It never took long for gossip to spread through the corridors of McKinley, so it wasn't really a surprise that by the end of the first period it was all anyone could talk about.

"Did you hear..."

"...found him near the dumpsters..."

"...killed himself..."

"..yeah, the gay kid..."

Finn froze as the louder voices of the two jocks walking past momentarily drown out the stream of babble that had proceeded non stop from Rachel for the last 15 minutes. Ignoring her cry of 'Finn!' he quickly span on the spot and caught up with the two guys – both of whom stared at him in shock as he skidded to a halt in front of them.

"What did you just say?" Finn grabbed the boy closest to him, shaking him by the arms.


"Tell me! What about the gay kid?"

"You haven't heard? Kid was found near the dumpsters this morning, slit his wrists or some shit like that. "

"Who?" Finn asked thickly, a heavy weight settling in his stomach.

"Dunno his name. Some junior. Apparently kid topped himself cause he was a fag or something."

Finn swallowed heavily, staggering back against the lockers. Desperately he wracked his brain, trying to remember the last time he had seen his sorta-brother.


"Finn?" Looking up, he stared blankly at Rachel's pale face.

"Lunchtime yesterday. That's the last time I saw Kurt." His voice caught on the other boys name. "Please. Please tell me you've seen him today."

Rachel's eyes widened in realisation, her small hand flying to her mouth as she shook her head.

"I haven't... I..." She paused, quickly rooting through her bag till she pulled out her phone. Finn watched eagerly as she scrolled through her contacts before hitting call.

"Its...its ringing out. I'll try Mercades!"

Finn could swear his heart actually stopped. Kurt always had his phone on him.

"Mercades! Oh thank god. Is Kurt with you?"

Finn released a shuddering breath, hand running nervously through his hair as he watched his girlfriend's expression. The heavy feeling in his stomach grew worse as Rachel's expression dropped.

"Have you...have you seen him at all today?"

Finn didn't wait to hear the answer. It didn't take a genius to read Rachel's expression as she looked up at in hopelessly. Pushing off the lockers he ran down the corridor, ignoring the bell as it heralded start of second period. Pausing at the first classroom he came across he yanked open the door, quickly scanning the occupants for any sign of the other boy. Ignoring the teacher's sputtered inquiry he slammed the door closed, heading down to the next classroom. By the fifth classroom he felt like he was going to throw up. By the ninth he was fairly certain his heart was about to pound its way out of his chest.

He didn't even realise he'd started yelling until the classroom doors started opening before he got to them.

"Kurt? Kurt?" Pushing past the teacher into the science room he ignored the jabbering man, eyes catching briefly on Pucks startled ones before running back out of the room.

"Dude! Wait up!" Puck had obviously followed him but he wasn't going to stop. Not until he...

Finn wasn't entirely sure what happened next. He caught sight of Rachel out of the corner of his eye. She was power walking up the empty corridor pulling a reluctant-

"...breathe. Finn, you need to let him go dude!" Blinking heavily Finn found himself somehow looking up at Puck's shocked face. Something heavy was squirming against him; hair tickling the underside of his chin. Shifting slightly, but strangely reluctant to loosen his hold, he looked down into Kurt's wide eyes. Blinking back the tears that had started to fall he resolutely pulled the smaller boy tighter against him, ignoring the fact he was sat slumped against the wall in the corridor with his sorta-brother tucked tightly against his chest. The others voices washed over him as he closed his eyes; his concentration entirely fixed on the warm body safely cocooned in his arms.