Hopes you enjoys

Give me an input on what pairing you wish

Faixchi or Faix kurgy

A mysterious feather appeared seemingly out of no where and floated gracefully into an expecting hand of a hooded figure. A devious smile creeped across the figures face. It turned to stare at the two non hooded figures behind her. One was portly with brown hair up in a bun and the other with long blonde hair and a blissfully unaware expression on her face. "Sister's the Air of fortune is upon us." The leader said gleefully.

"He is coming than?" The blonde asked eagerly. "When he comes can i play with him?" She begged jumping up and down.

"If you are good." The lady said with a sigh as she pushed back her hood revealing a head of red curls a top a rather prude and evil woman. "Come My Sisters we must prepare."

The weary travelers landed at their new destination. The ninja Kurogane looked blandly around the new world they were in. It seemed to be an endless forest. "It's too quiet here." He grumbled.

"Oh you just like to complain Kurger Burger." Fai said lightly as he poked His friend's nose only to have it swatted away.

"Stop it mage." He barked only to have Fai laugh merrily.

"Monoka do you sense any feathers?" Syaoran asked ignoring the two's banter.

Monoka scrunched his face up in thought only to have his eyes expand momentarily. "Yes but its not nearby. " the creature said at last.

"Where do you think we are?" Sakura asked curiously. "It's kinda peaceful isn't it? I wonder if there is a village nearby or something."

"Well Princess there is only one way to find out isn't there?"Syaoran Replied with a smile.

They all soon found the woods becoming less dense and more open. They all could just make out a village not far off. However before they could go farther a young boy of maybe 10 stepped out from behind the bushes to block their way. "What business do you have here?" The boy asked gruffly.

"We are but simple travelers." Fai replied kindly.

"Simple travelers aye? or Witches?" They boy asked narrowly. It was clear to tell that Magic was not something that was acceptable here. Fai frowned as he himself narrowed his own blue eyes down at the boy staring the other boy down. After a moment however he realesed his gaze and smiled once more. "Nope no witches here." He trilled with a fake smile.

The boy seemed to not trust him but stepped aside to let them pass. They soon found themselves in a small village. Everyone watched them suspiciously holding their children protectively close. "So you all don't take too witchcraft huh?" Kurogane asked gruffly.

"Witchcraft is of the devil." The boy replied just as roughly. "Only evil can come out of it."

Fai seemed lost in thought as he took everything in. He could sense something.. something enticing and tantalizing. It seemed to call out to him. The world around him seemed to just drift away in the wind like a song that was caressing him and calling his name.

Fai...fai...coooommeeee hereeeeeee...

Kurogane stopped in his tracks when he noticed that Fai was no longer by his side but a ways behind him staring at the forest they just left with his back to them. His blonde hair blowing gently in the wind. "Oh Mage! Come here!" He said impatiently. When he got no response he stomped over to where Fai still stood and grabbed his arm roughly causing Fai to stir.

Fai looked over his shoulder back at Kurogane almost confused for a moment before he smiled. "Oh Kurky if you want to hold me hand just say so." Fai teased causing the Ninja's face to turn beat red. He grumbled something as he dropped Fai's arm. "Whatever Blonde just don't space off on me again." He said as he turned and began to walk away, watching fai from the corner of his eye making sure the Mage was following him. Once he saw that Fai was he relaxed. The Mage was acting odder than usual and it was making him more nervous than his pride would admit.

"Sarah where is he?" Winifred demanded.

"He didn't come." Sarah pouted. "There was an interference Besides you know my spell works better with children." She added poutingly.

"Its true sister." Marry reminded as she popped a mouse into her mouth and began to chew.

"Well than make him younger." Winifred barked. "We don't have much time the red moon is on its way."

Fai stretched as he leaned against the wall of their little three room cottage that they had bought. The last owners had moved only a few weeks ago. Lucky for them the previous owners had pretty much left all their things behind as well. The younger members of their group were already asleep on a cot in the next room.

Fai himself was about ready to fall asleep on his overly fluffy coat but was alerted by a knock on the door. He lifted his eyes and eyed the door and than looked at Kurogane who was already getting up. "Don't worry I will get it." Fai sang as he opened the door only to see a Petite long blonde haired girl starring hungrily at him. "Why Hello there may i help you?" He asked with a smile.

"Yes. You can." The blonde said and with that she leaned in and blew into Fai's mouth muttering something. Fai gasped as his eyes widened and his body began to Wither.

Kurogane heard the commotion and hurried out of the room he was in only to Find a withering fai convulsing on the floor halfway out the door. He scanned the area and saw that no one else was nearby. He picked up his friend and carried him inside. Monoka jumped on top of a desk and began to jump around frantically.

"What is wrong with Fai Fai?" He asked nervously as the other two hurried out upon hearing the commotion. The two gasped when they saw Fai frothing at the mouth as his whole body continued to tremor violently.

"What is wrong with Fai Kun?" Sakaura asked nervously. "Is he sick?"

"No.. I think someone did this to him." The ninja grunted as he tried to hold the The flailing blonde down so he wouldn't hurt himself.

"Did what exactly?" Syoaron asked eyes wide as Fai finally stopped moving and became limp in Kurogane's arms.

Kurogane wiped Fai's sweat drenched bangs out of his eyes and scowled. "I don't know..but whoever did this is going to die."