Chapter 18

Just over a week later…

The American FBI agents all shuffled out of their rooms bright and early, they had to catch their flight home. It was clear that none wanted to be awake so early. They had had an eventful time, the night before. The agents had all received invitations to a celebration at the Ministry. Even after just a week the magical government was well on their way to recovery. The celebration was meant to honor the end of the war and those who fought to end it.

The FBI profilers arrived at the Ministry building with the members of the Order of the Phoenix from the Hogwarts staff. They weren't sure what to expect but they didn't think it would be anything to strange. Although with a world of magic and different cultures you never know what to expect.

It ended up not being anything out of the ordinary, except for a few special effects that would not have been possible without magic. There was music and a bit of pomp and parading before the speeches began. Both Dumbledore and Madam Bones, who was serving as Interim Minister, gave speeches, along with several other Ministry officials who the team hadn't met. There were two surprises about who gave those speeches. One was that the King of the Elves spoke, mainly on how this alliance in the time of war will not die out in peace. The more surprising event was actually one that didn't take place. The team had fully expected Amaryllis to speak, but she did not.

Spencer turned to her "I would have thought they had asked you to speak." The whole team was listening.

She chuckled a bit in response "They did, but I managed to weasel myself out of it. It was a bit too easy to do so, kind of worrying actually."

The speeches were soon over and Dumbledore stood up again.

"There war many alive with us today who we can thank for the peace we now enjoy. We will honor those people as best we can. But before we do that we would be remiss if we do not honor those who had fallen as well." He retrieved a tightly rolled piece of parchment from his robes.

"This is by no means a comprehensive list of those who have died. It is just the Aurors and Order members that died in the fight against Voldemort" He then proceeded to read name after name. The team recognized most of them, having gone through them in order to build the profile. Every once in a while they would see Gideon flinch and knew the name of an old friend had just echoed through the hall. After Dumbledore read the last name there was silence as he sat down and Minister Bones one again came to the pulpit.

"Our first award is one that means a great deal. Though it is the highest we can give, it is not nearly enough. This person hates getting awards. If we had told her, she would not have shown up." The agents saw Amaryllis stiffen and heard an "Oh no" whispered. They also thought it was rather obvious who the Minister was talking about and though the whole situation quite amusing. The Minister continued to speak.

"This person gave all they could in the fight against Voldemort. Therefore we award the Order of Merlin: First Class to Amaryllis Lillian Potter." The Hall exploded with applause. Amaryllis knew she couldn't just stay where she was but Spencer still had to nudge her out of her chair. The applause got louder as she walked up to the dais. Luckily it was a short walk from her seat in the front row. Minister Bones placed the olden metal around her neck before taking a seat.

"Well, I am not one or speeches, believe it or not." This got a chuckle from the crowd. "I thought I had got out of giving one tonight. On that note I will keep this short. I would just like to let all those who have taken part in this long fight that what they have done is appreciated. And that everything was important even if they aren't mentioned tonight. Thank you." And with a small nod she backed away from pulpit. Applause rang out again and soon everyone was on their feet. A light blush was spreading across her face as the clapping and cheering got louder. She sat down a covered her face with a hand before steeling herself; she then sat up straight and looked firmly ahead. Though she sat and gave no reaction to the applause besides more blushing, it took a couple more minutes for people to calm down enough to sit and let the awards continue.

The team watched as a few Weasleys were rewarded. Remus Lupin received an Outstanding Civil Service Award, along with a few other werewolf leaders. Amaryllis informed them that they would have been awarded Order of Merlin but the anti-Lycan laws hadn't repealed yet and that was the highest they could be awarded. There was a bit of a pause after the werewolves sat down. The agents were surprised when Minister Bones stood for a third time. She presented a full pardon and Order of Merlin: Second Class to Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy. The applause afterward was noticeably more reserved but it was there. Most among the audience, and all of the FBI agents, believed that the night was done but they were proven wrong when an elf stepped up to the podium. It was Mathe of Elberona. The agents looked towards Amaryllis but she just smiled with a mischievous look in her eyes.

"King Fennor had spoken on the end of the mutual ignoring between wizards and elf-kind. But something ever more groundbreaking is the new friendship between elves and non-magical beings. On All Hollow's Eve a great act of compassion, friendship and sacrifice was done. Would Dr. Spencer Reid and Lady Amaryllis come up here please?" Mathe swept his arm as an invitation. Reid looked even more reluctant to go up there than Amaryllis had. With a small chuckle at the situation, Amaryllis stood and pulled Spencer up with her. They walked up together and stood by Mathe, Spencer rather awkwardly. Mathe handed an intricately carved box to Amaryllis. Out of it, he pulled a long chain with the charm of an eagle attached to it.

