HetaOni: Novelised

This story is inspired by Trapped Within written by simba-rulz. It will follow closely to the fanmade game HetaOni with some slight changes to make the story flows better. I will also be referring to the translation made by LJ user Gemini_artemis.

All intellectual properties belong to Hetalia, Hidekaz Himaruya, and the creators of HetaOni and Aooni. I am purely doing this for fun.

Chapter 0: Beginning

Light feet tapped rapidly against the ground, its owner trying to get away from the persistent pounding of military boots following not far behind. The peace and quiet of the neighbourhood was ruthlessly broken by a series of shouts and screams.

"Eeek! ! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Heeelp! !"

"Ack! ! You— Don't run away! ! ITALYYYYY! ! !"

Its curious residents could only guess and wondered in amusement at the rackets they had heard in the morning.

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"Veh… Vehh… Vehh…"

Italy breathed heavily as he stopped beside a store. One hand was pressed against the wall to support some of his weight as he bent over to catch his breathe. Amongst the chirping of birds, the occasionally passing vehicles and the rush of shutters as shops were opening for business, he listened carefully for any sound of the angry German.

"Now that I've run this far, even Germany won't come after me~" Italy sighed in relieved, straightening himself when he didn't see or hear any signs of his pursuer.

Training before meeting… I was going to die! Italy whined in his head as he recalled being chased around the neighbourhood, a pissed off German at his tail. He didn't understand why Germany still insisted on having practice trainings despite the fact that the nations now were at peace with one another. But he wasn't one to brood about certain things for long and had begun to look around the area he had stopped.

"Hmm. I don't see anything familiar around here… Am I lost?" Italy wondered but his face lit up like Christmas trees when he noticed what kind of store he had stopped at.

"Ve~ Gelato~! !" The Italian exclaimed excitedly and went towards the counter to order his share.

"Really? !" A loud exclamation caught Italy's attention while he was waiting for his ice cream.

"Hm?" He looked to his side to find a group of teenagers sitting around a table provided by the ice cream parlor.

"It's just a rumour. You're not really going, are you?"

"There are ghosts, right? That sounds kinda scary…"

Ghosts? Italy thought absentmindedly as he received the cold delight from the serving staff. The Italian was curious about their conversation and so remained standing near the counter as he licked at the cold cream.

"It's true! Lots of people went missing and got eaten by this huge monster!" One of them spread his arms wide to emphasize his point.

"Let's check it out! Where is it?"

"If I remembered correctly, I heard it was a really big western-styled house north of here."

A haunted house… Italy turned the idea over and over in his head. Even though we're in peace nowadays, I never get to play or have fun with the others… …

I really want to be friends with them… … Italy thought wishfully.

Oh, I know! An inspiration struck him as he thought about how he could achieve his wish. I'll tell America about it! If he tells the others about it, maybe they'll all get interested! Ahah~ I'm so clever… The Italian shamelessly praised himself over his simple plan.

"All right, as soon as the meeting is over, I'll—" Italy whispered to himself when he was unpleasantly disrupted.

"ITALYYYYY! ! ! !" Germany shouted not far from where he stood when he spotted the lazing Nation by the ice cream shop.

"Ve! ! !" Italy stood rooted to the ground as he stared frightfully at the approaching German.

Argh! Wh-Why? ! He thought dreadfully, wondering how on Earth Germany managed to find him so soon.

"So this is where you are hiding? ! Stop fooling around and get back to training! !" Germany growled as he stalked angrily towards Italy.

"Eeek! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! ! ! At least wait until I'm done eating my gelato!" Italy pleaded.

But Germany would have none of that. "You shouldn't even be eating before training! !" He reprimanded at the Italian's eating habits. "And I'm taking you back even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming!"

"Gack!" Italy gagged when Germany dragged him forcefully by his collar.

The small commotion garnered the teenagers' attentions and each of them showed varying degree of amusement as they watched the tall blond man dragging the unwillingly brunette away.

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"Wow, a haunted house?" America asked, greatly interested at Italy's suggestion. The Italian had managed to find the American somewhere along one of the corridors when the meeting had ended and had excitedly described to him about the promise of a ghostly experience with a house.

