Disclaimer: I own nothing, except Cam, Kel'an and maybe the little plot twists I've put in here!

At the beginning of every chapter from now on there will now be little pieces written at the beginning showing what happened to Cam in the earlier seasons and these might include little pieces about Cam's life in between episodes. At the end of every chapter (I hope) there will be two quotes I believe surmise what the episode is about. Please read and enjoy.

The lane stretched out before the young girl as she stood on the country lane. On the right side stood a field of green grass and still growing corn quarter of a mile further down. On the left stood a field coloured yellow with cut hay in seven large bales. Two wooden fences stood on either side of the lane, seeming to part the ground before the girl as she stood in the middle of it all, swaying slightly as she looked down the length of it.

The girl's honey-coloured hair fell in front of her face, obscuring her sky blue eyes that took in her surroundings before she took a breath, wincing in pain before she started forwards, her breathing rasping as she moved slowly started forwards. The girl walked slowly down the lane, looking around as she took in the sights of the cows that lay amongst the grass.

The sound of a muffled explosion broke the tranquil silence and the girl turned suddenly, seeing a large dust cloud coming from the corn field next to her. She looked at the horizon, seeing the buildings she was running away from, before she moved to the wooden fence that stood between her and the corn field. She climbed over the fence with a groan before she forced herself to breathe through the obstruction in her throat. She moved through the field, moving the ears of corn out of her way.

She became aware that the ears of corn that had been dense near the fence thinned out dramatically the further into the field she went. She had gone perhaps a few yards when she stepped into an area that was clear of any ears of corn standing. Pieces of ragged metal littered the ground, half covering the pieces of corn that remained. Tubes and crystals were scattered around the small clearing.

She struggled for breath once more before she moved forwards, looking around the abnormally shaped clearing, searching for any people. She stopped when she saw one person lying on the ground; their body lying awkwardly as one leg jutted out, obviously broken as was one arm that lay beneath the person.

"Are… you alright?" she asked the man as she reluctantly came closer to him. "Is there anything I can do? To help?"

The man's eyes, which had been looking up at the sky above them, locked onto her before he coughed, his entire body seeming to have a fit before it stopped. "I am Al'ek," he told her before he smiled when he saw worry flash across her face. "Peace child. There is nothing you can do for me."

The girl recoiled when the man's eyes flashed a golden colour, highlighting his irises for a moment before it dimmed.

"What are you?" the girl asked.

"I am Kel'an," the man replied, but his voice was doubled, with a rough sounding voice over it. "Al'ek is my host. I am one of many symbiotic beings that share a host body to survive."

"If Al'ek dies, do you?" she asked as she moved closer before she forced a breath into her lungs.

The man nodded slightly. "That is true," he told her. "If I remain within Al'ek I will die unless I can get a new host."

The girl watched as his eyes flashed again, a bit more dimly before a pained groan escaped from Al'ek's lips. "Please," he gasped. "Take Kel'."

The girl nodded after a moment. "Of course," she said. "I don't have anything to lose." She forced a breath into her body. "How do I…?"

Al'ek gasped for a moment. "Kiss me," he told her.

The girl nodded and knelt down by the man's head. She moved her hair behind her ears before she leaned forwards, following his orders. When her mouth was two inches away from Al'ek's, she felt her tongue being pushed down for a moment before a searing pain erupted in the back of her throat. She fell back, clutching at her throat for a moment before the pain disappeared and her hands fell away. She sat up and looked at Al'ek as he smiled and nodded once.

"Good bye my good friend," she heard herself say, but she wasn't saying anything. "I will find who did this to us both and get revenge." Al'ek's eyes slid shut and his chest stopped moving.

The girl swallowed as she felt like she wanted to talk and felt the new presence in her mind step to the side, allowing her control. "I'll protect Kel'an," she said, knowing the man was dead now. "I promise."

Thank you Camilla, the presence in her mind told her. Or would you prefer Cam?

Cam swallowed convulsively for a moment and breathed, feeling the air moving easily into her lungs like there was no obstruction in the way. Cam please, she answered quietly.

Cam then, the presence replied. We have many things to talk about. I am Kel'an, the being you spoke to when Al'ek could not.

Cam nodded slowly. What do we do about Al'ek's body?

