(July 24th)
Helloo everyone! So here is my FINAL CHAPTER of Resist Me. Thanks again for those who reviewed, alerted and stuck by me as I updated (or sometimes lack there of), couldn't have done it without you. This chapter is the end. I would like to just say that everything isn't spelled out. It will require some thinking. I was getting tired of having to give every single detail so I thought I would give it a different approach. Each section is not continous of the last. As in after each section time has pasted between the last. It should be pretty self-explanitory. Please do me a favour and REVIEW I would love to hear about how you liked it!
Disclaimer: see chapter one
Chapter 10: Resist Me
They say your life passes before your eyes before death reaches you. I would have to disagree. Life is so much more than black and white. This is no right and wrong. Just a point of view. And from my point of view, it was heart stopping when that trigger went off. My eyes went black and all the important thoughts and memories flashed through my head in a millisecond before I heard the crunch of skull breaking as the bullet penetrated and a distinctive sound of a body hitting the pavement. I realized in that fraction of a second what really mattered to me. It was a lot of information to process in such a small period of time. Perhaps I always knew in the back of my head the truth. But it took until that moment to comprehend the enormity of my true feelings. And now I had to act before it would be too late.
Andy watched from the one-sided mirror in the interrogation room, biting her thumbnail. She had been there all day observing Frank interview each cuffed felon from the takedown. She was waiting for one interview. One that she should be allowed to sit in on, but highly doubted Frank let her. After Naylor was escorted out, Andy waited for the door to open again. The door opened and an officer sat down the suspect. She was surprised when the door opened behind her and Frank entered the room. He stood behind her peering into the room through the glass. After a moment he turned slightly towards her.
"You have five minutes. You know the rules. Keep it clean." She nodded and left the room, stepping into the interrogation room. The officer left the room leaving just the two of them alone. She walked over and sat down on the hard metal chair, trying hard to control her raging emotions. He looked tired. His wrists were red from the cuffs he wore and they were placed on top of the desk. He stared as she did to him, unable to believe that they were both there.
"Hi." She breathed and Sam smiled. Her heart flipped when he did and she couldn't help the tears that slipped down her cheeks. Quickly she wiped them away.
"I know, I'm glad you're still here too." She laughed, unable to form the sentences she wanted to say. "Andy—" He started but she cut him off.
"Why did you do it?"
"Because I knew that it couldn't end any other way. He would've always been dangling threats over your head. I couldn't let him get away with what he did."
"So you were the source." It was more of a statement then a question. He nodded. "Even though by helping us you would be giving up yourself as well?" Another nod. Silence. "Why? Why not run away?" It was his turn to laugh now.
"I would've thought it was obvious by now." He lifted his cuffs and rubbed his neck before placing them back on the table. "For you. Everything that I've done since I met you has been for you." He grinned and she gaped at him slightly. "Look, when we had that fight, and you threw me out… I went home and realized that it didn't matter what I did, because all I wanted was you. And I had to get you to understand that, even if that means I had to turn myself in."
"He could've killed you. He almost did kill you." Andy whispered recalling the hectic events only a day ago. He shrugged.
"Then it would've been worth it. It would've saved you and that would've been enough."
"I'm not worth it. I'm not worth your life. You risked everything, only to be locked up for it."
"You're worth a hundred times my life. I wouldn't have done it any other way." He looked at her with those dark eyes, a mixture of sadness swirled in them. "I don't know how long it'll be. They said my trial is in a couple days. Nothing has changed. I don't regret my decision. And nor should you." Her eyes were teary again much to her dismay. She hated crying.
"I told you a never wanted to see you again. I held a gun to your face." He gave her a dimpled smile.
"Everyone has their ways of showing love. Despite the gun, you could've ratted me out as soon as recognized me. I like to think that it was your way of warning me."
"Sam…" She reached forward and took his hand. It was cold from the lack of circulation. The door flew open and a couple of guards came in followed by Frank.
"Time's up. You need to leave McNally." She let go of his hand and stood up. She hesitated at the door as she watched the guards switch his cuffs from the front to behind his back. Sam looked up and her, flashing a reassuring smile. Frank growled. "Now, McNally." She gave a small wave to him and left the room, unable to stop the water from her eyes.
"I hear she knew the entire time."
"Really? I heard that she helped them smuggle cocaine across the boarder."
"No you have it all wrong. She gave them special access to the station to wipe their identities from the system."