"Sounds interesting! Let's go! I'll ask the others if they want to come along!" America said as he made his way back to the meeting room.

"Uh-huh!" Italy agreed happily as he trailed beside America. He was glad that his plan had worked. "I'll do the same."

"I don't think Japan will want to, though…" America mused, his mind running through a list of nations who might be interested. "Anyway, there are many others we can ask!"

"If he doesn't come, I'll try asking him!" Italy suggested. He really really wanted one of his best friends to join him no matter what. "Er… There is a city nearby, you see, and from there, you have to go…er…er…" The Italian tried hard to recall the conversation details as he described the location to America.

"East! You go east, and you'll know it's it right away!" Italy waved his hands to add illustrations to his description.

"OK! ! East right?" America reaffirmed. "It probably can't be in a very good condition," he mused as he imagined how dilapidated the abandoned house would look like and shivered slightly at his overactive imagination. "At least, we'll have fun together!" He said with forced cheer as he tried to chase away the incoming fear of ghosts and monsters.

"Yeah~" Italy agreed, not noticing America's slight tremors. "I think they're still in the meeting room. Let's go back quickly!" Unable to contain his excitement, the Italian skipped ahead of America.

America watched the Italian moved ahead of him, amused at the fellow Nation's childlike enthusiasm before picking up his pace. He didn't want to lose to Italy in the race towards the meeting room.

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"Oh… A haunted house, is it?" Japan said after listening to America. Anyone could pick up the obvious lack of interest towards the topic in his tone.

"Don't you think it's interesting? ! The meeting is finally over and we have nothing better to do, so I thought we could all go together!" America waved around energetically, hoping to influence Japan with his excitement.

Immediately after America and Italy burst through the doors, the remaining nations in the meeting room stopped their chatters to stare ridiculously at them. But those two ignored the others, zooming in on their target group. While the rest returned to their own business once America went on his usual rants, a few unfortunate ones had to listen through the American's rapid-fire speech with Italy emphasizing certain parts of his tirade.

After a few moments of arguments and shouts, everyone finally understood the American's message. Initially there were reluctance and complaints from the floor, but with the combination of America's persuasions and Italy's beg and whine, their audience finally agreed to the idea. Some even became interested in the said house after seeing those two's excitement and enthusiasm.

"What are you going to do, Japan?" Italy asked, anxious about his friend's opinion.

"Well…" Japan trailed. He was troubled. On one hand, he was not interested at all. On the other, he didn't want to hurt Italy's feelings. "I'll see what I can—"

"Aww, c'mon, let's have fun! I'm telling you, everyone is coming!" America selfishly declared, his loud obnoxious voice easily drowning out Japan.

Germany was pondering over the plan of going to the house. "If so many people drop by there, it won't be a test of courage. Why don't you go first to take a look?" He suggested.

"Yeah, I'll send you a message when I get there, aru! Then if you like, you can come over." China had secretly wanted Japan to come along as well, seeing this adventure as an opportunity to strengthen brotherly bonds. And so, he was the first to approve of Germany's suggestion.

"All right. I'll be waiting here." Japan replied.

"Well then. Those in the first group, let's go?" England headed towards the exit without really waiting for any replies. He wanted to get things moving and done if they wanted to be back by evening.

The nations were trying to catch up with the Englishman when Italy called out to them, "I just remembered one thing. America and er… China. And also, well… Brother France." The said nations stopped in their tracks to look curiously towards the Italian.

"Can you do me a little favour?" Italy asked, hesitation in his normally cheerful voice.

France jumped in, unable to resist the temptation presented. "Oh? Is it about the secret to my good looks? You can ask me anything~" He said lewdly, sliding dangerously closed towards the Italian.

Canada saw what his father figure was attempting to do and he immediately called for their attention. "Well, let's go then?" The Canadian beckoned for the stragglers to catch up. France cringed slightly when he met with the Canadian's accusing glare and obediently moved away from Italy and towards the leaving group.

Canada asked, "Just to make sure, we'll go east and then find a western-styled house right?", after seeing most of his group members had left, saves for America who looked like he remembered about his brother and was waiting for him by the door.