We can do nothing, Kel'an told her. Although his human body is slightly different to yours, I no longer have anything that could destroy his remains. Cam felt a sigh emanate from Kel'an. It is time for you to see my life, and for me to see yours.

Cam nodded reluctantly and watched in awe as reality around her disappeared as thousands, even millions of memories appeared around her, showing her Al'ek's life with his brother, Martouf, and his mother, Saroosh. She also saw all of Kel'an's previous hosts, feeling mourning and pain for them. When Cam eventually opened her eyes after the memories had stopped, the sun was high in the sky. The sun had been just peeking over the horizon when Cam had stepped into the corn field.

Now, you need to show me your memories, Kel'an calmly stated.

Cam reluctantly shook her head, not wanting to show her memories but before she could say anything they surged up and once more reality disappeared, showing the memories Cam had of her parents; of the abuse, the beatings and starvation. It only took a few minutes for the memories to play.

You will NEVER feel that pain again, Kel'an told her. I promise that! She gently nudged at Cam's mind and the girl willing stepped aside, feeling the sensation of control changing hands. It's time to get away from here.

Cam nodded slightly, feeling Kel'an give her that much control to convey her wish before Kel'an stood up and moved them both away from the corn field, leaping over the wooden fence and running away from the houses at the one end of the road.


The oak tree overlooked a small garden where an apple tree stood, ripe apples hanging from its branches. The house was a typical American house: white walled with a good, green garden and a white picket fence. Cam sat on a high branch, looking down at the apple tree.

Can you do anything for the hunger? she asked Kel'an.

Kel'an took control of Cam's head and shook it slightly. Sorry, Cam, she replied. I have held it off for the last few days. I can only stop it for so long. We're going to have to eat soon or we'll end up like Al'ek.

Cam nodded when she had control back. A couple of apples then, she said before she swung herself down the tree, going to the lower branches until she reached the ground below.

She looked around the garden from where she stood, searching for a sign of anyone before she ran to the tree, purposefully taking the less ripe ones, feeling Kel'an approve. When she had picked four of the less ripe apples, she turned to go back to the oak where she could leave, only to stop as a man stood in front of her, blocking her way out.

The man had a slightly bald head and Cam could just see what remained of the close-cropped grey hair. He stood taller than her at five feet five inches with both his arms crossed over his chest.

Oh dear! Kel'an commented.

"What are you doing with those apples?" he asked her as he continued to look at her.

Cam swallowed convulsively against the fear that settled in her stomach. "I was hungry, sir," she admitted politely. "I haven't eaten in days."

The man continued to look down at her as he held both hands out for the apples which Cam easily handed him. The man half smiled at her then and gestured towards the house that the garden was attached to.

"Come on in and get a decent meal, kid," he told her.

Cam frowned, feeling Kel'an doing the same as she followed after the man as he led her into the house, through the back door, and into the kitchen. "Where do I sit, sir?" she asked as she looked around the kitchen that held a small island in the middle with three stools.

"Anywhere you want, kid," he told her as he moved over to the stove. "You got a name?"

Cam paused for a moment, unsure. Might as well tell him, Kel'an urged her. He won't be able to do anything.

"Camilla," she said eventually as she sat in the stool nearest the back door.

"Camilla," the man repeated as he turned around and walked over, carrying two plates of food, one was a cereal while the other was an omelette. The man placed the cereal in front of her. "Eat up."

Cam nodded as she picked up a spoon and began to eat with a fervour that surprised her. The man chuckled as he took one of the stools and sat opposite her.

"Slow down kid," he told her as he started eating his omelette. "You'll make yourself sick."

Cam smiled slightly and slowed down. "Thank you sir," she said between mouthfuls.

"Call me Jacob kid," he told her before he took a mouthful. "Where are your parents?"

Cam shrugged as she swallowed. "They didn't want me," she said as she looked down at her bowl. "They hated me."

Jacob stopped eating and leaned forwards, looking at her. "What did they do Camilla?"

Cam looked away and rubbed her arms self-consciously, absently rubbing the bruises on her upper arms where her father had grabbed her before she had ran away. Kel'an was still healing the damage.

What should I tell him Kel'an? she asked her symbiote.

He sounds like he genuinely wants to help, Kel'an told her.

