A/N: Hello! This is Ayumi San Sama, but you can simply call me Ayu-San…or what ever you want. Anyway this is obviously my first fan fiction and to be honest, I never thought about writing one…..well I did a long time ago back when the original Yugioh series was out….(lol guess my age…) but I did not have the confidence to write a story. I had ideas here and there, but I was all over the place. Anyways I got back into the Yugioh fandom (5D's to be exact) about a year and four months ago….and I got fired up to write this.

I actually have thought about writing this for sometime now. But then one hot fall day (as in this month) I had the urge to start typing. Well, I actually typed out an outline first to get the layout, because that's how I do things. =D Then all this happened.

So enough of my long explanations and I hope you enjoy this! *bows*

I forgot to mention that I Don't Own Yugioh 5D's….because it's obvious.

"Aki, they say that mark on your arm is a mark of the Dragon."

"A mark of the Dragon?" A young Aki answered . Her bight kitten-shaped hazel eyes shined with curiosity as she looked her birthmark while she sat right next to an older woman.

Both Aki and the older woman were sitting down on a wooden bench in a small playground while staring up at the night sky. The two of them stood silent for a moment as they were gazing up at the stars in the sky.

The older woman then hugged Aki close to her as she continued to speak.

"Yes Aki a mark of the Dragon. You are destined to be signer, a warrior for the Crimson Dragon. You know he's the one who protects and loves this world." the older woman replied with a smile as she stroked Aki's rose colored locks.

"But, everyone here ha-"

"Aki," the older woman smiled, "Don't listen to them."

Aki closed her eyes as the woman continued to stroke her hair. She loved it when she did that, it made her feel safe and loved. As she closed her eyes as she heard her name echo in her thoughts.

Aki. Aki



Chapter One: Izayoi Aki


"Ahhh!" Izayoi Aki quickly opened her eyes wide. She instantly got up by rolling of her bed. However the rose hair colored eighteen year-old hit her face flat the moment she rolled off her bed.

"Owww." She cried as she put her hand on her nose. Luckily she did not injured herself seriously.

"What was that for ?" she yelled as she turned over to a tall man a few years older then her.

He had red hair as well as an unusual hairstyle. Aki had always found his hair style ridiculous. It just looked wrong to her. She had told him numerous times that it seemed a like cow licked his hair to the right side. After her ranting, she would suggest that he should try a new hair style. Instead of getting angry, he would just laugh and ignore the bad complement and always hugged her and call her his beautiful rose. Aki would just smile and hug him back. In truth, she did not hate his hairstyle, she actually loved it. Aki would just only say those things just to get some attention from him when she felt alone. When he was with her, she felt safe.

"Oh I apologize Aki-Chan" Divine held his hand out to her as he helped Aki get up. "Are you hurt my lovely Rose?" He kneeled in font of her and kissed her hand the moment she got up from the floor.

Aki blushed as he kissed her hand. "Um… I'm fine Divine. Really. It's just that you startled me" She looked at him for a moment. "Did you need me?" She looked at him confused.

He looked down at her as he got up," I see, it seems you have forgotten that we have a meeting today. You know our monthly meeting for the Arcadia Movement."

Aki's eyes grew wide as she turned to look at a small calendar that was hanging above her bed. Oh ! I forgot about that!

"Just because you are one of my most important pupils, doesn't mean you'll get privileges as to come in late for our monthly meetings."

"I apologize Divine." Aki sulked her down. "I didn't mean to oversleep. It's just that I was dreaming about her."

"Really?" Divine raised an eyebrow. "But she died a long time ago. Besides why would you be dreaming about your days when you were living at the orphanage?"

She looked up at Divine with her cat-like eyes meeting his gaze, "I don't know Divine. I don't even know why I am dreaming of her."

"I see," he sighed.

"But Divine," Aki looked up towards him, "She was telling me about my birthmark."


"Yes. She was telling me about how this wretched mark is important, and that I am a warrior for the crimson Dragon." She stood silent for a moment gazing at her foot-shaped birthmark.

She hated the mark dearly. In the kingdom of Neo Domino, the mark is considered as a wicked sign. Many people believed that the signers were at fault when the original Momentum in Satellite caused the Zero Reverse accident that happened years ago.

Her parents did not die in the accident; all she knew was that they died when she was a baby. She was told that Security had found her alive in the arms of her dead parents when they were investigating the Izayoi's home. Right away she was taken to live at the Neo Domino City Orphanage.

