Author's note: This is the last chapter. It is short but it's the way I wanted to end it. Thanks so much for reading, reviewing, subscribing to this story! It's been a pleasure to write it and to see the reaction.

After another failed attempt at capturing Nikita, Michael went over to the bookshelf by his television. The tips of his fingers absently grazed the spines before settling on Remnants of a Shattered Soul. He took the novel from the shelf bringing it to his bedroom.

With a glass of wine in her hand, Nikita sat on her bed and read Remnants of a Shattered Soul. The rich sweet wine soothed her senses once it met her lips and tongue.

A pensive grin touched their lips when the Brankman mission entered their thoughts. Closing their eyes, they brought themselves back to that night remembering the feel, scent, and sight of their bodies pressed together. During their most lonely hours they would revisit that moment in their minds hoping to savor every single detail. It felt very natural for them to be so close to one another. Even now with every confrontation they had, there was still a connection, albeit a complicated one but its existence and power was undeniable.

Neither will unleash that final fatal shot because then the possibility of having a future together would be gone forever. However, they still had their roles to play and duties to fulfill; relenting wasn't an option. So, they would continue playing their cat and mouse game until the Division was no more. As their eyes opened hopeful smiles came to their faces at the thought of their shared vision becoming a reality.