Harry Potter Universe belongs to J..

Chapter 4

The Woes of Delores

Cornelius Fudge barged in to the office of the head of DMLE.

"Amelia, Do you have any news of Delores yet?"he asked. "It has been three days already."

"Sorry Cornelius"Amelia Bones replied, "We haven't find out the fate of Delores yet."

"It is bad, very bad for the Ministry when one of it's top officials is kidnapped and yet to be found out. I want her found and rescued today itself." Cornelius barked.

"I would have liked to say I will spend more resources in locating her."Amelia replied "But thanks to you the auror department was understaffed even before this debacle. Now I am stretched thin even to manage the duty rotations."

"I don't care what you have to do, I want Delores found today itself."

"Don't talk to me like I am some wet behind the ears rookie auror Cornelius"She fixed him with a cold stare. "And don't dare to tell me how to run my department. At present I find myself short of six aurors. One resigned, three on leave during their investigation and two dead who had no business there at that time. So tell me Cornelius what were they doing there?"

"They were escorting Delores"He replied.

"And why exactly she needed escort, and more importantly what was she doing there at that time?"

"She was on her way to check Azkaban"he fidgeted on his seat.

"Really? And why wasn't I notified of this visit?"She asked. "As you very well know each and every visit to Azkaban need DMLE authorization?"

"I authorized her visit. I am the Minister of Magic"He barked.

"That doesn't give you permission to go over my head on matters concerning my department."She shouted. "It is not the best way to get the co-operation of DMLE. As for spending more resources on finding Delores, at present I won't spend more forces looking for her at the risk of putting people and place of more value."

"The reports I have already got on her does not paint a good outcome for her, and by extension for you even if she was found alive. I had gathered evidence that she visited Azkaban without my knowledge once last summer. Was that on your Authorization too."

Cornelius paled.

"And I find the date very curious one. Do you know why?"

Fudge remained silent.

"It was the same day Harry Potter was attacked by two Dementors. Oh don't try to bluff your way out Cornelius. I already had the witnesses questioned under Veritaserum to insure their truthfulness."

"As for Delores her doings during her tenor as a teacher at Hogwarts on your blessing is coming back to bite you too. The things she did there during the period will see her in Azkaban itself. And if I find my niece harmed by her in any way there will be hell to pay for by her and you."

"If you want more resources to be spent on finding her then I suggest you get to your office and start working on these requests"She pushed a parchment towards the Minister. "Harry Potter was one of her favourite target at Hogwarts. So it's more than likely that she is already dead. I am not going to stretch my department more than it already is by looking for a dead woman. It will put other high value targets at peril including the Ministry and The Minister, You."

"So if you have nothing else to talk, then let me do my job. Good Day Minister."


He looked down on the chained figure huddled on the corner of the room. Sure, imprisonment did not suit the Under Secretary. He sprayed her with a fountain of water from his wand.

"Wake up Delores. I have brought breakfast."he said to the spluttering woman, pointing to the low desk on which a few pieces of toast and a glass of water were laid out.

"Now, be a good girl. Eat up and we have a few things to do today."he said cheerfully.

"What do you want?"Umbridge rasped.

"Well I thought of a plan for both of us to get what we want."He answered sitting down on a near by chair. "I want to live my life in peace, without the magic world hunting me down on every turn. And I am sure you want to get out of here alive too. So let's make a deal. I will release you from here if you promise to the following conditions. One. I want you to use your influence on dear Fudge to overturn the punishment or pardon me. Two. As I am fugitive I am bit tight on Galleons. You will provide me with half of your vaults content. Three. You will write down the answers to the questions on this parchment truthfully."

He waved a parchment filled with questions. "oh sorry for not asking but I borrowed your quill set."

He put another stack of blank parchments on the table and put a blood quill on top of it. Delores shrunk away from it fearfully.

"Don't worry about the questions."he smirked. "You have already answered all of them. I just wanted a hard copy for the future, if things didn't work out for us. Now I will leave you to your task. I will return in a few hours. If your work is up to my expectations, today will be your last day here. If not, you will not live to see today's sunset."

"When I return, I will check your answers with truthserum. So no cheating."he wagged his finger at her. "May be a little incentive for doing a good job. No? but I disagree."


Delores's screams filled the room. He ended the curse after a few minutes.

"Now, get to work Delores."He ordered. "I have a few friends to catch up with."


"Madam Bones"an Auror rushed into Head of DMLE office. "Madam Umbridge been found"

"Is she alive?"Madam Bones asked standing up.

"Yes she is alive."

"Where did you find her?

"Few moments earlier she tumbled out of the fireplace."

"Where is she now?"

"With Minister I guess. She asked to see him immediately and Nelson took her up to his office."

"Idiots, who do you work for him or me?" She asked angrily. "I want her taken into custody immediately. I don't want anyone tampering with evidence."

She stormed out of her cabin. When she reached the Minister's office it was empty.

"Where is Cornelius?"she turned to his secretary.

"He went with Madam Umbridge."the shaking secretary told her.

"To where?"she barked

"To the department of Mysteries"

"Why would they want to visit the Department of Mysteries at this time."she wondered.

She stepped out of the elevator right infront of a visibly agitated Minister.

"Cornelius, where is Delores?"she asked with out waiting for any formalities.

"I sent her to Saint Mungos with your auror."

"You should have alerted me sooner. And for that matter what was that important that you both needed to visit the Department of Mysteries this urgently."

"Did you know there was a prophecy regarding the Potter boy in existence?"Fudge asked.

"Prophecy?"she asked

"Oh here, Delores wanted to give it to you."he gave her a little box. "shall we meet in your office in say, five minutes. I have a few thing to do in the mean time."

He walked into the nearest lift.

"Get an Unspeakable and make sure there is indeed a valid prophecy."she ordered. "and post a watch over Delores at hospital."

She sat on her chair and opened the box. It contained a small glass vial containing silver mist. There was a bundle of parchment along with it. She took them out and started reading. Her eyes bulged in astonishment. She looked at the signature, it was Delores. It didn't make sense to her. Why would Delores write down things that would see her thrown in Azkaban. Her dread rose as she read about the attack on Harry Potter with Dementors and the most recent accusation that landed him on death row. It gave detailed information on who else participated in making the crime possible. She waved her wand to verify the documents validity. It turned out her hunch was true. It was the result of a blood quill. If what was written down was true then they are truly at great danger. The last parchment was a personal note for her written in normal fashion.

"I don't know you as well as I wish to but as one of the rare few who even spoke up to give me a modicum of impartial trial I give you this warning. Take your family out of England. Now! For the rest the path to death has already been laid out. The vial contains some additional things that will help makeup your mind about the seriousness of the situation. I sent this for one thing only, to remind the sheeps of wizarding world, how much they have fucked up. Now the time has come for them to reap what they sown." the note burst into flames leaving nothing but ashes.

She heard a knock on her door.

"Come in"she called out.

"Madam" an auror rushed into her office. "the prophecy is gone"

"How? As far as I know only the person about whom it was made can take it out."She paled.

"Madam"another auror rushed into her office. "that was not Delores Umbridge who was admitted to Saint Mungos. That was the worker who took the Minister and Delores to the Hall of Prophecies."

She knew the starting of a severe headache.

"Find Cornelius Now. Take him under custody"she ordered.

"Madam is that wise" the auror asked hesitantly.

"That was not Cornelius. It was Harry Potter. Now get out and alert all the aurors."She glared.

"Then where is the Minister?"

"I fear he is captured by Harry Potter."