Cam swallowed as she bit her lip before she raised one long sleeve of her shirt, exposing the deep purple bruise on her left arm. She winced when she heard Jacob's knife and fork fall, ringing as they hit the surface of the island. She kept looking away until she saw Jacob standing in front of her, looking at her arm.

"They did this to you?" he asked her quietly.

Cam bit her lip nodded. "They didn't like me," she repeated eventually. "They made sure that I knew."

Jacob nodded slightly before he looked out of the window, seeing the sun slowly setting. "You need a place to stay?" he asked her when he looked back.

Cam nodded. It's better than anything we've had so far, she commented to Kel'an.

It is, she agreed. But what does he want?

Don't know, Cam admitted.

"Pick any room you want," Jacob told her.

Cam cocked her head slightly at him. "What do you want from me sir?" she asked him.

Jacob smiled slightly. "Nothing kid," he told her. "I just want to help."

Cam nodded and climbed down off of her stool and made to leave the room before she stopped and turned to look at him. "Where are the bedrooms Jacob?" she asked.

Jacob's smile widened and he laughed slightly. "I'll show you."


Cam slowly opened her eyes when she felt herself lying on a soft bed. Her eyes took in the sight of the sparsely covered cream walls. She felt Kel'an slowly stir in her mind as she sat up. She looked down at herself and saw she was wearing the clothes she had worn the day before, still covered in the dirt from the road and the gardens she had trekked through.

What time is it? Cam asked Kel'an quietly.

8 am. Still early, Kel'an commented tiredly. You've been waking up early since you left your parents.

Cam nodded as she stretched, hearing a few bones in her back click quietly. You sound tired.

You're young still Cam, Kel'an told her with a mental yawn. You haven't been getting the sleep we both need and I won't sleep when you're awake.

Cam smiled slightly before she too yawned. Get some now, she said. You sound like you need it.

Kel'an grumbled quietly for a moment before Cam felt her fall asleep, seeming to curl up in her mind before dropping off. She smiled as she quietly climbed out of the bed and moved to the door, opening it easily and stepped into the corridor. She looked around, seeing the other rooms were open, including Jacob's. She could just see his bed, all neat and clean while the curtains were open. She nodded once to herself before she slowly climbed down the stairs on bare feet, her ratty shoes lying neatly by the front door.

The lounge was empty as Cam walked through it to the kitchen where she saw Jacob standing by the kettle, making a hot drink presumably for himself. Jacob turned slightly and smiled at her.

"You're awake," he commented. "You want something to drink?"

Cam nodded mutely as she sat on one of the stools. "Please," she said, seeing Jacob smile at her.

"You like hot chocolate kid?" he asked her.

Cam frowned and cocked her head slightly, confused. "What's hot chocolate?" she replied.

A dark look entered Jacob's eyes as he turned around, holding a steaming mug that he placed in front of her. "You've never had hot chocolate before?" Cam shook her head and Jacob smiled slightly. "You'll like it. Try it."

Cam gingerly took the steaming mug into her hands and lifted the rim to her lips, taking a small sip. She smiled at the taste and had a bit more. Jacob smiled as he sat opposite her, holding his own mug before he drank as well.

"Thank you," she said a few moments later when she had managed to quench her sudden thirst for the drink.

Jacob smiled at her and set his mug down. "Told you kid," he said. "You sleep well?"

Cam nodded. "Thank you," she responded.

Jacob chuckled. "You need a place to stay?" Cam shrugged. "You can stay here."

Cam looked at him, chocked. "You'd want me to stay here?" she asked.

Jacob smiled at her. "You're a kid Camilla," he told her. "I want to help you." He looked at her curiously for a moment. "How old are you?"

Cam swallowed a mouthful of the hot chocolate. "Eight."

Jacob nodded slightly. "Let me get a few things sorted and you can stay here," he told her.

Cam nodded, smiling as she gently nudged at Kel'an, waking her. What? Kel'an asked her.

Jacob wants us to stay here! she told her symbiote happily.

Kel'an smiled as Jacob finished his cup of hot chocolate and stood up. That's good, she commented. You need a new home. Cam continued to smile as she drank her hot chocolate. That tastes good!

Cam chuckled before she finished her cup.

What did you think? Let me know. I like constructive criticisms about my work and for those that don't have an account, feel free to comment, just let me know what you think. Within reason of course.