A/N: Think of this as something Artie might write in his journal...I wanted to write it, but couldn't put it in "All My Dreams" because it wouldn't fit with that at all. More of these little stories will probably be popping up now and then, as I find things I would love to write but don't fit in with anything else I'm doing, and writing first person is my preferred way to go.

I was severely put off by the whole situation in "Duets" with Artie and Brittany, and felt I needed to write something to flesh it out a bit. I generally love Brittany, but not in this episode, and definitely not with Artie like that.

Obviously I don't own Glee, or that entire episode would not have happened.

I can't believe I let her use me like that. I guess I should have been suspicious when she asked me to be duet partners with her...when has Brittany really ever spoken to me before for more than about two seconds except to say some sad and dimwitted statement?

I should probably have been even more suspicious when she said she wanted to have sex with me. I didn't think I was ready for that...and I was definitely right.

I feel so used and violated. I mean...there wasn't much I could do, right? She carried me to the bed and pinned me down. I told her I didn't think I was ready, but she just didn't get it.

How was I supposed to get out of there? I probably could have pulled myself down onto the floor, but that would have been a sad and painfully slow exit.

Besides...she would probably have dragged me back and muttered something about robots.

There was a split second when I told her we weren't partners anymore because she used me where I felt bad. I mean...she did go to the trouble of practicing pushing a meatball around with her nose so she could do it with me at the restaurant.

But no, just no. I can't go there. The patheticness of her learning that does not outweigh the fact that she used me.

How dare she take advantage of me like that? I mean, I know she's dim, but surely she's not THAT slow? Sex may be meaningless to her, but shouldn't she know that's not the case for everybody? Obviously I didn't expect her to know how meaningful it was to me (because of the accident etc.), but still...

This whole thing really taught me a lot. I am never going to let something like that happen to me again.