I'm back guys and with a new story! :) (dont worry, i'm still working on Teasing Demons). This one is my shot at doing an AU. Lets see how it goes!

Disclaimer: i do not own Kuroshitsuji or Sebastian or Ciel or Grell or any of the characters. Yana Toboso does. Lord knows if i did, every chapter would have yaoi in it.

Now that that's over, onto the story! :)


The skies of London were clear and sunny for a winter day. Sun glinted off the melting snow and ice, causing the city to be filled with dancing rainbows. People hurried around, happy to enjoy the sunshine, but wanting to get out of the bitter cold. Couples huddled together as they walked hand in hand through the town; children ran from their parents, laughing and screaming with delight. Smells of fires and the market filled the air. Vendors called out to the wandering townsfolk, trying to sell their wares. It was a day out no one would want to miss. And the crowded streets showed it. Cars honked at the floods of pedestrians that paid no mind to the oncoming traffic. The sounds of skateboards and bikes could be heard running over the cobblestone sidewalks. In the parks, sounds of dogs barking rang through the air as they chased balls, Frisbees, their owners and, of course, each other. London was indeed busy and alive. No one wanted to miss a day like this.

An orphanage near a park certainly caught on to the message as the caretakers of the children bundled their precious gems up to keep them warm before letting them out. Children giggled and ran from the adults like it was a game of tag.

"Ah-Ha! Gotcha Kat!" One of the younger adults wrapped his arms around the young girl as she squealed with surprise. The other children scattered from the adults, wanting to keep the game going.

One child sat by a window, watching all the chaos. He was already bundled up in a midnight blue jacket that reached his knees and a hat that covered his ears. One eye was covered with an eye patch and the other one watched the chaos with disdain. He turned to look outside the window. This was ridiculous. He pulled his scarf up over his nose and stood up to head outside.

"Ciel! Wait up, sweetie!" One of the orphanage workers named Paula chased after him. "We're not all ready to go, hunny."

Ciel scowled at being called by such terms. He muttered something into his scarf and ignored the over bearing caretaker. He heard her sigh with frustration and turned back to the front door.

"Chris! I'm going out with Ciel. He's taking off alone again."

"Aye! Just make sure the tyke doesn't get in trouble! Meet us at the park. We should be ready in about thirty minutes."

Paula nodded and turned to catch up with the small boy. For ten years old, he was a quiet child, preferring to be secluded from everyone else. She sighed and watched the boy continue to walk. Then again, if anyone else had been through what this child had been through, she was sure they would come out the same.

"Cieeel! Wait up, hun!"

Ciel kept walking, trying to ignore the annoying strawberry blond. A hand on his shoulder meant he wasn't successful.

"Ciel, dear, stay with me. It wouldn't do if you got lost."

Ciel shrugged off her hand but moved so that he walked next to her. He tried to ignore her happy jabbering and stared to the side watching the world go by.

"Do you want to head to the park, Ciel? The others will be there soon."

Ciel shrugged and turned a corner headed towards the park. It didn't matter if he did or didn't want to go, Paula wouldn't give him a choice. Ever since he first arrived at the orphanage two years ago, Paula had decided to take him under her wing. Like he was her pet project or something. Squeals and screams from girls caught both their attentions as they neared the park.

"Oh... I wonder what could be going on." Paula craned her neck over the masses of people to try to see what was going on. Ciel shrugged and ignored the screaming girls as he weaved through the crowd. Paula caught his scarf disappearing behind a gentleman.

"CIEL! I said to stay with me! Excuse me, sorry, excuse me…" She slipped through the people and finally caught up with the boy. She grabbed his hand and turned him around.

"Ciel! Don't go off on your own!"

Ciel avoided her gaze and ignored the lecture.

"Now then, take my hand and we'll go to the park together."

Ciel gave her a skin-melting glare. "I hate being treated like a child."

Paula sighed and took his hand. "You are ten. You cannot go out alone. Now, come on."

Ciel reluctantly allowed her to weave him through the crowds and to the park. In the middle of the park, a scene caught both their attentions.

"Oh my! I see what all the screaming was about." Paula sounded like she was about to faint.

Ciel moved so he could see what was going on. He rolled his eyes and looked back over at Paula. There was some form of big photo shoot going on. Big deal. He watched as two men, one with raven black hair and undeniably good looks and the other with extremely long brilliant red hair, posed together for the camera.

"Sebastian… that is good… GRELL! GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIS ASS! How many times do I have to tell you that!"

The red head seemed to reluctantly move his hand away from the raven haired man's backside and re-positioned him self.

"That's better. Now then…"

The director's voice was cut off as girls began to squeal again. Ciel sighed and turned around.

"Paula lets go…This is stupid."

Paula seemed to be disappointed. "But Ciel, don't you know who that was?"

Ciel gave her an annoyed look. "Don't know. Don't care."

Paula seemed to pout slightly and turned to follow the boy. Ciel found an abandoned swing and sat down. Paula sighed and looked at the boy.

"Okay, I see the others arriving. Stay here, I need to go check in with the others."

Ciel waved her off. He found himself staring at the photo shoot that was going on. He leaned his head against the chain of the swing and just observed, his eyes being drawn to the raven haired man.


"Ok guys, good work. Take a thirty minute break while we go over these pictures."

The director turned towards the photographer and leaned over to start going through the pictures and discussing them. The raven haired man turned away from his partner and started to wander away.

