Summary: The entire time, she'd been a pawn in someone else's competition.

Standard Disclaimer: I'm just a fanfiction writer. All hail the rightful owners.

Content Disclaimer: There is violence, sexual content, and copious misuse of power in this work of fiction, and not of the cartoon variety. The characters as portrayed here are neither invincible nor morally flawless. If you've read Endgame and Play On, you know where this is going. If you haven't, I suggest you start with those so you don't get confused. However, if you are too young or attached to "beloved childhood" versions of the characters… you've been warned.

Carmen's eyes went wide. "How much did that record?"

Ivy smiled. "All of it. The last three days."

Carmen laughed with relief, but then suddenly her eyes turned sad. "Including where you broke my elbow? And whatever you just did to Leanne?"

"Yes…" Ivy admitted.

"Then we're not using it." Carmen responded, turning away and walking briskly into the outside mountains.

Ivy followed at a run. "Why not?"

Carmen turned around so fast that Ivy nearly ran into her. "Because it will get you in trouble detective." She said with an intense glare. "If that comes out, Acme and the entire United States government will feel obligated to disavow you. "


" It's the Morocco quandary all over again. People want their safety, but they never want to know what it cost, detective. Leanne wasn't the only person willing to kill to prevent something like that becoming public."


"I will not risk you and your brother on some hair-brained romantic notion of a happy ending! As far as everyone is concerned, this is exactly what it looks like. Ray killed Leanne. Ceria killed Ray. End of story. If you try to do otherwise I will steal that tape and deny everything." The thief put her hands on her hips and her eyes flashed in determination.

Zack and Suhara had caught up. "What about you?" The youngest asked.

"Me?" Carmen shrugged. "What is there for me? I am… myself."

"And what is that, Carmen-Chan?" Suhara inquired gently.

"A thief…" She said slowly, nodding to herself. "And a coward who runs from the law."

"No…" Ivy said, and her voice broke. "No you're not."

"A character flaw or two is not the end of the world, detective."

"Don't ever let me hear you call yourself that again." Ivy ordered. "That... lie... is not your identity."

"Very well" Carmen shrugged. "You won't hear it from my lips. But, to the world." The thief swallowed "That is what I will always be."

"You're really going to just go back to the way things were before?" Ivy asked.

Carmen nodded deliberately with a slight crease in her eyes. "I'm needed where I am, detective. I don't like it, but leaving with you would be… irresponsible."

"Fine..." Ivy finally said. "I'll accept that decision. You've been... ordered... to do enough."

"Thank you..." The thief responded, almost inaudibly.

"And Carmen?"

The thief glanced up from the ground where her eyes had been resting.

"Don't you dare replace that cyanide."

Crimson lips pressed tightly together.

Noticing the lack of an answer, Ivy pulled out the eye of Miriam necklace Carmen had given her for her birthday, wearing it on the outside of her shirt. "You see this Carmen? By tomorrow, every detective who knows your story will be wearing one. I don't want you doing something dangerous because you weren't aware who knew."

Carmen nodded gravely. "A eye will be our code then. Thank you, Ivy."

"You going to be OK?" Zack wondered softly.

"I think so." Carmen answered steadily. "You told me not to leave without a goodbye Zack, so… goodbye, detectives."

The thief held open her arms.

"You want a hug?"

"Well…" Carmen mused. "It does have to last me for the rest of my life…"

She cut off abruptly as both detectives embraced her with such force as to nearly knock her off her stilettos. Carmen hissed sharply. "Watch my elbow…" she managed.

"Oh…" Zack readjusted. "Sorry."

Taking a deep breath, she drew the two of them in a little tighter, closing her eyes.

"If you ever get scared…or too tired to go on…" Ivy said against Carmen's shoulder. "You come back, and our careers can be dammed."

"My life doesn't frighten me detective." Carmen refused. "But… thank you. I will remember that."

They waited until Carmen pulled back slightly. "I'll give you a 5 minute head start…" Ivy offered.

"I only need thirty seconds." With a confident smile and wink, Carmen pushed them away forcefully and turned to run. "Goodbye, detectives."

A few months later, Zack and Ivy were in Germany. They were chasing after a child abductor, an anarchist, who'd taken the daughter of a high profile judge and left the country.

It was a tense case, and a frightening one. They'd traced the kidnapper through half of Europe, and finally to this section of Berlin. No one knew if the child was still alive.

Ivy was leading against a section of the Berlin Wall, next to one of the breaks made in the structure when the barrier fell. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily.

Real cases, ones that weren't just a game, took their toll eventually.

Zack put a hand on his sister's shoulder.

The were at an impasse… no leads, little hope.


"Miss Ivy?" Someone asked.

Ivy turned around frantically. "Who's there?"

"Down here." A child's voice said, pulling on her capris.

"Hey kid." Zack said, and then suddenly did a double take. "Marissa?"

"Yeah?" The kid said.

Ivy felt surprise and joy start to overwhelm her. "How'd you know my name?"

"The nice lady told me…"

Zack started scanning the barren surrounding urban area, "What nice lady?"

"The pretty one in the red coat…" The six year old explained innocently. "Who made the bad man go away."

The siblings' eyes met.

Leaving the child with his sister, Zack started running.

A few hundred feet down, unconscious and bound, their subject lay slumped against the graffiti filled concrete wall. Over the older graffiti, a newer symbol had been painted… an eye.

"Danke…." He whispered quietly, though he saw no one near.

"Bitte." He heard, though he couldn't say from where.

Player: I know I can catch you Carmen.

Carmen: You can chase me until I die Player, but you'll never find me.

Player: I'm always going to be right behind you Carmen, making sure you don't get hurt.

Carmen: It's all a game, player. And whatever your motivations, you're going to have to keep up.

Player: I'm ready, let's go.

Carmen: Bring it on.

A/N: This triology is done, but I am not. Some of my future work will likely take place in this universe, but for now I want to thank all of you who have been reading and supporting me throughout this endeavor. You are all awesome! Hope to see more of you, and more fics are on the way.