Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Academy or any of its charaters, no matter how much I wish I did. :(

"Dimitri, you really need to let loose," he told me.

I walked out of the local library with my guardian Ivan following closely behind. We were studying for our last tests before school was let out on break. Ivan was not only my guardian, but one of my closest friends. We both attended St. Basils and have been inseparable ever since the field experience. You really get to know a person after spending six weeks with them. I had never really talked to Ivan before then. He was always the lovable and easy-going person every one loved to hang out with, and I was the one in the back, trying to not make a scene. As weird as it seemed, Ivan and I were polar opposites yet we got along so well. Eventually, we graduated from the academy three years ago.

"Let loose?" It was almost as if those words were in a foreign language. I didn't have time to 'let loose'. I needed to get straight A's this semester if I ever wanted to get my father's approval. I desperately wanted him to be proud of me, his illegitimate child. He was a royal Moroi who had an affair with my mother, a non- royal. Let's just say his wife and family weren't too happy.

"Yeah!" he exclaimed. "Oh, come on? Just go with me to this party just once. You don't have to drink. You don't even have to talk to anybody. Just please go," Ivan pleaded for about the hundredth time that afternoon. He had met a girl, Julia in class at the beginning of the year and became obsessed. After much persistence and charm on his part, Julia finally invited him to this party she was throwing

"Ivan. Be serious. You know I don't do well with parties or any large crowd for that matter," I replied, tucking the loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Oh, don't give me any of that crap," he exclaimed waving his hand. I looked over and gave him a questioning look. "You know you could ask that girl that was flirting with you today," he suggested. When I only gave him a confused look did he added, "The good looking blonde one that sits across from us in the library every day."

Why would I do that for?" I was completely perplexed what had come out of his mouth. I hope he didn't mean the human that had a tramp stamp of flowers on her lower back that you constantly see due to the low rise jeans and too-small shirts she always wore. I am male, so of course I thought she was heaven sent... Or maybe came from somewhere more sinister down below. It was only when I overheard her talking to a friend that my opinion changed. What she said was something along the lines of doing anything she could to get me in bed with her and that's not the kind of guy I am. Of course Ivan thought I was insane for not wanting to 'get laid by a goddess like her'- his words not mine. In reply, all told I told him was that desperation was not a trait I looked for in a girl.

"So you'll have at least some one to talk to."

"You know what? How about I stay at the apartment while you have your fun night out?"

"You know I would never leave you all by yourself, let alone in a place that doesn't have any wards." I opened my mouth to form a rebuttal, but was cut off when he said "You come first, remember? Or has it slipped your mind."

By that time, we reached the car. I hated when he pulled the whole 'you come first' bit. I knew that sometimes Ivan felt like just shrugging of his responsibilities to go have some fun and be the normal twenty-one year old he's supposed to be, but that's not the type of guardian he was.

It was because of that that I opened my stupid mouth and said, "Fine, but if I have to drive home with you and Julia making out in the back seat, you will regret it," I said pointing my finger at Ivan and pulled out of the parking space and onto the road.

My lips pulled up at the corners when I heard Ivan mumble something that sounded like, "It was only one time."

Well, this just a teaser. Tell me if I should continue or just just trash this story. Reviews are appreciated. =D