OllO! Long time since last up date...Ma Badddd, Sorry! I may have...slightly...sort a way...broke my laptop =/ Opps!

Disclaimer-We no own, Kay? So don't push us off a sky scraper, on to a giant sharp pole, to be then eaten by cannibals that were lurred by the smell of our blood...

Righttttt, Lets get our twins onnnn...

"Then why was Kyouya here at 4.00 this morning?"

The smile immediately dropped form Kaoru's face.

Those few words brought Kaoru's whole world crashing down. He briefly considered making a sarcastic remark but the look on Hikaru's face told him that if he dared make this into a joke then he was likely to be castrated.

Hikaru's suspicious glare was beginning to scare Kaoru; it was only when the phone started ringing that he realised they'd been sat in silence for almost 10 minutes.


The loud ring tone pierced through the awkward silence. Kaoru figured he knew who it was, and he literally ached to answer it. But he forced himself not to reach over for the vibrating mobile, for fear of his older brother's reaction.


Still neither boy moved.


"Well, are you going to answer it?" The glint in his eye told Kaoru that he knew who it would be just as much as he did. Hikaru raised his eyebrows.

Summiting to Hikaru's determined look, Kaoru reached over and picked up the phone which read…


"What? Why's he calling?" Hikaru looked disappointed, He thought he knew for certain who the caller would be seeing as how Kaoru and Kyouya left their conversation last night was less than satisfactory in the elder's eyes.

Apprehensively Kaoru hit the answer button located near the base of the phone. He really wasn't in the mood for Tono right now.


"Well that is no way to greet your king…"

Kaoru cut him off mid-sentence, exasperated already by his elders silly antics.

"There's obviously a reason you're calling. So what is it?"

Hikaru was none too subtly listening in on the conversation between his brother and Tamaki, but he was already growing bored.


A loud sigh escaped Kaoru's lips.

"M'lord, she wasn't missing the first time…"

Barely a second of silence had passed before Tamaki was shouting down the phone. He was 'speaking' so fast that the twins could only make out minor parts of what he was actually attempting to say.


It didn't take a particularly long amount of time for Kaoru to come to the decision to cut Tono off, much to Hikaru's relief who was also not in the mood for Tamaki and his rants.

"Idiot" Kaoru heard his brother mutter under his breath, this one word turned all his attention back onto Hikaru. Who now looked even more pissed then ever.

"So where were we before?" Hikaru mumbled monotonously, keeping his gazed fixed on the plain sheets beneath him.

"I…Urm…We…" Kaoru was fully aware of 'where they had been' previous to Tamaki's phone call, he just didn't care to return to the awkward silence that had filled the bedroom minutes earlier.

"Oh yes!" Hikaru said in fake enthusiasm "So, Are you going tell me why Kyouya was here at god knows what hour of the morning?"

"H-Hikaru, you must have been dreaming. Seriously, you always come up with the weirdest thing." Kaoru said rather un-steadily. Hikaru's glare just intensified.

Kaoru looked away and headed for the towel cup board, picking out his favourite towel, the orange one. He knew he shouldn't have lied, but he panicked, he just knew he was going to pay for it because he could never lie to Hikaru.

"Don't you lie to me Kaoru Hitachiin. I woke up this morning and you weren't in bed! You were down stairs arguing with Kyouya about something!" Hikaru could barely contain his anger, His brother never even tried to lie to him.

"YOU WERE EAVEDROPPING ON ME!" Well he wasn't denying it now.

"IF YOU COULD CALL IT THAT! YOU TWO NEARLY WOKE UP THE WHOLE HOUSE!" Hikaru inwardly winced; he knew his brother would be mad at him.


"THE RIGHT? THE RIGHT?. I HAVE EVERY RIGHT! I WOKE UP AND YOU WEREN'T THERE! I GOT SCARED!...You are always there." It became clear that Hikaru's anger was beginning to morph into something entirely different…

Unfortunately, by this point Kaoru was too blinded by rage to notice his brother's worry and concern.


Kaoru took Hikaru's moment of stunned silence to dramatically storm out of their bedroom and into the adjoining bathroom.

Hikaru just stood there, staring at the now closed door. Any minute now Kaoru would walk back in full of apologies and explanations…He was sure of it. But he never did...Kaoru stayed in the bathroom all day; he was just too stubborn to come out, similar to how Hikaru refused to move from the bedroom.

"Master Hikaru, I must insisted that you and your brother come down stairs for a least some supper" Their new maid tried to persuade the elder brother from beyond his locked bedroom door.

Silvia, a beautiful young Italian girl that their mother met on her travels. She was a struggling model but when their mother saw her potential she made a proposition with her. If she came with her back to Japan and work as a maid, she would help her reach her goals. So far she has been the ideal maid, she was kind of heart and was willing to persevere with the twins even in their most terrible of moods.

Hikaru glanced at the door when he heard her voice; she truly was the second best maid they'd ever had. But he had a feeling that even Silvia was going to get fed up with them…They all do.

"Silvia, we will be fine" He just wanted to be left alone, or with his brother. But it looks like the later won't be happening any time soon.

"Yes Master Hikaru…I shall leave a tray of food out here for you and your brother" Hikaru could hear the concern in her voice but he was too upset to care. As he listened to the foot steps fade away he decided to put his foot down and talk to his brother. He jumped off the bed and strolled to the en suit bathroom.

Just as he was about to knock on the door Kaoru opened it.

"Kaoru" Hikaru said staring at his brother's wet form.

Kaoru stormed past his brother in only a towel, little droplets of water dripped from his hair onto his face. He flopped down onto the bed some what gracefully, crossed his arms and crossed his legs with out being un covered by the towel. He set a childish pot of his lips and determinately stared out of the large glass window on the other side of the bedroom.

"Kaoru don't ignore me"

Kaoru stayed silent.

"Oh come on Kaoru! I was only worried for you!"

"Why would you be worried, I was only talking to Kyouya sen-pia!" Kaoru screeched, finally breaking his silence.

"I woke up and you weren't there so I freaked, I'm sorry I care about you!"

Kaoru glared at Hikaru then sharply got off the bed, pulled back the cover and jumped onto the bed again, laying down with out a single glance more to Hikaru.

"You are such a child sometimes!"

Kaoru just pulled the cover over his head.

Hikaru looked at his brother, he wished he just stop being in this mood. They never properly fight, the things they do in the club are fake, they are all fake, but this…This is too real

M'Kayyyy! ThankYou for Reading! Now, why not Review!

Loves you lotsly

Moony-Rocks-My-Bed and LittleFanGirl XxX