Andy was tired of the gossip running through the division. Hell, who was she kidding? It was all over the city. She had hoped over the past few months it would've died down but unfortunately she was wrong. It was at times like these had never been so thankful for her friends. They had spent their days and evenings off keeping Andy occupied from the rumour mill that was centred on her and Sam. Tracy, who was sitting beside her, now spoke up.
"Maybe you should get another hobby for yourselves. Something that doesn't involve making shit up." The women flushed in embarrassment and rushed from the room. Andy sighed.
"You didn't have to do that you know."
"Yes I did. Look Andy, you've been through hell and back over the past year. You'd think that people would be more supportive on your first day back. I couldn't even imagine what you had to go through." She scoffed.
"Yeah, right. I shouldn't have expected anything less when you were held at gun point then kidnapped, then watched as that someone shot themself in the head while holding you at gun point and then had your boyfriend, who until the night before you had no idea was working for said gunman, thrown in jail for doing the right thing by turning the entire operation in. No, all that should matter is that I should've known better. Did I tell you how much I love being the centre of attention?" Her eyes rolled and Tracy rubbed her back reassuringly.
"It was a good first day. Just focus on that. Not the airhead bimbo blondes who have bigger mouths than brains alright?" Andy huffed. "Come on let's go to the penny."
"Sorry, I can't. It's Wednesday. Raincheck?" Tracy smiled and gave her friend a hug. Andy smiled and grabbed her bag before heading to the parking lot.
Andy drove the familiar two hours to Central North Correctional Centre arriving just after eleven. Today was Wednesday. But unlike her usual Wednesdays this was different. It had been a year and a half since that first day back from suspension at the station with Tracy. She had gotten that morning off from Frank in advanced. She parked her car and walked to the entrance she was so use to now. She checked herself in, waving to Gus the armed receptionist as he buzzed her through for a pat down and scan.
When she was cleared she stepped into the large airy courtyard between the two chain-link fences to wait. She looked down at her watch to see it was getting past noon. She started to fidget. Ten minutes later there was a loud buzz and the sound of a heavy metal door sliding open. Andy watched as a Sam walked through the door with a navy duffel bag over his shoulder. He was wearing his jeans and grey tee shirt with his hair stuck up in all the wrong places. He saw he standing there and gave the biggest grin she had ever seen before. She sprinted across the yard, closing the space between them with a leap as she threw herself at him. He dropped his bag and picked her up, spinning her in circles as they laughed wildly, not caring that every guard was eyeing them. He stopped spinning long enough to bend down and claim her lips feverishly. Her hands wove through his dark hair and kept him glued to her as his arms held her waist. After a few minutes there was a buzz and they pulled apart slowly, both smiling like fools.
"I'm so happy to see you again." Andy cupped his cheek and pecked his lips. Sam beamed.
"It's only been a week love." She shrugged.
"I don't care. A week's too long." She kissed him dotingly again.
"Well, it's a good thing we won't have to wait that long again." They didn't let go of their intertwined hands as they walked back through the entrance gate. Gus smiled at them as they signed out. Andy could hear the guards going over the new rules of Sam's probation while he waited for the guard to check his ankle monitor for the third time.
"Now I never want to see you back here okay Andy?" She pursed her lips and looked up at Sam.
"There won't be an issue there Gus. As much as I like you, I hope to never have to see you again." Gus laughed. The guard gave the thumbs up and he pressed the button, allowing the doors to unlock. Sam placed his arm over her shoulders, holding her tightly to him. They walked to the door only to be stopped by Gus's voice.
"Oh and Swarek?" Sam turned slightly to face him. "You better not let her go. She is one hell of a woman." Sam grinned.
"Believe me, I have no other goal other than to hold onto her for the rest of my life." He looked down at her warmly. "I'm not too worried though, she was never able to resist me." He chuckled, planting a kiss onto of her head as she scowled and they walked passed the guards for a final time, before exiting out the front doors.
THE END! I hope you enjoyed reading~ Please leave me a review telling me if you liked the story, the chapter, the ending, my writing etc. I always love to hear what people liked best. (Please refrain from flames though). I always want to improve. I hope it met up to people expectations. I didn't want a typical everything-is-just-perfect ending but still a happy one. Anyways thanks to everyone again and please, be kind, leave a REVIEW, REVIEW, REVIEW! :D