A.N.- NC-17 Final chapter of this story. Hope everyone has enjoyed this as much as I have! :) Happy Holidays! :D

Disclaimer- Still no owny... :(

2 Hours Later

Logan pulled himself from his meditation. It had taken more time than he thought it would to focus enough to fall into the state, but now that he knew what he wanted, he felt more confident in facing Remy again. He had cursed himself the whole way to his meditation spot. He knew leaving the kid was a bad idea and that the kid would take it as a rejection even though Logan did not mean it as one. Couldn't blame him really considering how often Remy seemed to get kicked down lately. It made Logan proud of the kid to still be brave enough to tell him about his attraction rather than just avoid it altogether.

Logan walked faster to the cabin. He wasn't sure on the how's or why's, but he was old enough to know when he was attracted and he had been attracted to Remy for some time. At first he had tried to lump it in with his unfulfilled longing for Jean. That somehow lusting after Remy was an extension of her. As time went by and Remy fell more into a role with the X-men and Rogue, he was able to set it aside and move on. Ever since the kid's return though, he kept seeing how the others seemed to kick him when he was down and it set Logan's teeth on edge to recall how most spoke of Gambit these days. He made frequent away trips just to keep his attitude with the others in check. He was sure Chuck knew it too or else he wouldn't give Wolverine so many missions that took him away for so long.

Shrugging off his thoughts Logan found himself standing at Remy's door once more. With determination he lifted his hand to knock.

Remy pulled himself up off the floor. He had stayed curled up until the pain of Logan's leaving had begun to ebb. Taking in the time he noted that it was dinner up at the mansion. Unable to bring himself to care enough to make the trip up or make something in the cabin, he shrugged out of his shirt and undid the top button of his pants. A knock sounded on the door as his hand hovered over the zipper and he rushed to answer it without a moment's thought to his state of undress.

Remy's eyes went wide at finding Logan on the other side. He felt a flush go over his skin as Logan took a long, slow look up and down his form.

Logan looked his fill before bringing his gaze to Remy's and stepping into the cabin. "Finished thinking."

Remy cocked his head at Logan's words as he closed the door. "Oui?" Remy's heart beat a bit faster. Did Logan's return mean what he hoped it did?

Logan's jaw clenched as he took in the scent of arousal and hope pouring off the young man in front of him. Deciding being a man of action was more his strong suit, Logan reached up and gently brought Remy's lips to his. Remy gasped at the sensation and Logan took advantage of the opening to lightly flick his tongue along Remy's lips and drink in his unique taste.

As the kiss grew in intensity, Remy's hands found their way deep into Logan's wiry, black hair. He took control of the kiss, desperate for a connection to someone who cared. When he needed to breathe he took a small step back. Gasping a bit for air he spoke with his lips still touching Logan's. "Mon ami, Remy t'ink he like the way you t'ink."

Logan chuckled as he filled a hand with Remy's silky, red mane. "Ya ain't seen nothin' yet, Cajun."

With a light push, Logan had Remy reclined and carefully straddled his thighs. Bringing that lush mouth back to his, he devoured the spicy taste that Remy seemed to secrete. Making short work of the already unfastened pants, he pulled Remy's now naked form up against his clothed one. Reveling in the moans coming from the younger man's mouth, he slowly nipped his way down to a peaked nipple while rubbing his jean clad erection against Remy's.

Remy cried out, "Mon Dieu! Oui!", and arched at the dueling sensations, clutching Logan's thick, black mane tight in his fingers.

Logan smirked as he raked a fanged tooth over the sensitized flesh of Remy's muscled chest.

Delighting in the moans and cries coming from Remy's mouth, he traveled down to lick and nip at his navel. When Remy's hips started to press up into the sensation, Logan firmly held them in place as he continued to taste and tease Remy's lower abdomen.

Remy tightened his fingers in Logan's hair as sensation shot white hot through his blood. In all his fantasizing he never imagined the all consuming heat Logan's touch would inspire in him. Eager for more, he pressed on Logan's head trying to get contact where he needed it most.

Logan grinned at the passionate response Remy had to everything he did. Passing over the area Remy was most insistent on him touching,

Logan made his way to lick and nibble down and back up Remy's soft thighs. The hair was silky and Logan ran his tongue along the seam of where Remy's sack touched his inner thigh. Groaning deep in his throat at the flavors that exploded on his sensitive tongue, he lightly lapped at the tight flesh encasing Remy's balls.

Remy's body broke out in a sweat as Logan's ministrations had him reaching for the wooden headboard to ground himself. Each lick on his sack caused shivers to race along his spine and if he could, he would be arching into Logan to get more pressure. The lightness was maddening. Broken French came out of his mouth followed by an embarrassingly high pitched squeal when Logan suddenly sucked his hard length deep and tight into his mouth and throat.

Logan mentally smirked at the noise Remy made upon swallowing his hard cock. He held the blood thickened flesh firmly in the hot wet cavern of his mouth. He stayed as still as possible only allowing his tongue to move as he pleasured the soft underside of Remy's penis. Remy's hands came up and he quickly pulled off him to press them back down.

Remy whimpered at the loss of that talented tongue on his fevered flesh.

Logan loomed over him and nipped his mouth gently. "Leave 'em where you had 'em. Otherwise I won't continue."

Remy gave Logan a tortured look. "S'il vous plait." Remy's whole body shuddered as Logan ran light fingertips up his arms to curl his hands back around the wooden headboard.

"Keep 'em held tight. "

Logan's gravelly voice had Remy clenching the board tight. "Oui. Just don' stop, cher!" Remy's voice was hoarse and laden with sex.

Logan flicked his gaze along the man beneath his bulk. Carefully re-situating himself between Remy's thighs he glanced up his long length to make sure Remy was following orders. He slowly took the length back in as he held Remy's red gaze.

Once he was deep in the man's throat, Remy's head fell back on a sharp cry and his eyes closed in concentration.

Logan enjoyed the sight of utter abandon on Remy's face a moment before torturing him further. Pulling back he held the very tip in his lips as he spoke. "Watch me, Cajun." Logan's voice a deep growl. "Watch, just like in that story. Only know this is real."

Remy's eyes snapped open as fire raced through his blood. "Oui. " He gasped out as Logan held his gaze and took him in deep. Fighting the urge to let his eyes close, Remy watched as Logan proceeded to enact Remy's favorite part of the story. He lightly licked the whole underside while swirling his tongue around the head and sucking the length back deep into his throat. He used his fangs lightly, scraping them along each side of Remy's cock. At times he pressed harder to feel the pulse of Remy through this most intimate part of him. Remy watched it all happen as he experienced every aspect physically. It was too much and on the next swallow Remy came, back arching, toes curling and hands snapping the wood they were still holding, before falling limp and heaving for breath on the bed.

Logan swallowed the sweet, salty taste of Remy's essence before pulling back with a self satisfied smirk. Remy looked wrecked and Logan couldn't be more proud of this moment. Standing up he quickly removed his too tight clothes and curled up with Remy on the bed. Placing a light kiss on his forehead, he ensconced Remy in his arms and ran soothing hands down his back.

When Remy was finally able to breathe without gasping he leaned into Logan. "Damn, cher." Remy's voice was strained from the cries.

Logan chuckled. "Just wait till we reenact the sex scene."

Remy beamed in delight. "Jus' give Remy a momen' to recover. Den we go for making reality better dan fiction."

Logan quirked a brow. "Ya mean it ain't already?"

Remy chuckled. "For Remy? Oui. Now to prove it to you."