NOTE: I do not own any characters and all references in this story belong to yugioh…people….

ANOTHER NOTE: Rated M for a reason, yaoi, sexual references, LEMON (in later chapters), Yami Marik and Yami Bakura, don't not like smut, do not read, simple as that.

LAST NOTE: (v.v.v.v.v.v important!): ENJOY! XD

Marik dashed for dear life around his apartment, grabbing his backpack and stuffing paper with messily scrawled notes on them into it. He stopped dead in the middle of his panic. 'I'm hungry." He thought. He ran to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. He turned to stare at the clock as his teeth protruded the sweet, yet sour, firm, green flesh of the apple. Bakura was coming to pick him up at exactly eleven o'clock. 'Crap.' He thought, bluntly.

He raced out of the kitchen, apple being very quickly consumed. He checked himself to make sure he was ready with a mental list. 'Shoes,' he thought 'socks, woman-y eyeliner, midriff, belt….no belt…..' "Crap!" He said, out loud this time. He forgot pants…again. He grabbed his pants from the back of a chair and fell to the floor in a desperate attempt to get his legs into them. He had done his pants up and was buckling his belt when he heard his clock chime eleven and a knock at the door. "Damn you," he called in the general direction of the front door. "You punctual Limey!"

He had just done his belt up when he heard a click and saw the front door open. "How the hell did you get in?" Marik glared at the albino figure that casually fell onto his lounge.

"You left the door open." Bakura rested his feet on the coffee table adjacent to the couch. "And since when is being punctual a bad thing?"

"When it causes you to walk in on me when I'm not ready." Marik was on a hunt for his backpack now, which he seemed to have neglected and lost in his search for pants. "Anyway, we can go when I find my backpack."

"You mean this one?" Bakura gestured to the bag on the coffee table next to his feet.

"Yes." Marik went to grab it, but just as his fingers where nearly around the strap, Bakura kicked it to the floor. "Why the hell did you do that?"

"To annoy you." The blonde answered simply. He couldn't, in all good conscience, tell Marik the real reason, which was, of course, that it caused him to bend over. Bakura wasn't disappointed, the Egyptian's sexy purple midriff didn't cover too much skin and not to mention his low cut pants…Bakura felt his manhood harden and his mind began to run wild, he committed the image to his memory for later use.

"Time to go." Marik snapped him back to reality. Bakura realized he had been staring and licking his canine tooth.

They walked out the door, Bakura several metres ahead of Marik and when the Egyptian turned, having locked the door, he saw Bakura on a motorbike, hands on handlebars, arms stretched to full length, black helmet flattening his pure white hair and a sleazy smile on his lips. The slightly shorter boy took the spare helmet from the seat behind his friend. He hated wearing helmets; they always gave him such bad helmet hair. Hair was a huge issue for Marik; in fact he was constantly jealous of Bakura's hair and the way it always remained full after he took off the helmet, not that he would ever admit that.

Marik put on the helmet and swung his leg over to the other side of the bike. He grabbed his seat for dear life. "You know," Bakura started "If you hold onto the seat, you'll fall off!"

"No I won't!" Marik said, defiantly. But the moment that Bakura started the engine, Marik's arms were around Bakura's waist. 'This is why,' thought Bakura 'I bought a bike.'

(Off set)

Me: so guys, what do ya think?

Bakura: …why am I the sleaze?

Me: because I'm tired of reading fanfics where Marik is dominant!

Eru-chan: YAY! You included the reference about licking the canine tooth!

Marik: what?

Me: every time we see something totally smexy, we lick our canine tooth.

Bakura: …Why did I agree to work in this fanfic again?

Me: because I promised to pay you with vouchers for the gay strip club.

Bakura: Oh, Yeh, that's right.

Marik: But what about me?

Me: I'm gunna let you use my tanning bed!

Marik: Works for me!

I hope ya liked it! I'll try to get the next chapter posted soon! XD