"You, Dr. Reid, put yourself in between a lethal spell and Amaryllis Potter, a member of my clan, a person of my responsibility. It is a miracle you stand here today. For this great act, I, Mathe, Patriarch of Elberona, grant you this." He held up the necklace and slipped it over Reid's head. "This charm is a symbol of the Elberona clan and by giving it you I proclaim you Annwyl Gyfaill, 'Dear Friend' of Elberona and the Elves." Applause once again rang out through the hall. The entire profiling team jumped up, many chuckling at their young friend's obvious embarrassment. Amaryllis pressed a light kiss to Spencer's cheek. He and Mathe stepped down to their seats, but Amaryllis stayed. She waited a moment for the clapping before stepping to the voice amplifier.

"This night has been full of laughter and celebration. Those are two things we have not had enough of for the last decade. Now it is time for the last awards of the evening. These people have dedicated their lives to making this world a bit safer every day. These people have dedicated their lives to making this world a bit safer every day. They came into a world not their own and defended it with their lives. As a symbol of their help and self-sacrifice we award Orders of Merlin to the first muggles in history." She took a quick breath but the only muggles present were too shocked to react.

"So, we award an Order of Merlin: Third Class to Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Spencer Reid, and Penelope Garcia. Lastly for coming to our aid not just once but twice we award an Order of Merlin: Second Class to Jason Gideon." Clapping filled the hall.

It took until Amaryllis called Gideon's name for the agents to snap out of their stupor and start up to the dais. They all reached Amaryllis and bent their heads so she could slip the medals around their necks. All the medals were bronze, besides Gideon's, which was silver. Amaryllis stepped back and the team glanced at each other, trying to decide who would make a speech. Being the Unit Chief, Hotch was the one who stepped forward.

"We aren't exactly used to be rewarded in such a way. I goes without saying that things like this aren't the reason we do what we do." He paused, thinking what he could say next "We are glad to have been a help to you all and are glad to your community on the road to recovery. All of us have learned a lot in the two weeks we have here and will always remember our time here. Thank you." Applause sounded one last time for the American FBI team.

After returning to Hogwarts there was a bit of a get together, so the team didn't make it to bed until it was late, or early depending on how you look at it.

The team chatted or a bit, waiting for everyone and doing last minute checks for anything they might have left. This is when they noticed Gideon hadn't brought his bag out to the common area. David was the one to question him.

"Jason, are you ready to go?"

Gideon looked a bit sheepish but answered firmly. "I actually decided to stay a bit longer." He spoke over their interruptions "There is no real reason for me to hurry back to the States. Hotch, you already have my report. There are people here I have missed, I want to spend time with them, or their children, while I have the chance."

The team didn't question him. They knew he still had some healing to do and all thought this could help him.

JJ spoke nest "Where's Reid, shouldn't we be going down to breakfast right now?" The team looked around, making sure by hadn't tucked himself away in a corner somewhere with a book.

"I'll go get him." Morgan offered when no one saw the younger agent. He walked back to the men's rooms. There wasn't answer when he knocked on Reid's door. He opened the door and slowly walked in, not wanting to barge in. He didn't need to worry, the room was empty. Before going back out, Morgan made sure to check the connected bathroom and for luggage.

"Guys, he isn't in there and all his stuff is gone."

"He probably has just gone on ahead, let's go" Hotch reasoned. Everyone agreed and they moved out of the rooms that had been theirs for the last couple weeks. They reached the Great Hall and set their bags by the doors. The students would be returning in the next day so all of the staff was there. Well almost everyone was there. Both Amaryllis and Reid weren't there. When the team questioned the staff a few professed to seeing the missing couple earlier that morning. With their worries over the youngest member of their team, the rest sat down to eat a hearty breakfast before they had to leave for the airport.

They quickly finished their meal and said goodbye to a majority of the professors. Some teaches were going to see them off; Dumbledore, Moody and Remus, who had come to help Amaryllis. The group quickly walked outside, hoping to find Reid and Amaryllis out the waiting. No one could be seen as they stepped out of doors. Everyone looked around as then made their way across the lawn to the carriages.

"Look" Garcia pointed "Isn't that Reid's stuff." Sure enough sitting at the top of the slope down to the lake was a large duffel bag with a very familiar messenger bag. With a collective of relief the profilers headed towards the bags while the three others continued towards the carriages. The team still couldn't see anyone until they reached the bags. And what they saw made them smirk. Apparently the couple had decided to have a picnic breakfast, judging by the empty basket and the blanket. But after they were done eating, both seemed to have dozed off. What their original positions were the team didn't know, but they would guess it wasn't the positions they were in now. Spencer had wrapped one of his arms around Amaryllis waist and was holding her so her back was pulled tight against his chest. Amaryllis had interlaced her fingers with the ones at her waist and was using his other arm as a pillow. Both of them looked sound asleep and Garcia couldn't hold in a giggle and "Ah…cute."

The statement caused Amaryllis to stir a bit; she opened her eyes and after a moment tilted her head up. A slight blush appeared across her face but they agents couldn't see any embarrassment in her eyes. All they saw was sad acceptance of the fact that the agents had to return home. She gently pushed herself up and surprisingly didn't wake Spencer with her movement. She just looked at him for a short moment before reaching out and gently shook Spencer's shoulder.

