Title: In Theory
Author: Raykushi
Disclaimer: Rights to Hikaru no Go belong to Yumi Hotta and others. This is a fan piece only and no monetary gain comes from its publication.
Prompt: Why Shindou and Touya are not allowed to do game commentary on live TV ever again
Summary: Prompt pretty much explains it!
Warnings: none
Pairings: none
Word count: 335
In Theory
In theory, it was a great idea. Two of the greatest rising stars of the Go world invited to comment on the first fully televised Amateur Go Tournament. Their distinct playing styles and the completely different ways they thought about the game would ensure a variety of commentary, and everyone loved seeing two youths so earnestly enthusiastic about the game. It was a commendable decision when the producers decided on which two pros they would invite.
In theory.
"White played low kakari here, but I would have played high kakari to put black on the offensive. Right, Touya?"
"You would be opening yourself up for black to connect here, Shindou-sensei."
"Yeah, I would WANT black to connect there because my next move will guarantee my territory in the lower right corner, see?"
"Oh yes, you're very clever, but after that connection white's territory in the lower right isn't going to mean very much."
Screech of chair legs on linoleum comes from the screen like static as he stands up in a hurry. "Look, there's no point in saying something if you can't see what I'm going for."
Thump of two hands slapping down on the tabletop. "Are you trying to imply I can't read a board!"
"You can't read MY board deep enough to follow my plays!"
"Try saying that when you've beaten me!"
The camera swings quickly away from the two youths and focuses on the host, who strives to cover up his panicked expression with a strained smile. "A-ano . . . it certainly is a match keeping us on the edge of our seats, folks! After a word from our sponsors, we'll—"
"Look what you did! You knocked over the table!"
"I did not, YOU—"
With a frantic gesture from the host, the live feed cut to the studio's technical difficulty screen. Afterward Shindou and Touya were told, in the most polite terms possible and with much apologetic bowing, that they would not be invited back.
That was only until the ratings came in.