Hi, Everyone! Thanks to yugixyamiyaoilover, Animehunter08, and 101sakurakiss for reviewing.

I don't own YuGiOh.

Chapter 2

Yugi slowly opened his eyes. He looked around a living room that he didn't know. As he tried to sit up, his shoulder trobbed in pain. He looked down and saw that his wounds were bandaged.

'Who bandaged me up and where am I' Yugi wondered.

"Oh. I see you're up, little one." a voice said. Yugi turned to see an young man that could pass as his twin.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Yugi asked.

"My name is Atem. You are in my apartment." Atem said, walking to a recliner and sitting down.

"Oh. I'm Yugi." Yugi said.

"If I may ask, what happened to you?" Atem asked.

Yugi closed his eyes.


Will Moto walked in the front door, drunk. Yugi heard the door open and close. He tried to hide.

"Hey, come here you damn kid!" Will yelled.

Yugi hurried down the stairs. "Yes, Father?"

"You didn't clean the yard up!"

"You never told me to." Yugi yelled.

"Don't you talk back to me!" Will said, making a small cut with a knife.

"But you didn't tell me to clean up the yard!"

Will slashed open Yugi's shoulder. Yugi cried out in pain. He quicklyran from the house, Will behind him.

*End Flashback*

"Yugi?" Atem said, snapping Yugi out of his daze.

"Sorry. I don;t remember what happened." Yugi whispered.

Atem looked at the teen. He seemed so scared. 'He must be too afraid to tell me what happened.'"It's okay. Just stay put. I'll get you some dinner." Atem said.

"Thank you for helping me." Yugi said, laying back down.

"Your welcome." Atem said as he walked into the kitchen.

Review Please!