Chapter 1.

Damon's P.O.V

I'm sitting in my study. Working through all these papers. God, I hated this job. This is definitely Stefan's thing, not mine. Plus I'm hungry. How long has it been since I've feed? Ac couple of day's maybe?

'Damon? Damon, where are you?' Ahh, now she will make me feel better.

'In here, my love.'

'Damon!' I could hear the smile in her voice before I even looked up at her. When I did though, she still dazzles me. Her smile, her beautiful smile, her hair was falling haphazardly around her face, hiding some of her eyes. Those beautiful eyes, which could never quite decide whether they were hazel or green. I smiled back at her as she skipped her way over to me.

'Why I still you doing this? I thought you'd have finished by now' she whined softly.

'I know, my love. I was hoping to have finished by now too, but your image keeps coming into my head and distracting me.' She giggled softly at that, I loved that sweet giggle. I put my hands around her waist and pulled her onto my lap. She wrapped her legs round my waist, and burrowed her head into my chest. I could feel her breath through my shirt.

'Well maybe, if you are you very busy with your work, I should leave you to it.' She said teasingly.

'You don't you even think about leaving.' I told her, pulling her closer to me. Her scent surrounded me, I pulled her face towards mine, and claimed her lips with mine. We were immediately captured in a fiery, intense heat. Neither of us wanted to end this moment. But, somehow I knew what she was going to say, and I knew that if I responded to it something bad would happen.

'I love you, Damon.' She whispered to me. I loved the way she said my name, moaning it, like it was the most sensual word of her vocabulary.

'I love you too, my love, my Luce.' That's when it happened. The searing pain, the scream that rang through my eyes. Before my eyes my beautiful love, had become a corpse.

Stefan P.O.V

'LUCE!' Damon yelled and sat bolt upright in his bed. He'd been doing this a lot recently. Of course he'd never tell me what was wrong. Heaven forbid. Damon wouldn't let anyone know his feelings anymore. Maybe he didn't have any.

He looked worried though, no it was more than that, scared maybe, possibly even heartbroken. He was breathing heavily, eyes wide, and shaking. He slowly composed himself and looked across at me.

'What are you looking at, little brother.' He growled at me. I hated it when he called me that. It was demeaning.

'This is the ninth night in the past month that you've woken up yelling that name. Who is she?' I knew it was probably stupid of me to ask, but I might as well try.

'It is none of your business, little brother.' With that he got out of his bed, and walked to the window. 'I'm going out.'

After he jumped out of the window, I got up myself, and walked towards his bedside table. I picked up his journal. Damon wasn't the type to keep journals, but he liked to write down his conquests. There might be something in here that would tell me who Luce is. I flicked through the pages, scanning for the name.


Luce P.O.V

Waking up I wonder what time it is, it's still dark, it has to be early. I might just go back to sleep. I roll over, snuggling up to the gorgeous guy next to me. One of his arms tightens around my waist, pulling me closere to him, whilst his other hand is stroking my hair.

'What are you doing awake, my love?' mmm, I loved his voice, so rich, sexy.

'I don't know, what's the time?' I asked resting my head on his chest.

'Just before one, I've only just got in. I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep.'

I woke up again to harsh light pooling into my room. Hiding my face into my pillow, I pulled up the duvet and groaned.

'My love, breakfast I sserved.' There he was, the love of my life, standing at my door with a real fried breakfast and a cup of tea. He walked over to me, and put down the glorious breakfast in front of me. Hungrily, I devoured it, jeesh I feel like I haven't eaten for months!


'Very, it was scrummy thank you.' I answered and kissed his cheek.

'Now, now Luce. After all I did in that kitchen, I think I deserve more than just a kiss on the cheek.' He stated in a low voice, moving the plate from the bed to my table.

He threw the duvet back and kissed my lips, slowly at first. I kissed him back, I loved him so much. I put my arms around his neck and he laid on top of me, without letting me feel any of his weight, and kissed me harder, more passionately. I wanted this, I knew I did, but something in the pit of my stomach was telling me to stop. I continued to kiss, feeling him pull my shirt off, and kiss his way down my neck.

'I love you, my Luce.' I could feel every breath on my skin.

'I love you too Damon Salvatore.' That was when it happened, the searing white flame burst through me, the pain was unbearable, I screamed. I could see Damon's face, the sadness, the confusion, the heartbreak etching into his face. I could feel him dying as he watched me turn into a corpse.