Disclaimer: I don't own Degrassi. I own only my story.

A/N: I don't know where this came from. I have a strong feeling that this story is going to suck horribly, so I might just make it a one-shot, possibly a two-shot, but if you guys think otherwise, and think I should add more, then let me know. This story is Rated T just to be safe, but as the chapter's progress, I might change the rating, but for now it's rated T.

This story is inspired by the song Sense of Touch by Mark Isham. I changed the interpretation after finding the translation so it would fit better with the story.

Reviews are really great, so don't forget to review once you're done reading! I need all your feedback, no reviews equals no updates!

Warnings: This story is a tear jerker, it might just make you cry, it might not, but you have been warned.

Sense of Touch

Summary: Her eyes closed when she felt his forehead against hers cradling her face in his hands. And Clare hoped, that maybe one day, she could finally see the man that tells her he loves her everyday. Unfortunately, Clare is temporarely blind.


For as long as I have been told, temporary blindness is listed as an alternate name or description for the symptom: fleeting blindness, which is a loss of vision that comes and goes. Unfortunately, for my case... my vision never came and went. It's gone. It's something that I had to live with, something I need to understand, that I would never get to see again. I have been told by my family doctor that I would have to be patient, that one day, my miracle would come, and I would finally get to see again.

It's upsetting, because I've waited for fourteen years, and I still don't even know what I look like. I don't even know what my friends look like, nor my family.

I've been told I have, curly auburn hair, and... eyes as blue as the ocean, thin pink lips, and ivory skin. I wish I could smile at that thought, because I just imagined myself to be the most beautiful person ever, but I can't. I can't bear to think that I could be invisioning myself to be someone so breathtaking, so gorgeous, flawless, when I can't even see myself. My mother always tells me, "Don't worry about it honey... you're going to see again, you're going to finally see the world around you."

I would faintly smile, but... sorry for my mom, I have lost all hope on my condition. I've lost all faith, because if I've waited for fourteen years, and never gotten my vision back, what makes her think I'll get it back now?

I'm fifteen years old, and I only have four useful senses, touching, tasting, hearing, and smelling. In attempt to make me feel better, my mother and father would tell me everyday that I was beautiful, sadly they're the only ones that tell me. My friends would just agree if I ask them, they would never tell me, and that's not the same as telling me. Every morning I would wake up, walk around my room, feeling for something familiar that would lead me to the mirror, and as I feel for it, I would stand in front of it. With blackened vision, I would look at myself in the mirror, and tell myself everyday, that I am beautiful, when I know I'm not...

As weeks progressed after my fifteenth birthday, everything seemed to change.

I remember that day like it were yesterday... November 22, 2010. I was sitting outside for lunch, with my friend - Alli - of course we were sitting in silence eating, while I guessed where my food was, ocassionally finally getting something in my mouth. I was growing frustrated as I usually had, and Alli would just guide my hand to my plate, sometimes she would get food on my fork, and place it in my hand so I could feed myself. Anyway, I was talking to Alli, because I had finally finished eating, and then I heard the most beautiful voice ever. I could only imagine what the person who told me looked like...

Just like that, out of nowhere, he said to me, "You have really pretty eyes."

I moved my gaze towards the ground, I didn't want to look up, or try and see where this boy stood, to make myself look like a total idiot. I smiled. I really smiled, and this smile hasn't been seen in such a long time. I felt that person sit down next to me, and my whole body tensed up. I felt heat rise to my face, and I looked away, not that that mattered anyway. I couldn't see what's in front of me, beside me, behind me. I swallowed the lump in my throat and whispered under my breath, "Thanks."

I heard him mutter a "hn" and he asked, "Won't you look at me?"

My heart tore in my chest. I wish I could, but I only turned, facing where the source of the noise sat. I looked up, and he asked, "Do you where contacts?" I blushed and looked down. I sense that Alli was behind me smiling, just by hearing her giggle softly. I bowed my head, hiding my face.

"Is your hair naturally curly?" He asked me. I slowly reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear. I stiffened, when I felt his hand brush against my cheek, and my hair was softly tugged at, I guessed that he was curling it between his fingers. I looked away, feeling the noticeable blush paint my face more red than it already is. He said, "I'm Elijah Goldsworthy, Eli for short." His fingertips moved away from my hair and I responded, "Clare...E-Edwards." He smirked, again hearing that "hn". I smiled a little and soon enough he had gotten up. I wanted to reach out, to grab him and tell him to stay, but I couldn't. He said, "I'll see you around, Clare Edwards." With that, he was gone.

Alli said, "Clare. You better pray to God that you can get your vision back, because that boy was far from beyond beautiful." I asked, "What did he look like?" My teeth tugged at my bottom lip, nervously. I tend to do that often.

"Dark hair, extremely dark green eyes, nice skin, amazing lips." I imagined him, and... in my mind he was something amazing. Something so beautiful, but... I can't see him, so I'm not quite sure that the picture in my head could be relevant to the picture of him in person. I only pushed that thought aside, because that day, I was the happiest person ever. That day, I met Elijah Goldsworthy, and he was the first person to actually notice me...

One week later, he found out I was temporarely blind.

I was surprised to know that he was surprised, because I thought that he knew. Everybody noticed except for him, and he told me it was because he was too busy admiring my beauty. I don't know how he could let something like me looking out in a different direction when he spoke to me, move by him. I didn't let it get to me, because, after that one week went by. We shared our first kiss, and it was probably the most amazing thing that I felt. More amazing than anything I have ever felt before. It was like magic. I was floating. I was afraid to let him go because I thought I would just, lift off the ground and let the wind take me where ever it blew.

Two weeks went by, and our friendship grew into a more serious relationship. That same week, he told me that he loved me, that he really loved me, and that he's never met someone so amazing as I. I felt like flying. If it were possible, I think wings would've sprouted from my shoulder blades and lifted me off the ground, taking me to a place that I felt I was in, heaven. Everyday since then, he would tell me those three words that now meant everything to me.

"I love you."

"I love you."

"I love you."

Weeks progressed into months, and I finally realized the truth.

Eli was the answer to my prayers, that maybe that one day, will come. The day I can finally see, and fall in love with the actual person standing before me, not just a picture in my head.

End of Introduction-

So, what do you think? Should I continue it? Review! Review! Review! I'm not really great at doing these kinds of stories, so um, bear with me? I know Clare seemed a little bit OOC, but, I will keep her in character as much as possible! Don't forget to review!

Good bye for now!