
Jo went back to her office after the kiss with Zane. She needed to do some thinking.

I own nothing and no one from the town of Eureka, Oregon.

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Jo sat at her desk and wiped the tears that wouldn't stop falling. Why had Zane kissed her? Why did it have to feel so wonderful? And, why did Zoe have to show up when she did? Why was life so unfair all of a sudden? This time line just sucked.

Zane had kissed her and it was the most wonderful feeling, but it sucked at the same time. It was a feeling she'd missed. It was a feeling she'd cherished and wanted to feel again. It was a feeling that Zoe was probably experiencing right now.

Jo couldn't think of that. It made her heart hurt even more. She must have done something horrible in another life to have to live through this heart ache. She thought that her and Zane would be together forever. They'd been soul mates until Founder's Day.

Now here he was, he hated her and he loved Zoe? Did he have real feelings for Zoe? Or was he just doing all of this to mess with her and maybe Carter? He had better not hurt Zoe. He was already doing that to Jo.

The Zane that Jo knew and loved wouldn't hurt Zoe like that. But he's proved more than a few times to be unlike her Zane. She had to get to the bottom of this and find out if he did have feelings for Zoe. If not, she had to make him come clean with Zoe before it was too late. She prayed that no matter what, Zoe wouldn't get hurt, like she was.

If he did have feelings for Zoe, well then she was going to have to accept it and move on with her own life. She might not like it, and it may hurt a lot to watch them together. But at least she would know the truth. If only the truth would really set her free. She had to be strong and she had to be prepared for Zane's answer when she asked him about his feelings for Zoe.

She shut her light off and got up. It was time to go home. Tomorrow she would deal with talking to Zane. Tomorrow she would know the truth. Tomorrow would hopefully be an eye opener. Tomorrow would hopefully be a better day. Tomorrow would reveal the truth.

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