She was constantly teased about her birthmark and psychic powers while living in at the orphanage. The children at the orphanage would call her names like "witch" and "red-haired demon." They would pull her hair and do other nasty and mean stuff to her. She only stayed at the orphanage until she was five years-old, but staying there felt like an eternity for her. Divine had saved her from that hell hole of an orphanage by adopting her and making her a member of the Arcadia Movement ;Right after an accident that occurred at the orphanage.

Divine felt Aki's energy as she looked at her mark. He quickly realized that her psychic energy was becoming unstable.

"Ah! Aki your hair clip" He picked up the sliver hair clip that was sitting on her nightstand. The moment Divine put the hairclip on Aki, her energy became stable.

Aki looked up at Divine with tears in her eyes. "Divine I'm so sorry." She quickly hugged him, that it startled him. She buried her face against his chest as she was crying and tightening the hug even more.

He smiled and patted her hair. Divine gently broke the hug and pulled her chin to meet his gaze. "It's ok Aki. You don't need to apologize. It was just a dream and you don't need to get all emotional. Come on let's go" He wiped off a tear from her check as he spoke.

She lightly smiled and wiped the rest of the tears. "Ok, just give me a few minutes to get ready."

Aki lived in a small apartment by herself that was only three blocks from the Arcadia Movement's building. The Arcadia Movement was founded by Divine, who vowed to care for and take in any person with psychic abilities. Aki lived in the institution since he adopted her. She never called him father however, it never bothered Divine. He loved her dearly and it was through his kind actions that Aki learned to love and trust him.

Up until three years ago, Aki had asked Divine if he would permit her to live outside the institution. At first, Aki's request concerned him; he was worried that she no longer felt comfortable by living within the institution, however, he let it slide. Divine felt that she was mature enough to control her power in and outside of dueling. But lately Divine had been troubled by her instability. Ever sense she had been dreaming about her past, she has let her feelings get to her. And when her negative feelings begin to take over, she begins to have trouble controlling her powers. To make things worse, Divine has found Aki sleeping without her hairclip on some nights.

As they walked towards the Arcadia Movement's headquarters, Divine held Aki's left hand with a gentle but firm grip.

Aki looked down at the ground as they walked. "Divine?"


"Are you worried about me. As in my safety?" She rose her head up to look at him.

"What makes you think that Aki-Chan?"

"Well, I just have a feeling that you are worried about my ability to control my powers. I'm fine, really. Just because you have caught me without my hairclip does not mean that I will be running lose with my powers. Besides…"

Divine jumped slightly when Aki gently put both her hands on his hand. Her hand felt warm against his, which made him blush lightly.

"You have helped me control my powers and helped me become the person that I am today," She smiled at him innocently.

While still blushing, Divine sighed. "Well, I am worried about your safety." He smiled down at Aki "But don't worry, if that's how you feel, then I'll trust you. But, I would like for you to come back to the institution and live with your pupils…but I also do not want to force you. It's up to you."

"I see," Aki looked straight ahead. They were about to cross the street onto the second block, but Aki was able to see the Arcadia movements building. Like most of the buildings in Neo Domino, it soared high into the sky. The Arcadia Movement's building however was the highest skyscraper in the area.

While the two were about to cross the street, two men were watching them from an ally way. One of them stared at Aki with a slight grin. "So that's her, the so-call Crimson Goddess."


Ayu-San : Wow. This really took a toll on me writing this. Sure it's somewhat short, but I wanted to be satisfied with it. And I thought it would be perfecto to end it here *smiles*

Well who is this Crimson Goddess? I Can't tell you !

And I apologize ahead of time if Some characters may sound/become somewhat occ-like. I hope they do not, but if it does happens, then it can't be helped.

But I do hope that this doesn't discourage you from reading. And the first few chapters may story somewhat have elements that occur in the anime. But I promise you that, it won't stay like that.

And this story will be dealing with other lands, and stuff of the sort…..obviously there is a reason that I categorized this under fantasy as well.

Why am I telling you all this….because I have gone ahead and draft out my ideas up until chapter ten! *smiles* (Because Ayu likes to plan ahead of time!)

I think that's all
I can say for now. If I forgot to say something else, I'll put in in my profile or in my author's notes in the next chapter.

Thank you, and I look forward to you review, comments, etc. *bows*