For those of you who fell in love with A Bridge Too Hard to Cross, I've decided to write another Blackwater fanfic where Leah is pregnant. I had a really good idea that I was looking to use in BTHC but didn't end up using it. So, it shall get used in here! Hope you enjoy, reviews are wanted =D

If I owned Twilight, Blackwater would be real!

Jacob's POV

Today was the day.

It wasn't the day I would propose to her… It wasn't the day we would start a family. It wasn't a day at all, but rather just a moment in time that passed with an unusual slowness. But that was to be expected, I guessed.

Not to say that this was to be expected at all. This was the opposite; it should have been scoffed at. It should never have been mentioned. It should never have happened at all. But it did.

"How've you been?" Emmett asked. He came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder, like I could feel it. I was numb.

I couldn't feel the ground beneath my feet or hear the fallen leaves crush as I walked with the weight of my world and a thousand extras on my shoulders. My body was completely and indefinitely numb of any feeling, but that was better than what I could have felt. No wait- I wouldn't feel anything even if I tried.

The light shone through in rays, creeping through the gaps that the fallen leaves left behind. It was my only indication of what time it was; not that it mattered anymore. Not that it mattered ever.

Maybe back when I was human and thought my time was limited, I would spend my time carefully, making sure every moment was worth living. But then I became what I was, and then I discovered what, or rather who my life meant to me. And then time didn't matter, because every day was the new best day of my life.

Except for today.

Today was the end of the best days of my life.

I shrugged in response to the question that was asked minutes ago. How was I supposed to feel when I couldn't feel anything at all?

Emmett's hand lingered on my shoulder for a second. Then he sighed, taking what he didn't need for granted; Oxygen that someone else didn't have… oxygen that I wish they did. And then he walked away, presumably to Rosalie, who he could later talk to, look into her eyes and have someone to hold at the end of the day.

I was alone now. Completely and utterly alone, and surrounded by people who had someone else to mourn with.

Seth came by my side again and passed me a tissue. I took it. Every action I made was on autopilot; even that one tear that fell slowly down my face, which I couldn't feel. I didn't bother to wipe it away. I had no reputation to hold up, no one to impress, no one to hold, and ultimately no one to love.

The only thing I could feel was Seth's constant, annoying stare on me, and that void where my heart should have been. I always thought of that to be a cliché- I mean, if I really was empty, I would physically collapse in on myself. I never thought back then, back when I was a lovesick idiot who took for granted what I had, exactly how empty I could feel, and exactly what "collapsing in on oneself" meant.

The fact is, I'd rather be a quadriplegic in a coma with her halfway across the universe than have it be this way; to be alive without her. Obviously, I didn't have a choice.

If I did, I would be dead- not her.

Not Renesmee.

Xrizz pretty much wrote and revised this chapter, save a few good lines. It's just because this chapter began Jacob/Renesmee that she wrote it (and they're really not my forte), but the rest of the story will be written by me. Reviews, guys?

-DarkAngelz200 (+Xrizz)