So I heard you guys missed me...? I'm sorry! D'x I totally forgot about it until I finally checked my email again and I had a ton of reviews on it saying you all wanted the ending! ^^|| I'm so sorry! So here is the finale~ I know it's really short and I'm really stupid for making it this short, BUT I finally actually got around to posting it! So yes, this is the end for our hero Antonio and his damsel Lovina~ I MIGHT write some more on it if I get bored or something, I dunno. I've actually been working on this crossover fanfic with Touhou Project and Puella Magi Madoka Magica eue It's exciting.
Anyway, thank you for sticking with me this long (over a year! Ah!) and waiting ever so patiently for me to update Cx You guys mean the world to me for actually reminding me to post it! So again, thank you! Enjoy the finale!
(If you have any ideas for omakes or epilogues that I might enjoy writing for this story, send me a message or shoot me a review and I'll consider it! 3)

The band began playing almost right after that. The crowd listened intently, cheering as Antonio rocked the guitar and Gillian banged on the drums. Right away Lovina recognized the song- it was one of her favorites by Paramore, and the high school band up on stage was playing it perfectly. Roderich was on keyboard and Lena on bass, and if Lovina guessed correctly, Ally would be singing.

"I've gone for too long living like I'm not alive, so I'm gonna start over tonight, beginning with you and I. When this memory fades, I'm gonna make sure it's replaced with chances taken; hope embraced, and have I told you-

I'm not going, 'cause I've been waiting for a miracle, and it might save you. And I'm not leaving. I wont let you give up on a miracle, when it might save you!"

Ally's voice fit perfectly into the background music, completing the entire group. Lovina hardly payed attention, though, because she was busy watching Antonio with his guitar. On his necklace - which usually just held a guitar pick - he had added the ring that she had thrown at him.

Maybe Mattie was right, and maybe we was just embarrassed to say Lovina was his fiance. Lovina couldn't tell. Her mind was lost in thought while the band played awesomely up on stage. How could she apologize?


Felicia stared at the members in front of her. She had always known Lena played bass, but she had never known she was this good at it.

As Ally continued to sing, she glanced at Lovina at the closest table to the stage. She had her head down as if she were about to cry, and she stared at Antonio from under her bangs.

Felicia knew Antonio still had her diary, and she wanted it back from him as soon as possible. But she also knew Antonio would faithfully return it to Lovina in the end. This calmed her.


Arthur couldn't help stare at Ally. She was bouncing around the stage with the microphone, singing as though she was a professional.

Truth be told, Arthur never knew Ally could sing at all.

When she had sang the opening lines, he had nearly spit-taked his tea in amazement.

Honestly, her singing was a major turn on.


Mattie was awestruck. She heard Gillian play before on her drums, since she sat in the music room with her after school sometimes to listen.

But hearing Gillian play live in a band of four other people took Mattie's breath away. She banged on her drumset so perfectly in time with the rest of the song.

Mattie was so proud of Gillian she started to tear up, trying not to cry.


Elizabeta contemplated. She enjoyed the band and their arrangement, but she was so used to Roderich playing classical pieces.

Him using his talent to play a rock song such as this with such a strange assortment of peers intrigued her.

She didn't dislike it. It was just new to her.

She tapped her foot to the beat.


As the song ended, Antonio took a last strum of his guitare before reaching to take off his necklace. He decided, even after being so coldly rejected in front of the entire lunchroom, that he would risk it again, only with a bigger proposal.

He hopped off stage and walked up to Lovina. The entire gymnasium was dead silent and he kissed her cheek.

She didn't pull away.

Hoping this was a good sign, he slowly stared straight into her eyes and got down on one knee.

"I know this is sudden and I know we're still young, but Lovina Vargas... Will you marry me...?"

He held out the ring to her again as the entire room filled with quiet mumbles and whispers.

Lovina teared up, staring straight back at him. She hesitated. What if she said no? How would he react?

Her thought process changed.

Why would she say no?

She bit her lip before nodding. "Yes. Yes. Yes, Antonio Fernandez Carriedo I will marry your sorry motherfucking ass!"

Antonio shook as he slowly and gently pushed the ring onto her left hand ring finger. He stood, only to be glomped tightly by the girl he loved so much.

His own little Italian girl.

The crowd roared, a standing ovation well deserved.

Lovina was beaming so brightly as the band on stage played a sweet song, without the rock vocals of Allison Jones. Antonio and Lovina danced together in the middle of the dancefloor.

Steph used her tech skills to move the spotlights directly on them.

Antonio and Lovina finally admitted their feelings to each other.

The rest of the night was the best night of the both of them's lives.

The end. 3