"Oh, Sebas~chan! Where are you going?"

Sebastian turned to the red head, feeling annoyed.

"I'm taking a break."

A man in a suit with a book in hand and glasses on his face joined the two.

"Sebastian, I ask that you keep from going too far. We don't need a repeat of last week."

Sebastian smirked and waved his hand dismissively.

"You just wish you were as popular with the ladies as I am, Will."

Will cleared his throat and narrowed his eyes at the man.

"You may have good looks and the charm but all these one night stands will lead you no where."

"Hmph… I don't know WHHHYYY Sebast insists on spending his nights with those harlots! I am a MUCH better lover."

Will glared at the red-head.

"Please refrain from saying such things Grell."

Grell pouted and latched onto Sebastian.

"Sebast~! Let's go on a walk together!"

Sebastian pried his arm out of the other male's grip and turned to Will.

"You know when I'm working, I am professional. I will not mix pleasure with work. I just wish to find a spot to clear my mind."

Will nodded. "Want me to send you Duchess? Her handler is here."

For those who knew Sebastian well, a hint of a sparkle was noticed in his eyes.

"Tell Finny to bring Duchess to me."

Will nodded and pulled out a walkie and started to talk into it. Sebastian sighed and turned away, heading away from the crowds and photo shoot. Grell followed after him.

"Sebast~! Don't leave me behind!"

Sebastian suddenly turned around on his heels and leaned over Grell, their noses almost touching. A hint of a smirk was seen on his face as he smiled sweetly at the annoying red head.


Grell covered his nose to hide the small nosebleed that was starting.


"Go away." Sebastian said coldly then straightened and walked away from the blushing Grell who was in danger of losing blood.

Grell's knees gave way and he collapsed on the ground, fanning himself while trying to stop the small stream of blood.

Sebastian sighed and found a tree to sit under away from the insanity. He sat down on the snowy ground, ignoring the wetness. His amber eyes began to roam the park. Around the area of the photo shoot, girls (and a few guys) were pushing against the barricade, trying to get the security to let them get a closer look at the models. He turned his head and noticed a playground filled with little children. From their clothing, they looked poor. Must be an orphanage group. He spied a small child on the swing sets, not even swinging, just staring into the distance, keeping himself secluded from the others. Interesting. Usually children stayed in groups. The other children didn't even bother to try to get him to play with them. He tilted his head when he noticed the child seemed to be observing him. A meow brought him out of his musings.

"Mr. Sebastian, you requested me to bring Duchess?"

Sebastian looked up at the young blonde haired boy who was holding the cat. The cat yowled and leapt into Sebastian's lap, leaving some claw marks on the boy.

"Thank you, Finny. You can go now. Tell Will to keep Grell away."

Finny nodded and took off. Sebastian smiled at the cat. Ahh… her black fur, her pink nose, her shiny eyes, her velvety ears. Paradise. The cat purred under Sebastian's petting. Ahh… This was paradise indeed.


Ciel continued to watch the man under the tree from where he sat. He seemed to be in a state of euphoria just from having a cat. He shook his head, resisting the urge to laugh at the thought. What a weirdo. Despite that thought he continued to watch the man with interest. He couldn't help it, he just felt drawn to the man, like he knew him from another life. He frowned with disappointment as a man in a suit met up with the raven haired man and they left together. He tried to follow their figures with his eyes, but lost them in the insanity that the photo shoot was returning too. Guess he has to get back to work. Ciel sighed and turned his head to watch the other orphans.

"Ciel! Ciel! Guess what?" The exuberant strawberry blonde Paula ran up to Ciel, obviously excited about something.

"Do I look like I care?" the boy muttered

"The Orphanage Director just got done talking with some of the gentleman at the photo shoot. They will have some of their top models come to do a charity shoot at the orphanage to advertise and hopefully draw in more potential parents! Isn't that wonderful! You could finally find a home."

Ciel stared at her with complete disinterest. Paula seemed to not notice his expression of boredom as she rambled on. A little thought brushed through his mind that caused a small peak of interest. Perhaps that man will be there…


"Sebastian, we have a job offer we would like to discuss with you."

"No I will not do a fan service shoot with Grell."

Grell pouted and whined as Will rolled his eyes.

"Yes… we all know your dislike for Mr. Sutcliff." He looked over at Grell, "Well… some of us…"

Sebastian chuckled good-naturedly.

"What is this job offer you have for me?"

"An orphanage is looking for some sponsors. Our company is known for its charity events and it was brought to our attention that they are dangerously close to being closed down. They have asked for us to do a charity shoot with them to hopefully bring in potential parents."

Sebastian frowned with distaste. Why couldn't this charity thing have something to do with cats? Why brats?

"And I take it you want me to participate?"

"You are yet to participate in a charity event… well… one that doesn't involve cats."

Sebastian sighed. "I don't have a choice in this, do I?"

"Unless you want me to call that magazine that wants to do that article about you and Grell."

"Fine." Sebastian was scowling on the inside. On the outside, he looked completely calm.

"Excellent. I knew you would see things my way." Will flipped through the book he always carried.

"The event will be a week from today. Please try to not kill any of the children."

Sebastian ignored him and went to find Finny. As he searched for his cat's handler the image of the lone boy on the swing brushed by in his thoughts. I wonder if that boy will be there…