"Spencer, Muirnín, we dozed off. It is time to wake." He stirred a bit his eyes blinked open and looked at her curiously. She grabbed his hand and held his wrist so that he could read his watch. A quick glance at it told him why she woke him. With a quiet groan of annoyance he sat up facing the lake, with his back to his team who he has yet to notice. Well didn't notice them until Morgan decided to talk.

"You had us worried Pretty Boy" he teased "Of course we didn't think that you would here with a pretty lady." Spencer whipped around and everyone had a laugh at his expense. Both Spencer and Amaryllis stood and folded the blanket they had been using. Amaryllis put it on the basket while Spencer picked up his bags. They two then linked their hands and followed the rest of the team towards the carriages.

"Amaryllis, are you coming to the airport with us?" Garcia asked, she was hoping to see a real-life romantic farewell that you always see in the movies.

"No, I wish I could but there is a meeting of the Wizengamot that I have to be at. I am actually flooing there right after you leave in the carriages." As she answered Spencer drew her closer to him. Too soon, they had made it to the carriages where a small group had gathered to say goodbye. The agents were thanked again for coming and playfully warned to not let anyone see their medal.

The team all placed their bags in a carriage and started to get in, Spencer understandably was lagging a bit behind the others. When everything was set to go he turned and gathered Amaryllis in his arms. It was plain to see for everyone there that neither of the pair wanted to be separated. Spencer buried his face into Amaryllis' neck with his arms around her waist. Amaryllis slipped one of her hands into his hair while the other rested on his chest, right above his heart. Ever since he was hit with that curse she had needed reconfirmation that his heart was still beating, even if she felt silly at the time. Everyone else let them stand there, they could spare a few minutes before the agents had to leave. Spencer began to speak but it was muffled by Amaryllis' hair, so she was the only one to her him.

"I know we both agreed not to get mushy, but I am going to miss you."

She smiled and carded her fingers through his hair a bit "A little bit of mush is natural I think, I will miss you too."

"I am not going to look back. I fear that I would jump the carriage and stay here."

She outright laughed at that "I wouldn't mind that so much, but I understand. We will simply do what we did before. It will all work out."

"We need to go, got a plane to catch."

"Yeah, I know. Do I get a goodbye kiss, or are you scared they will tease you?" she chuckled.

Spencer pulled back just enough to look in her eyes. He moved his hands in order to cup her face and stooped his head to kiss her. They stayed in that position for quite a few moments before both pulled back.

Spencer smiled "It is worth the teasing." Amaryllis wrapped her arms around Spencer's neck, while his wrapped back around her waist. After a moment they separated again, this time farther apart. Spencer turned and got into the carriage with the rest of his team. Amaryllis spoke to the whole team.

"We will be eternally in your debt. Have a good flight. See you later tonight Jason." She and Spencer shared one more glance "Hwyl fawr, Muirnín"

"Stay safe, daor amháin." They clasped hands one more time "Rwyf wrth fy modd i chi."

"Caru chi" She replied with a wide smile.

The carriage immediately started moving causing their hands to slip apart. Soon the carriage was out of sight, within the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

The team was half way through their flight back home. Morgan had held his teasing in for hours. Reid was sitting across from him reading one of the books Amaryllis had loaned him.

"So, Pretty Boy…"

"Yes?" Reid didn't even look up from his book. Truth be told, he had been expecting Morgan to break hours ago.

"I was just wondering if you were going to use your new found relationship as an excuse not to come out with us to the clubs."

"Would it work if I did?" Reid asked, still turning pages.

"Probably not, we just won't try and get you to flirt with anyone."

"Then I probably won't try and use it."

"So you will come out with us?" Morgan asked, hoping he would get Reid to agree without thinking about it.

"Not necessarily," Reid finally looked up at Morgan "I said I wouldn't use that excuse, not that I wouldn't use any excuse." Reid smirked.

Morgan sat back and chuckled. Some of the agents had been listening in and joined in on the laughter. The atmosphere in the plane stayed happy and at ease for the rest of the flight.

We they touched down back in the US they disembarked and left just as they did after every case. As they all traveled to their homes they thought of how even though they had had such a life changing event, the world had went on as if nothing had happened. It hit them all exactly how it would be to live in a world that had no idea that another wondrous, dangerous, world existed. Tomorrow they will return to work and go back to fighting "normal" serial killers, but they would never forget their time spent in a world of magic and sorcery.

AN: DONE! ALL DONE! After more than 2 two years. I am sorry if the resolution isn't what you were hoping for. There will be more, not a story for every episode, Amaryllis isn't going to change the course of the show. Each new installment will be posted as a new story with the title being "The episode name + Magic" The next one will be titled "Amplification Magic" I cannot promise when it will be posted but I will try and not make you wait for too long. Thank you for all of your support and I hope you have enjoyed my story.