"What?" Italy was distracted for a moment but he quickly recovered. "Oh…yeah. Be careful," he bid the retreating Nation farewell as the Canadian ran up to his brother. Unspoken worried shone in his eyes as he watched the last of the Northern American brothers slipped through the door.

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One hour later~

In the meeting room, the second group was waiting for any communication from the first. Germany was typing on his laptop while Prussia, Japan and Italy were hanging around. The Prussian had gotten bored from the wait and decided to bother his little brother.

"Hey, West! What are you doing?" Prussia leaned heavily on his brother's shoulders, trying to peek at the contents on the screen.

"Get off!" Germany growled irritated as he pushed his brother away but he shifted to show him the Google Earth application he was accessing.

"I'm just gathering information on the location of the house," Germany said.

Prussia stared curiously at the satellite map. "Wow, it's pretty isolated," he commented.

Germany agreed. "That's right. Judging by the distance, I'll say it's about a three-hour journey on foot."

"That's far!"

Germany nodded at his brother's short outburst. "That's why I propose that we leave now, if we want to make it back together by evening."

Prussia was with the plan wholeheartedly. "Let's tell Japan and Italy-chan!"

Meanwhile with Japan and Italy~

Japan was reading a book to keep himself occupied when he caught Italy staring longingly towards the waiting room.


"Hm?" Italy turned to Japan.

"You keep looking at the waiting room. Do you want to talk to Romano-kun?"

"Oh, sorry. It's…nothing," Italy replied softly instead of actually answering the question.

"Do you want to talk to Spain?" Prussia suddenly asked, having heard the ends of the question. "Why don't you just go there?"

"No, it's fine. If I met them, I think I'd waver in my resolution. I'll go see them when I come back," Italy smiled softly when he finally answered the question.

Japan was looking at Italy strangely while Prussia turned to another subject matter. "Well, West has something to say," he patted at his brother's shoulder.

Germany stood straight as though he was going to deliver a very important report. "According to my research, it will take about three hours to get to the house."

Japan and Italy's eyes widened at the information. Germany continued, "So I suggest that we leave now if we want to return with the first group by evening."

"B-But we have yet to hear from them," Japan said. I didn't exactly agree to go, he thought.

Italy seemed to have caught Japan's train of thoughts. "Aww~ Japan~ C'mon~~ Everyone is expecting you to come along too~" The Italian whined while tugging lightly at the Japanese's arm.

Japan felt his resolve wavered under the pleading eyes and he sighed in resignation. "Hai…" Japan said, giving up to Italy's persistence.

"Yay~" Italy gave a small cry of victory.

"Well, the first group is already an hour ahead of us so it's unlikely that we will meet up with them along the way," Prussia added.

"Let's go!" Germany said firmly and the second group headed out for the adventure ahead.

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I'll save them.

I will not fail again. I'll definitely save them this time.

This time, we will go back together.

I promise…

~ An endless cycle of nightmare awaits ~

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Thank you for reading! !

For those who are reading this fanfic for the first, this is not the first written chapter. I wrote this chapter after Chapters 1-3 were being published. The reason why this chapter exists is to fix a plot error I made in Chapter 1, which I have also corrected already.

Why is there a plot error? It's because I didn't watch the HetaOni Extra vid. There is a reason why it's called Extra. My first impression when I read the title was "Oh! It's probably going to be a recap eppy", so I didn't watched that. Then I stopped following HetaOni for a long period of time because I was waiting for more translations to be uploaded. Now recently, I decided to catch up with the fan-made game and instead of starting at the Extra vid which provides the recap for the first 11 videos, I start from video 1. As some readers would know, I mentioned in my chapters that I was writing while recapping the game. So I didn't know that there was a prologue and extra scenes in the Extra vid… … … Until a very nice reviewer The Singing Maiden told me that I made a plot error in Chapter 1.

It was then I had the brain to watch the Extra vid and realised my mistake. I really felt like banging my head to the desk at this… But error now fixed! ! ! ! I shall now bury this stupid mistake I made six foot under! ! !

I also took this opportunity to do some paragraph editing. Didn't really like how Chapter 2 looks…

Bye bye! !