rhythm. "I know, Host, I know."

"He made me run 100 laps around campus. He also told Yugi, Joey, and Tristan what happened to my old friends." Ryou could feel tears running down his cheeks. "Why did he do that?"

Bakura stared at Ryou. "That mortal is a really mean teacher that gets pleasure from bullying students. He shouldn't be so rude to the students, but he doesn't care." The gleam returned to his auburn eyes. "Someone should teach that pathetic mortal some manners, Host."

Ryou turned his head so that he could gaze at the transparent teen. "Teach him, Bakura. Make him pay, make him scream for mercy."

Bakura blinked, his hand going still for a moment.

"Please, Kura?" Ryou asked, his eyes pleading.

Bakura felt something stir inside of him as he stared into those large chocolate eyes. He smiled kindly at the other whitenet. "I can't say 'no' to such a cute mortal like you, Host. I'll teach that bastard not to mess with us."

The younger teen felt a tingling sensation as Bakura took over his body and transformed to accommodate his soul. The body itself grew four inches and gained more muscle, a red tint filled the brown eyes, and the hair grew wilder.

Bakura stretched and left the house.


Karita could feel someone watching him and slowly turned around in his chair. "What do you want, transfer student?" he asked the whitenet who stood in the doorway of his office.

Bakura's manic laughter filled the small office. He was knocked to the ground by the teacher. "You know, Mortal, it's not nice to hurt people. Especially young, innocent boys who wouldn't harm a fly." He saw Karita raise a fist. "You need to pay for your cruelty to my host."

The man growled as he brought his fist down. He had almost made contact when he was forced back and pushed into his chair. He glanced around, dazed.

Bakura got up off the ground and dusted himself off. He glared at Karita with cold auburn eyes. "How dare you," he growled. He pulled a knife from his pocket as he stepped closer to the gym teacher. He watched purple smoke-like bands wrap around the man's wrists, ankles, and waist, trapping him.

Karita struggled in his office chair, terror in his eyes. "What're you doing, transfer student?"

"I'm going to destroy you," Bakura growled, raising the knife. Years of practice taught him that he could slice a victim in certain places without killing them. And as he cut into the man's body, he felt someone watching him. He glanced around and saw a transparent Ryou sitting on the desk.

Ryou cocked his head to the side, watching the spirit. "What will you do to him, Kura?" he asked with complete innocence.

Bakura chuckled. /I hope to make him beg for death, Host./

Ryou giggled. "Make him scream, Kura."

Bakura glanced back at Karita and trailed the knife tip down the teacher's body.

Ryou jumped down from the desk and started to dig through the file cabinets. He came across a locked door. "Bloody thing won't open," he said, trying to pull the door open.

A ribbon of purple smoke danced over to the drawer and slipped into the keyhole. A moment later, when there was a soft click, the ribbon disappeared.

The younger teen smiled and opened the drawer. "Thank you, Kura."

Bakura grinned as he continued cutting into the teacher. /You're welcome, Host./

Silence filled the room and dragged on until Ryou gasped. "Kura!"

/Yes, Host?/

"This man isn't just mean to students."

/What do you mean, Host?/

"He abuses and rapes them. He even has a list of his next victims."

Bakura glanced over his shoulder at the notebook in the younger teen's hand.

Yugi Muto

Joseph wheeler

Tristan Taylor

Tea Gardner

Nosaka Miho

Ryou Bakura…

The list continued on to the next page.

Bakura growled. "How dare you!" he yelled at Karita, making the man flinch. "You will regret ever putting his name on that list!" He pulled the man's clothes off and shoved the end of his knife into Karita's entrance.

Ryou started to pin the contents of the drawer onto the wall. When he finished, he stood back with his hands on his hips, proud of the work he had done. He glanced over at the spirit, hearing strangled sounds.

Bakura had pulled another knife from his pocket and was now digging the tip into Karita's body. Blood was pouring onto the floor at an alarming rate.

"Kura, do something to make him scream and beg for mercy."

Bakura growled, his eyes on the man. "Would you like to live?"

Karita nodded. "Yes, let me live."

A sadistic smile appeared on the spirit's lips. "If you survive tonight, then you get to live."

Puzzlement filled Karita's black eyes.

"It'll all be clear," Bakura told the man. He lowered the knife and cut Karita's cock and genitals from his body and shoved them into the man's mouth. "I hope you enjoy your death, bastard, because I know I will."

Ryou stepped up to Bakura and wrapped his arms around the spirit's shoulders. He giggled near the other's ear, staring at Karita's scared face. "I'll enjoy his death. There's nothing worse than someone like him."

Bakura nodded, wiping the knife blade on a piece of Karita's clothes. "I agree, Host." He smiled. "I didn't think you'd enjoy a good killing, Host."

Ryou shrugged. "Did you know that you made a huge mess?"

Bakura glanced at the floor and walls that were covered in blood.

"Don't forget yourself," Ryou whispered. "You got blood on our body."

The spirit shrugged and took in the scene around him. "You did a good job of putting up everything that this mortal was hiding."

The two whitenets left the bloodied office, leaving the man to die alone.


When they got home, Ryou was given control of his body. The first thing he did was take a bath.

A transparent Bakura sat on the counter, watching the young teen with kind auburn eyes. He smiled as he watched the other popping bubbles. "You're such an innocent teen, Host."

Ryou glanced over at the spirit, his chocolate eyes narrowed. "Do you have a problem with the fact that I like bubble baths? Because to me, it seems like you do."

"No, Host, I just think that you look cute in that tub popping bubbles." Bakura smiled happily.

The teen blushed at the spirit's words, but dismissed it and asked, "Would you want me going to school covered in blood?"

"Never, Host," Bakura replied. "Now, hurry up and get out of that bath before you get all wrinkly."

Ryou shrugged and stood. He almost slipped and fell, but Bakura jumped off the counter and caught him. He handed Ryou a towel, which was wrapped around the teen's hips.

Bakura watched as the teen blow-dried his long white hair and brushed it out. He followed Ryou into the bedroom and watched him change into bunny-covered pajamas.

Ryou crawled under the covers and set his head on the pillow. "You're staring, Kura," he told the transparent teen.

Bakura blinked and climbed onto the bed. He lay down next to Ryou and stroked his hair. He smiled, saying quietly, "Your hair is so silky, Host."

Ryou giggled. "Thank you, Kura."

"You better get some rest, Host, you do have school tomorrow."

"Okay," the young teen smiled. "Good night, Kura." He closed his eyes and was soon asleep, a smile on his lips.


The next morning, Ryou was sitting in his desk, reading a book, when the intercom crackled on.

The principal cleared his throat. "Students, your Gym teacher, Karita, was found dead in his office. You are all free to go home until further notice."

The students didn't know whether to be happy or sad. Most of them chose to be happy for the fact that they wouldn't have school.

/I guess he didn't live. Hmm, Kura?/ Ryou refrained from all emotion but inside, he was smiling happily that the gym teacher formerly known as Karita was now known as an empty corpse.

/Well, that's one less that we have to worry about./ Bakura replied through the mind-link.

Ryou mentally giggled. /We should do that again. It was fun./

/We will, but you have to be patient./

/Okay, Kura, I'll wait./


*Author's note= I hope you liked it. It'd be really nice if you put in a review. I'd like to know if I made any mistakes or something like that. I would appreciate it if you also told me what you think about my story.